What a Jumble!

Chapter 13

Before she could answer Ron Weasley's body came towards them.

"Hi," he said uncertain "Who are you?" he asked.

"Who are you?" asked Dumbledore's body with his eyes opened wide.

"I'm Seamus" he said "I just wanted to know who's got my body," he stopped short when he realized how weird that sounded. He shook his head "Anyway, I saw him with you, you see." he explained and shrugged.

Harry held his robe, which hadn't been adjusted yet, with one hand while the other pointed out.

"He is Ron... Hermione... Ginny..." Professor McGonagall's voice sounded weird in his ears "... and..." he stared at a little eleven-year-old girl who hadn't said anything so far.

"... Lee Jordan." said the little girl trying and failing in making her voice sound masculine.

Harry bit his lip, trying not to laugh.

"I'm Harry," he finally said and lowering his voice he added "Snape has your body."

"Oh." said Seamus wincing, running a hand through his fire-red hair. He would have to try not to think too much about it. "Thank you."

Hermione decided to put things in order, now that she had the chance.

"You got it wrong, Harry," she said "I'm not Ginny, I'm Hermione."


"Yes, Harry," confirmed long-haired Draco blushing "I'm Ginny."

"No." said Ron frowning "You're not. You were here with us, you are Hermione."

"I'm Ginny, Ron," she smiled "Do you want me to prove it? I can tell you the color of the pants aunt Muriel gave you last Christmas"

Ron looked away blushing. Harry laughed.

"So, this is what you had planned?" asked them Seamus in Ron's body.

"Not us. Peeves." said Harry absently scratching his leg.


They all turned to see who had shouted. George Weasley's body came walking hurriedly.

"STOP SCRATCHING! This is completely inappropriate!" With a wave of his wand he finally adjusted Harry's robe to his new body.

"And... who...?" asked Harry. He knew it had to be a teacher, nobody else called him Mr. Potter, but he hoped it wouldn't be...

"I'm Professor McGonagall!" said George's body slightly blushing.

Harry wanted nothing more than to disappear.

"H-How... how did you know it was me?" he made an effort to say something, anything.

"I don't believe anyone else has a scar like yours, Mr. Potter" stressed Professor McGonagall on George's body.

"My scar?" Harry touched his forehead and he felt it "The effect must be wearing off" he mused.

He turned to look at Ron. Dumbledore's hair and beard turned a fiery red before slowly decreasing.

Harry's newly adjusted robe was too big now for him.

One by one, students and teachers alike, were getting their bodies back, having troubles again with their outfits. All teachers, including Professor McGonagall aid them with their robes, again.

"It didn't last long, did it?" said Harry relieved, Professor McGonagall had even a worse vision than his.

"Of course," said long-haired Fred "Peeves had to greatly dilute the potion so we could all drink it."

"But, why don't we change?" asked long-haired Draco alarmed.

"That's why we have to talk to Dumbledore." Said long-haired Fred with a meaningful look.

After everyone had returned to their normal self (robes and all) and Hermione and Ginny had been sent to Madame Pomfrey, all students retired to rest, chatting excitedly about what had happened during dinner.

The castle recovered his usual calm, the few noises that could still be heard were coming from the different common rooms. That dinner was to be remembered by all those who were present as the most fun and bizarre of all. Except for some teachers, that is.

Fred and George, however, hadn't finish with it just yet.

After talking with Dumbledore (who only wanted to make sure Peeves hadn't kept any of the Polyjuice Potion, and that the twins would return his camera to Colin) they went straight to their dinner seats and took their respective cup. They noted that at the bottom of each of them was a hair.

Fred's was blonde, and George's was brown.

They poured some pumpkin juice on them quickly, and left.

They walked through the deserted halls of the castle, avoiding Filch and Mrs. Norris with the Marauder's Map and stopped outside the Gryffindor common room. It was almost empty. Harry and Ron were the only ones there, they were waiting by the door. They erased the map and kept it carefully. They had had that map with them for almost three years, and it had never been so close to be discovered as in the last three days!

Upon entering the two boys approached them.

"What did he say?" asked Harry worried.

Both twins laugh.

"I think Dumbledore was secretly thankful for the distraction" answered George

Harry and Ron sighed with relief.

"What are those?" asked Ron, pointing at the cups.

"We just want to know who would we become" said Fred with a shrug while George handed Harry Colin's camera.

He took it doubtful. "What? Now?" he asked.

They nodded with a smile.

"Cheers!" they said and drank it all in a single gulp.

With all the excitement they had forgotten the horrible cramps and stomach-aches that the potion caused at the beginning of the transformation.

They could barely reach the sofa and dropped themselves there when the tremors began.

Harry and Ron, who had already drank the potion two times were taking turns to take photos and more photos, trying not to laugh.

When the tremors finally stopped there were two totally different figures in front of Harry and Ron.

Fred had turned into a little blond girl with long hair and big round eyes, and George had the appearance of a tall boy with piercing eyes and brown hair.

"Wow!" they said looking at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"I have no idea who they are" said Ron, shaking his head.

The portrait door opened behind them and Hermione and Ginny enter arm in arm, with their normal appearances.

They stared at the girl and boy standing in front of them.

"Luna?" Ginny asked Fred. But as she saw into his eyes, she could see a glint of mischief that she had never seen in Luna.

"George?" she asked then, smiling.

"I'm Fred, actually" he answered smiling as well.

"And... who are you supposed to be?" Hermione asked George.

"I'm not sure... I know I've seen him somewhere, but I just can't remember... Ah! Of course!" he was looking his reflection on the window "I'm Cedric Diggory!"


The rest of the final term passed in a haze of blazing sunshine. Hogwarts was back to normal with only a few, small differences: All students started to look at the bottom of their cups before pouring any beverage into them. After so much effort Peeves was taking a break from doing mischief. Professor Snape now looked at Fred and George with he same angry stare he only used on Harry. On the other hand Ginny Weasley was perfectly happy again!

The End

I really had fun writing this story, I hope you had fun reading it, too!

I know the end was a little bit abrupt, but I wanted to finish the story with the names of my favorite characters: Luna and Cedric!

(I have other favorite characters but they didn't go to school in their generation)

Thank you very much for your patience... I hope it was worth it!

Harry Potter is not mine, this story was created for entertainment purposes only.