This is my first fanfic ^_^ hope Ya'll like it! It's a ZeVis One ^^ I Love this couple so much! I've changed Zeref's personality a little. I hope you'll like his modified one!

So hope you like it! P.S its my First-ever so please show Mercy :'3

Chapter 1

It was the end of summer hols for the students of 'Fiore High' Everybody was excited to get back to school.

"MAVIS! WAKE-UP" her mom shouted at the top of her voice.

Mavis rubbed her eyes and sat-up sleepily

"Good. Now go do your morning chores and get ready for school asap, Breakfast's on the table"

"Yea mom" Mavis muttered before stifling a yawn.

She did all her chores and then changed her clothes.

Meet Mavis Vermilion a 14 year old girl. She's got emerald-green eyes and blonde hair which goes down to her hips. Though She's intelligent, She's real clumsy and forgets a great deal . you know the usual type, has capabilities but doesn't push them?

Mavis's P.O.V

"School's back finally! I missed Zeref-kun so much, guess what? He's my long term crush.

Did he miss me? I hope he did… why am I being stupid ? …A popular guy like Zeref-kun missing a good-for-nothing girl like me?

I sigh heavily as I entered my class but was greeted by really big, ear-to-ear grins by my friends Lucy, Erza , Juvia , Ultear and Levy.

In return I walked over to them and gave them all a huge bear-hug. "I missed you guys so much , Really" They didn't reply continuing to grin at me.

"Stop grinning at me like that you Idiots!" they were creeping me out.

"What'd you guys do during the holidays? I just sat at home and completed our mathematics those algebra sums, then I did Physics…Man those diagrams were easy! And then I completed Chemistry and those equations… "

We all gaped at Levy.

"what?" she asked innocently.

"Levy... Totally speechless at your achievement" said Erza

"Levy is your hobby studying?" said Ultear sarcastically

"umm no its reading" said Levy feeling offended

"aw don't get cross" I said to her and went to get my back-pack. I had brought gifts for my friends from New York, my dad's friend had invited us for a stay.

I took out a book old and tattered but as soon as Levy took a glimpse of it she yelled in excitement.

"yeah it is what you think it is" I said and gave it to her.

"OMG is this really the real book which was written in the 18th century by Lord Bernold Stevenson!?" (just to warn you that that author doesn't exist )

"Guess-so I went to the oldest book-store in New York to get that for you" I said nonchalantly shrugging.

"Thank you so much Mavis-chii!" said Levy while hugging me so tight that I suffocated.

I saw my other friends eyeing me "don't worry I've brought gifts for you guys too" I assured them. That made them grin again.

As soon as all the gifts were given out my bag felt like so much lighter.

Always at the end of the summer-hols whoever had gone out-of-Japan had to bring gifts for the rest. Well it was my stupid idea.

I scanned the room in search of you-know-who.

I spotted him sitting with his friend , Natsu-kun, without realizing it I'd been staring at him. Only when Zeref-kun made eye-contact with me I came to my senses. I quickly drifted my gaze.

The teacher has entered.

Zeref's POV

Schools back finally….. I dunno why but there had been a weird feeling in me during the holidays... sort-of like missing someone.. I don't and won't acknowledge it but I know I was missing her, Mavis.

I'm Zeref Acnologia I'm a really popular guy here. I know its wrong to boast, but I'm a guy who's really good at academics as well as sports not like someone I know who lags in both-Yes I mean Mavis… . I also come from a rich family … so you could imagine how many fan-girls I have.. those pesky little-sorry.

She just looked at me. Mavis I mean. I caught her eye and just smiled but I guess she didn't see that, my smile, cause she turned back immediately

"whom you smiling at?" Natsu , who was sitting beside me asked wryly making a funny expression "no-one" I said

"really?…I know whom you were looking at… it was Mavis right?" Natsu said in a teasing-tone.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I stated.

"yeah yeah you don't know anything" Natsu teased even more

The bell rang and the teacher came.

About Natsu Dragneel we're both born in conglomerate families …even Mavis … you see, this school is only for rich kids. He's got Pink hair which amazingly suits him. It helps me spot him when I search him when he has done some mischief and I want to beat him up. He's like the only one in this school who's got pink hair. I guess ... he's my best friend.

~Time skip~

It was half-day so school was over fast. Mavis and her friends went to the cafeteria to have their lunch, while Zeref and his gang decided to roam around in the compound. All of them were Rich-smart kids So they were like the most popular gang in Fiore academy …no in the whole of Mognolia. They called themselves 'Acnologia' The gang consisted of 6 members- Zeref Acnologia, Natsu Dragneel, Gerard Siegrein, Gray Fullbuster , Sting Euclife and Gajeel Redfox . They had just stepped out of the classroom when they heard sounds of a mob of girls shrieking. "Natsu kun I love you!" "Zeref-kun marry me!" and stuff

"Crap! Fan-girls running after us! Everybody… run…at the count of three!" said Zeref

"1…2…3!... RUN!" shouted Natsu and all of them ran in the speed of wind considering how good they all are in sports.

"these girls are creepy" said Gerard as he ran

"Damn creepy" said Gray as he ran

"whose idea was it again to step out immobile?" asked Sting

"It was stupid Gajeel's" said Natsu

"Shut up pink-head it was yours !" said Gajeel

Zeref pouted as it was hard to find a hiding place for them.

They were chased by the girls wherever they went. Towards the park, around the gym even across the stinking boys toilet .

Mavis and her friends walked out of the café and were about to leave the school building when they saw the huge crowd of girls.

"Ugh! these girls are a disgrace to the female-category" said Erza

" Erza-san is so right!" said Juvia

"Even Juvia likes Gray-sama but Juvia will never trouble Gray-sama this way! Poor Gray-sama and the others they must hide to avoid these crazy girls" Juvia said anxiously.

"you know I think the guys can handle this I mean this occurs to them almost everyday" Ultear said

"Guys should we help 'Acnologia' out?" Mavis said excited

"but how?" Juvia asked

"I've got a plan!" said Mavis smirking "We're doing it only for fun right?" asked Levy finally looking-up from her book, the one Mavis had given her "yup! You guessed it right kawaii-chan" said Mavis "Yoshh! lets go help pinky" said Lucy cheerfully