A/N:Hi, guys! I'm totally new to this fandom and I haven't played the games for at least a year...so it's probably not going to be that accurate. But I really, really need Endrance and Haseo fics right now and since I read them all, I figured I should make my own. Feel free to point out any factual inaccuracies and I will fix them. This will be a multi-story chapter and after this, the chapters will get longer. I promise. I just usually write really, really short prologues.

Disclaimer:If I owned .Hack...it would probably end up as some wacky yaoi anime with Albel and Fayt as Endrance's parents. So, it's probably a good thing it's not mine.

The first time an offline meeting was brought up, Ryou was surprised when Endrance rejected the offer with a curt short mail:

I'm deeply honored, Haseo…but now that the battle is over…shouldn't you be resting?

He had expected Endrance's player to respond enthusiastically to any chance to learn more about his beloved Haseo. But after he recovered from the initial shock of his rejection, he realized that Endrance had a point. After the long hours he had put in working his way up through the Holy Palace tournament, Ryou needed a break, a chance to go outside and talk to people face to face. A day to just be himself without feeling the weight of everyone's expectations. And even though he knew Endrance never asked for anything except his continuing friendship, his mere presence would remind him of his responsibilities in the World.

He logged out and stared at his blank screen for a long time before he finally pushed his chair back from his desk. He had been playing the World for so many days straight that his own room seemed like a strange place. Was this how Endrance felt all the time? According to Yata, Endrance was online almost 24/7. The World was his life and spending time with Haseo was his favorite part of the World.

Ryou bit his lip as he imagined Endrance sitting alone in Indieglut Lugh, waiting for the few hours a day that he could play as Haseo. Endrance rarely e-mailed him, never begged to be included in his party, and generally kept his distance unless Haseo initiated contact. From all his declarations of love, Ryou had worried that Endrance would follow him around being an obnoxious pain like Saku. But Endrance was there only when he was needed and then he quietly slipped away when someone else demanded Haseo's attention. It was only now that he realized he was sorely overlooking Endrance's quiet support. Days had gone by when he had been too caught up in leveling up for the tournament that he had forgotten all about Endrance. But Endrance never complained about the lack of attention. He always put Haseo first and his own needs last.

Well, Ryou was going to make it all up to him one day. He didn't know much about Endrance's player, but when they finally met in real life, he would take the time to find out.

The ideal time to meet up with Endrance would have been right after the crowning ceremony, but things could never be that easy. The battle to save Sirius had just ended, and the fight for Moon Tree had just begun. Another week had passed before Sakaki was no longer a threat and Haseo was no longer needed. And another two days later before Ryou could even begin to get over Ovan's betrayal.

He was hurt and angry that the man he had trusted, that Shino had trusted could have put her in a coma. All this time he had spent searching for Tri-Edge, when the monster was right in front of him, disguised as a friend. He was tired of not knowing all answers, of fighting so hard to save everyone when it felt like all his efforts were meaningless. He didn't know what to do or who to trust.

Maybe he was going crazy, but there was one person who would at least try to understand, who would listen without judgment.

It was time to meet Endrance.