Danny knew that his friends were nuts. He was part of a werewolf pack, so most things didn't faze him anymore, but Lydia the Monday after Spring Break made him a little uneasy. He couldn't pinpoint it for most of the morning. She had been acting fairly normal, being her usual brilliant and scary self, but he could just tell that some plan was brewing behind all that red hair of hers. And when it came to a Lydia Martin plan, it usually meant trouble for him.

His suspicions were proven right in Physics.

Lydia and Stiles were usually joined at the hip since he stopped worshipping her and became her new BFF or something. Danny still didn't get how that whole thing happened, but whatever. He hadn't been playing close attention what with his own best friend turning into a weird lizard thing and killing people and then dying in the middle of a lacrosse game.

The weirdness started when Lydia walked into class, as instead of claiming her usual seat next to Stiles, she took the seat next to Alison which was empty due to Scott staying home to recuperate from an especially intense full moon the night before. (Apparently Derek had been extra Sour Wolf lately and had kept the pack up all night in the woods running.)

Now Danny was going to ignore the seat next to Stiles and sit in his usual spot next to Chase from Lacrosse, but when he passed Lydia she gave him the stink eye and pointedly glanced towards the empty seat. He almost disregarded it, but since he had wondered what she was up to all day he decided to play along. Also he had been partners with Stiles last year in Chem, so it wasn't a big deal if his suspicions turned out to be nothing (they weren't).

Stiles greeted him with an enthusiastic

"Hey man! How was break?"

In fact he was so enthusiastic he almost hit Danny in the face with a flailing fist bump.

Rolling his eyes he fist bumped Stiles and responded

"Good. It was good to see some relatives and go surfing again."

"Ahh…never been. I've always wanted to though."

"If we ever go to the beach I can show you somet-."

Danny went quiet as soon as Harris walked in. He knew Harris would pick on Stiles if he kept talking and wanted to prevent another round of his especially reserved animosity for Stiles or as Lydia calls it, "How can I possibly be more of a dick to Stiles today?"

"Now that first semester is over and we have all had a chance to recover from finals, it's time to pick new partners. I see that some of you have chosen to sit next to different people, and because you were so proactive those will be your partners for the next term. Those of you who haven't, I will assign your partners."

As expected, there was a collective groan among those who had sat next to their old partners. Everyone else let out a quiet sound of happiness at their luck.

Danny turned to look at Lydia to see what she would make of the announcement and found her looking at him and Stiles with a disconcertingly smug expression.

Hmm…he had known she was up to something. Now all he had to do was find out what without being caught up in whatever diabolical scheme she had concocted.

The next day Danny went over to Stiles' house to brainstorm on the project Harris had assigned that was due in a couple of weeks. The last time he had gone over to work on a project, things had taken an interesting turn, but he didn't think that would be the case again.

When he got there Stiles and he actually worked for a solid 2 hours before calling it quits and going into the kitchen to grab something to eat before settling down to play Halo. Even though they didn't hang out much outside of Pack stuff, Danny was finding that hanging out with Stiles one-on-one was actually kind of fun. He had missed hanging out with another guy since Jackson had been busy training so much.

As they played and ate the sandwiches they had made, Stiles became more and more invested into the game as Danny kept winning. Eventually his inability to flail and eat without making a mess came to a head resulting in half his sandwich landing on Danny's shirt and sliding down his front.

"Shit, man! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get it all over you."

Danny just looked down at his ruined shirt and then shrugged. Pulling it off and throwing it at Stiles, he got up and started to go up the stairs.

"Since you were the one to mess up my shirt, I am just going to borrow one of yours."

He went into Stiles' room and started to look through his drawers, searching for something to wear.

Just as he pulled out something, he heard the window slide up and someone come in saying,

"Stiles, I think we need to tal-…"

Danny turned around and saw that it was Derek and he was looking at him in confusion.

Just then, Stiles called up jokingly

"Get a shirt on! The night is still too early for semi-nudity."

Danny watched Derek's face change at that. He went from confusion to understanding and then hurt.

"Ummm…Derek, I don't know what you are thinking now, but Stiles and I were just..."

"Oh, no it's fine. You don't need to explain. I just wanted to talk to Stiles about some Pack business. I'll leave you guys alone and talk to him later."

And with that, he was out the window.

Danny had no idea what had just happened, but he had a feeling that it had something to do with why Lydia was acting so weird earlier. He was intrigued, now that he knew it involved Derek and Stiles, and determined to see what she was up to.