This story is undergoing some pretty big edits, so bear with me. I haven't updated in... too long, but I will get back into it to finish. I recently started college and will be working too, so it won't leave a lot of free time, but I don't want to leave unfinished projects. A huge thank you to all my followers, you've all been great! I'm glad you thought this story was worthy of your time. I apologize to all my reviewers for the incredible delays, but I want to finish for all of you for giving me the motivation to continue.

Two green orbs shone as a ray of light entered the room through a highly placed window. Fenris had awoken. His memory drifted to what had occurred a few hours prior, the myriad emotions that he had once been unable to comprehend began to secede from its clandestine nature. Sleep had never come as easily as it had that prior night, and it wasn't simply because he was sprawled in Hawke's cushy and spacious bed. Turning his head to his side, he let the ends of his lips curl into a smile. The sight was divine; Hawke bare as nature had created her snugged against him, her head on his shoulder, wearing a serene expression that told him she was in a comfortable slumber. He reached to trace the features of her face, memorizing her in the moments when her guard was down. Her eyes fluttered open at his touch, and Fenris knew she was awakening, so he closed his eyes to pretend he was dormant as well. Fenris felt Hawke shifting beside him; a pair of lips began trailing kisses from his chin towards his neck as lightly as a butterfly, causing slight tingle sensations. He hummed, pleased.

"Glad to know you're awake." Hawke said smiling against his skin, as she placed several more kisses.

"Hmm, I am not sure I am, but if you proceed I might be more than awake," he told her lazily and was rewarded with the chime of her laugh. She leaned towards his ear, brushing her lips against it.

"You know I'd love nothing more," Hawke whispered, and Fenris felt the hairs in his neck rise at the puff of hot breath she caused in the process, "but there are matters I need to take care of," She said, moving away from him and off the bed; legs, long and defined, dangled at the edge. Fenris's stare lingered after her as he sat up himself.

"So where are you headed? I am a matter you need to take care of," Fenris said jokingly and Hawke chuckled. She hesitated for a second before she leaned over to him to place a kiss on his cheek. It felt strange; being able to be this casual with Fenris was new. Hawke knew that Fenris often recoiled at physical touch, and she had learned over the years to be cautious when she approached him.

"You're right, serah, and special care I will provide... later."

"You are sure it cannot be done now?" Fenris grabbed Hawke's wrist and gave her a heated look. Hawke blushed, something which Fenris was delighted by, for he loved having that effect on her. After the heartache he had caused her over the years, he was unable to understand how this woman still managed to harbor such extensive affection for him, and treasure him as she did. Hawke leaned closer to him, her gaze moving from his eyes to his lips. Fenris gently laid both of his hands on either side of her face, closing the distance between them when he pulled her in for a kiss. The door slammed open that instant.

"Hawke, I asked your servants where you were and they told me you were busy, but you know your brother and- well. What do we have here? It looks like too much fun, but I am not a part of it." Isabela said, laying a hand on her hip as she saw Hawke push herself away from Fenris and scramble to cover her body, her face reddening further.

"Isabela, do you have any regard for personal space?"

"Fortunately, I do not! They could have just told me your delicious elf was bending you over. I would've understood. So do his tattoos reach all-"

"Isabela!" Hawke moved in to cover Fenris, which he found amusing, but the bed sheets were covering the lower half of his body, so he wasn't displaying anything audacious. He found Hawke's jealousy endearing.

"Fine, Fine, I'll go. Loosen up a little, will you? You're not the only ones wanting to do each other..." Isabela grumbled as she traipsed outside the room. Her voice boomed from the other side calling down 'She's being bent and hammered like a nail, so she might have some trouble walking' to someone downstairs. Fenris smirked slightly. The wench was dripping with innuendos and blatant jokes; but the truth of her words seemed to reveal itself when he looked over at Hawke. He saw her carefully standing and making her way to her drawer, but she tripped before she could reach it, and it made him chuckle.

"Shut up!" Hawke's face flushed endearingly yet again. Fenris decided to spare her, addressing the other issue at hand instead.

"I was not aware that you were having... visitors today."

"Carver is in Kirkwall; he's here on behalf of the wardens, hand-picked by the Hero of Ferelden himself," She said proudly. The siblings might have had a difficult time getting along, but that never halted Hawke's affection for her younger brother.

"They're here to accompany King Alistair, for political matters I gather. The king requested my presence at the Viscount's Keep today. I would have told you sooner but other... fortuitous events delayed the message." Hawke perused her closet for her attire, heading towards the wash basin when she found what she was looking for. Her back was facing him as she began cleaning up, dragging the rag in her hand against her limbs. Her skin glinted as the wet trail reflected the light that shone upon it.

"Is that so? Today seems grand then." Fenris felt a bit disappointed. He had hoped to have more time to make up for the years they weren't together, especially now, when they had so recently reunited as a couple.

"Yes, it is. There are some treaties and trade manifestos we're discussing between both lands. Securing ties, that type of thing. I was actually wondering if you'd like to accompany me. I would surely like you to," She bent her head to look at him over her shoulder; she clearly wanted to gauge his expression, and she was disappointed to find a frown marring Fenris's features.

"Hawke, you are a noble from the Amell line, the Champion of Kirkwall, and therefore have status and the expectations to participate in such... frivolous events. I am but an elf and an escaped slave. Even the humans in Lowtown have no regard for my kind. Surely, royalty will not look kindly upon me; I will only hinder your name."

"Fenris, you are no longer a slave. You know things like reputation are not part of my priorities. I judge a person for their actions, not for ridiculous aspects that are out of that person's control. It's time they see that you are worth more than their sense of superiority allow them to see." Though Fenris felt humbled by her words, he felt the need to be stubborn. He didn't feel worthy of ruining Hawke's name, he had done her enough damage. He was a lowly elf squatting in Hightown. Surely, she could see that even this... semblance of a relationship would be mocked; the nobles were not ready to acknowledge equality. It might even put Hawke at risk from extremists. When she was done cleaning up, she pulled a beautiful silk dress over her head, and if Fenris wasn't so focused on their current topic, he would have wanted to tear it right off.

"I insist. As a noble, your actions have influence. Everyone realizes this, and other powerful nobles might be inclined to oppose you with force if they deem your influence a threat. And they will perceive making elves feeling like people of worth as a threat. I am already undeserving of your love, Hawke, you've given me more than I could ever have hoped for. I don't want to become a burden as a result of our difference in status." Hawke pulled on some intricately decorated heels, and walked over to Fenris, her eyes soft.

"You will not be a burden, Fenris. I don't need to marry a pompous noble nor do I need to assimilate into their societal conventions. I will be judged for what I have done, not for my being a mage, nor being part of the Amell bloodline. You know as well as I that having the 'noble' status does not mean noble in spirit. What do I care for a title that you don't work for? Most of these nobles don't know what it is to earn theirs. They inherit them. Can you really see me being happier leading a life as a silent wife, doing her husband's bidding, chattering away my afternoons eating pudding and drinking tea?"

"No, not silent. And you're more likely to bark the orders," Fenris reflected out loud. Hawke smiled and felt like punching him in the arm.

"Very funny. But anyway, do you really expect me to put up with all the unnecessary, gibberish, flattery, and pretense? It's true that you were born an elf, and that you lived a terrible life as a slave under Danarius. But that doesn't lessen your worth. If anything at all, you are worth far more because of it. You have character, wisdom, and a certain openness that only comes with experiences like that. It's true that you may be a little broody," he raised an eyebrow at her at that, and she put a finger over his lips when he was about to word his usual 'I do not brood' retort, "and you can be very cautious when it comes to my... 'kind'" She almost winced at that; her being a mage had made it very difficult for them both in the beginning. He grabbed her hand and kissed it as she continued, "but the fact that you are here with me right now proves you're not closed-minded. You allowed me to be intimate with you, in more ways than just physical, despite all your experiences. You know what is like to work and sweat to live. Those pompous idiots don't know a fig about anything, and have been spoiled rotten. They are not a fraction of the person that you are." It was Fenris's turn to blush this time. Hawke certainly had a way with words, and despite his wide vocabulary, he was not nearly as captivating with his words as she.

"I...You flatter me." Hawke smiled at his words.

"I only speak the truth. If I had to pick between you, a noble, or even a king, it would be you every time." His eyes softened, as he gazed at her; his hand reached for a loose strand of hair and he brushed it behind her ear. Her words very much touched him. However, he knew that Hawke's liberal side often overstepped boundaries and stomped on toes that had the power to retaliate.

Fenris had much to mull over, and he still held a hint of uneasiness in his posture, Hawke noted. She sighed.

"I know... we have just gotten back together. I know this is new for you. It is for me as well. I wanted to present us as a couple, but I see it may be too soon for you. So how about I present you as my muscle for today?" Hawke saw Fenris visibly relax, and she realized something: What she believed wasn't what he believed. She had spoken to his hopes but had not fully convinced him. The realization scared her. What if he decided that he couldn't do this, yet again? She had already lost too much; her father to disease, Bethany to the Darkspawn, Carver to the Wardens, her mother to blood mages, and Fenris to himself. If she lost him a second time, she thought her sanity would suffer.

"I would appreciate that. I'm not exactly familiar with these situations, but I have expertise in being a bodyguard." A hint of bitterness slipped with the last few words. Undoubtedly, a sour memory of his former master had surged to mock him. Hawke didn't want Fenris as a bodyguard, she wanted him as her lover, but she knew she needed him to progress at his own pace, not hers. Fenris moved off the bed and headed to clean himself as well.

"Wait, I'll tell Bodhan to get that ready for you. I'm going down to see my brother anyway." She added the second part when she recognized his about-to-protest expression. Fenris nodded in acknowledgment as he gathered his armor. Hawke stared at his back for a few seconds, and then she neared him, laying her head on his shoulder and her arms around him in an embrace, her hands running over the muscles of his abdomen.

"Just wanted to steal a moment before I went." She whispered against his ear as Fenris laced his fingers with the back of her hand.

"Sister!" Carver slammed the door open, and stopped at the sight.

"Does anyone who enters this house have any idea what knocking is?" Hawke said rather annoyed, as Fenris scrambled to put some decent clothing on.

"Don't bother elf, you're alright, but not that impressive," Fenris glared at Carver who turned to Hawke.

"You can have your...diversions with your pet elf later," he grimaced at the thought," the Warden-commander and the king are waiting at the Viscount's Keep," Carver stated in a rather impatient tone.

"What, no salutations or anything?" Hawke walked towards Carver, gave him a hug, and pinched his cheeks. Carver looked very uncomfortable, but Hawke didn't care, and Carver gave in. Fenris stared at the siblings with a sense of melancholy. Did he, perhaps in the life he lived before, have something similar? He had remembered flitting images of his past self and his sister during the encounter with Varania, but not everything had come back.

"I haven't seen you in years Carver. And the first thing you do is bark orders at me? Can't say you've changed much, but you're at least looking at me in the eyes."

"Don't remind me. I often think about my actions while hacking at the Darkspawn, I was such an ass. But I don't regret this path, I think I've found my purpose in the Grey Wardens. Though it was supposed to be my path away from your looming image, but it seems I won't be able to get away from you so easily. I... am sorry to have resented you, Marian. Or should I also call you 'The Champion of Kirkwall', eh?"

"Hmm, I don't know. It is kind of nice when you acknowledge my greatness..." She said jokingly, only to have her arm punched by Carver's meaty fist. She took in a sharp breath.

"Ow! What the void, Carver!"

"Sorry, I forgot that I've become stronger since the I joined the wardens"

"Sorry my ass, you enjoyed that didn't you?" Hawke rubbed her arm, trying to make the pain dissipate. It was going to bruise, she knew it.

"More than you enjoyed hearing me calling you Champion,"

"You're still an ass!"

"You've grown soft, sister. Didn't you defeat that giant behemoth, the leader of those horned beasts?"

"That's the rumor,"

Carver, after a small silence, finally seemed to acknowledge the elf in the room.

"Maker, you're still pining after this elf? I thought you had some sense, Marian." Hawke punched her brother in the arm. Whereas before he would have complained, Hawke was the one who now had to bite her tongue to keep herself from yelping. Seemed like the rumors surrounding the Grey Wardens were indeed true.

Fenris would have ignored the younger Hawke's remark before. However, this time it seemed to have struck a cord. He remembered the condescending looks Lady Amell threw her daughter when she thought the elf wasn't looking. Fenris didn't know why, but he wanted to be accepted by Hawke's family. Hawke was after all going to be part of his family, if he could help it. Fenris spoke up then.

"Get used to it. Hawke will be the mother of my children." Fenris didn't know where that statement came from. It was something he secretly longed for, seeing his beautiful Marian round with his child. However, they had never discussed such things, not to mention they had just reconciled. That didn't stop him from reveling in the blush that bloomed on Hawke's cheeks.

"Ugh... Gross... Thanks elf, I was looking forward to the royal banquet. But you have my condolences. I know what is like being her family." Marian glared at Carver, despite the fact that she knew he was only jesting.

"Carver still thinks girls have cooties. Poor Peaches. She must be so sad that Carver could never perfo-"

"I get it, shut up. Anyway, I just came to tell you the meeting is about to start. Everyone's waiting on you."


"You might want to head out now."

"Then get out!" She said pushing him out of the room, and slamming the door in his face. Carver had a penchant for pushing her buttons. Fenris dressed quickly, and as soon as he was ready, she did not hesitate to pull him along.