Each chapter will have one song…

The hallways of Saikyoudai College were filled with students of all ages. Guys in their final years, wandered around looking for their girlfriends, hoping to share their life together forever or looking for someone available to become their girlfriends. The Girls were doing the same thing. Everyone was hoping to have a love now and forever.


One perfect diamond
Just one humble stone
But oh, what a stone can do
It means that I have one love forever
And one love alone
A now and forever with you

Boys found their Girlfriends, taking their arms; some were asking them out for a special night in a couple of days.

Now and forever
I'll show her I care
I'll find her the rarest stone
and maybe if the diamond is perfect
She'll tell me right there
She's now and forever my own

One lonely boy noticed Hiruma, sitting by himself, tapping away on his computer.

[Random student]

Hey Hiruma, how about you?

You got a diamond for your girl?


What the fuck are you talking about?

Hiruma pushed the other guy away from him. Some girls huddled together, whispering excitedly to each other, wondering what their boys have in plan.

Now and forever
we'll do like girls do
we'll cuddle and hug and kiss
we'll have a little world where
whatever we dream of comes true
A now and forever in bliss

Wanaka, Suzuna, and Maruko had some time off of their classes, and decided to visit Mamori at her school. When Suzuna first saw all the excitement happening, she wondered if Mamori will be asked out


Oh this is so exciting


So romantic!


Knock it off! Romance got nothing got to do with it, listen


You know, I don't think a diamond should be that important


If don't want the diamond, how would you choose?


How would you know its Mr. Right?

I will know when, Suzuna
'Cause it's not the diamond, it's the person
now and forever
His heart will be true
that's how I'll know who he is
No matter if his diamond is clever
or borrowed or blue
I'll now and forever be his

The four girls walked among the crowded hallway, passing people traded homework, band people talking amongst themselves. Hiruma watched as Mamori walked away, thinking of what that other guy said.



An image played in his mind, what if he asked Mamori to marry him?

Do you take this diamond?

Now and forever

Do you take this person?

Now and forever

Do you?

I do

His daydream was interrupted as more students filled the hallway, filling it up with their noise of all kinds. Suddenly, a squeal rang through the air. Everybody turned their heads to see a boy kneeling on the floor, holding an open box, a small diamond ring showing, and the girl before him was jumping up and down with glee. How romantic considering the place their in.

We will grow old together
Cozy in cold together
We'll try our best together
Further our home together
We'll be a pair forever
Learning to share forever

It's now and forever
And ever and ever
It's now and forever
And ever and ever

Now and forever
As sure as the sky
As long as the ocean roars
I'll love you in a way that
I'll never begin to outgrow
I'll now and forever be yours

"Fuck this!" Hiruma said as he pushed through the crowd, he was headed to his favorite spot up on the roof where he can think in silence for a bit. He didn't realize at first that he was being followed. As he reached the top he spun around, with a menacing look on his face, to look at his stalkers. It turned out to be the three Hah Brothers.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" he addressed Kuroki and Togano, who were not students of Saikyoudai, but Jumonji was. Hiruma noticed Togano had a bucket of water.

"Oh, we came to visit Jumonji," Kuroki explained

"We saw you walking away from the huge crowd downstairs, and thought it would be a good time to talk,"

"About what?" Hiruma glanced back as he walked onto the roof. The three followed him.

"Well," Jumonji started, unsure what to say, but Togano cut to the chase.

"Are you going to ask Mamori out?" his friends started at him in shock of how open the question was.

"What?" Hiruma growled. Togano lost his quick courage and shrunk back behind Jumonji.

"Oh nothing," he said quietly. Hiruma sighed.

"Why would I, a person known as the fucking devil ask Mamori, the beautiful angel out?" he air quoted devil and angel.

Did he just almost admit he liked her?! Jumonji thought.

"Um, who knows what would happen," Kuroki said, he was now holding the bucket of water, "She might say yes or….I do,"

Today was the second time in Jumonji life that he heard his friends ask such open questions to Hiruma. Are we going to die today? He silently asked to himself.

Hiruma just growled. I can't believe I fucking forgot my guns, or they'll be dead by now…Me asking Mamori to…marry me?! That be the day…

Hiruma decided to change the topic, "Why the fuck are you holding the bucket of water?"

"Hmm?" Kuroki and Togano looked down at the bucket, "Oh some teacher today handed it to us, saying to pour it outside. We've been wondering around, we forgot,"

Hiruma grabbed the bucket, and dumped it contents at the side of the building, "There, done-"


The hah brothers and Hiruma ran to the side and looked down. It was Mamori, two floors down. She had decided to look out the window when a huge splash of water came raining down. She looked up to see four boys looking down at her.

"I'm coming up there!" well at least it wasn't rain, or maybe it would have been better it was raining.

Hiruma turned around, and noticed the Hah brothers had already left, the door swinging in their wake.

"Fuck," Hiruma cursed, but he had a slight smile on his face.

Somewhere not too far on school campus, Argon was sitting on a park bench and saw it all. He grimaced.

"That damned trash," Agron grinded, three smaller students stood by him. They were scared of Argon, for he had bullied them all through College, "Does he think he can take Mamori for himself? I don't think so," the three nodded in agreement.

"Little does she know, Mamori is going to become my girlfriend then wife, we'll have the perfect kids, strong, handsome, why just like me," The three nodded again hastily.

"I just need to find a way to get rid of that damned trash,"