*Happy Dance* Hey, ya'll! I'm baaaaaack! ^_^ You thought you were rid of me, didn't you? You thought I had died! Well, think again! No longer will my stupid, pointless story be sentenced to life on the eighth (or something) page! For now, I shall update! MWAHAHAHAHAHA (cough choke gag) HAHAHAHAHA. . . ha. . . ha. . . ah. . . ha. Aiiee. I am so sorry about the major lacking-of-updates. I've been a very busy little Kid, what with school and all. But, you'll be happy to hear that I have. . . *GASP!* Five fics currently being written! For this section! Specially made for you! Oh my friggin' yayness! ^_^

*ahem* Woo. twenty-something reviews! Go me! ^_^ It may not be all that great to you. but I'm proud of it! *SNIFF!* Thanks to you all! Everyone who reviewed! You get. *searches pockets* This handy-dandy ball of lint! ^_^; No? Okay, how about. *search search* This crummy one-dollar bill that got washed and now it's all wrinkly? No? How about. *search search* An M & M! Yeah! That's it! Each of you get a half-melted lump of chocolate for reviewing! *hands you each a linty M & M*

Random Person: Man, you're so cheap, Kid! =(

*sics a rabid, naked mole rat eating cheese balls with ketchup on random person* Now that that stupid nuisance is out of the way. *glompies you all* THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING AND REVIEWING! I CAN'T EXPRESS HOW GRATEFUL I AM! Oh, and if anyone else is reading, but not reviewing, please do. It makes me feel special and gives me inspiration.

Disclaimer: I can only dream of owning Super Smash Brothers Melee. But, alas, Nintendo keeps it forever out of my reach. Woe unto me, for I am a pathetic loser who dost not even own herself. *sniffle* I beg of thee, please, don't sue me, for all the money I owneth is my birthday money. This fic thou now readeth, though the plot belongs to me, the characters portrayed in it are the property of Nintendo. Woe unto . . . *gets smacked across the head for acting so dramatic* Owchies. . . 8_8 Well, I don't own nothin'. Not even me. Not even this piece of chicken I'm eating. Hell, I don't even own my underwear! So, do you really thing I own something as friggin' wonderful as Super Smash Brothers Melee?!

Ok, slight change of plans going on here. The Luigi chapter has been delayed, because of my sudden loss of interest. *GASP!* Yes, my little fandom of Luigi has faded. *sigh* But, no worries! His fifteen minutes of fame are still in my thoughts! I haven't forgotten him! His chapter will be coming up real soon, because I don't like going back on my word.

Welp, enough of my blabbering! On with the fic! *DA DA DA DA!*

Pointless Note # 2: My cousin is planning a visit to my house in a couple of days, and all she ever wants to do is hog the computer. =( So, I'm thinking, if I get her to read some really disturbing/annoying/over-her- head kinda stories, she will be scarred for life and won't ever hog the computer again! Wee! (I also kinda want to show off to her. You know, show her how REAL authors write. She thinks she writes good. Ugh. I'll post one of her fics up sometime, just so it can get flamed to a little pile of ashes. Mwa ha ha. . . I'm so evil. . .) So, if you'd like for her to read your fic, drop me an e-mail! My address is [email protected]! Don't forget to send a summary of the fic!

Once again, on with the fic!


"I found one!" Pichu crowed triumphantly. Mewtwo glanced up from his laptop, where he was writing a new document titled "How I Will Attempt to Take Over the World For the Third Time".

"What did you find?" Mewtwo asked coolly. Pichu poked his head out from under his little shoebox bed, waving a dusty cookie in the air.

"Another cookie!" he squealed, "Now you can read me another chapter!" Mewtwo glanced disdainfully at the little mouse, whose voyage beneath the bed had left him covered in practically an inch of dirt and grime.

"If you expect me to eat THAT. . ." Mewtwo said, eyeing the dust-coated cookie, "You're out of your pathetically tiny little mind."

"Aw. . ." Pichu whined, sliding out the remainder of the way from under his bed. He lifted his flight goggles, setting them on his tiny brow, revealing that the area where they'd covered his eyes was perfectly spotless, leaving a goggle-shaped ring around his eyes. Mewtwo smirked.

"You're filthy, little rat. Go take a bath."

"Aw, no, Mewtwo! I don't wanna!" Pichu whined, sinking to the floor. Mewtwo put on his sternest face.

"Right now!" he ordered, jabbing a balled-finger in the direction of the bathroom. Pichu began throwing a terrible temper tantrum, screaming and whining and pounding his little clenched paws on the floor.

"No! I don't wanna! I'm not going to! You can't make me!" he screamed. Mewtwo sighed, then waved his paw in the air.

"I'm afraid I can make you, pathetic one," he said calmly. An explosion of purple sparkles scattered around his hand, and Pichu found himself levitating in the air. He squealed in surprise and terror.

"No! You're cheating! You can't do this! WAH! You never let me do what I wanna do!" Pichu whined, flailing desperately in Mewtwo's grasp. Mewtwo smirked evily.

"To the bath with you." he stated, jerking his arm suddenly in the direction of the bathroom. All at once, the sound of running water began echoing in the room. Pichu began sailing out the door.

"NOOOOOOO!" Pichu screamed as he was swiftly dragged out of the room by an invisible force. He grabbed desperately at the doorframe, breathing hard.

"You haven't seen the last of me!" he cried breathlessly. Mewtwo frowned.

"Just go already!" he cried, snapping his fingers. The pull became stronger, and Pichu lost his grip.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo. . ." His voice faded out down the hall, then a plunk was heard as he landed in the bathtub. A faint sounding, "You're such a mean kitty!" reached Mewtwo's ears, and he grinned in satisfaction.

"Mission, complete. Now, I can go make myself some cookies." Mewtwo began floating out the door, musing to himself, "Strange how something so small can be so addictive."

Shrugging, the psychic feline floated out the door, and started down the stairs to the kitchen, the book left abandoned in the doorway.


Roy groaned, flopping down on his roommate's bunk. He rolled over onto his stomach and attempted to block out the sickening gagging sounds coming from their personal bathroom by burying his head beneath a pillow.

'Marth is really going a bit overboard with this,' Roy thought, clenching his fists around the plushness of the pillow's corners. 'It was just a kiss.'

Roy swallowed hard to try and keep his own feelings of nausea down. 'He's been hurling in there for over ten minutes! If he keeps it up any longer, I'm gonna start blowing chunks as well!'

Sighing, Roy tossed the pillow over the edge of the bed and sat up, his hair spikes brushing against the wooden surface of the top bunk. Running his slender fingers through his auburn hair, he stared blankly at a throw rug laying in the center of the room, its fabric still twisted from the earlier struggle.

Captain Falcon. . .

His gaze hardened as he thought of the purple-suited racer. 'How dare he,' Roy thought, drawing down elegant red eyebrows over his sapphire eyes. 'How dare he have the nerve to pull off a stunt like that. Him and his stupid nipple ornaments! How dare he! How dare he kiss my Marth!'

"Damn!" Roy cursed aloud, swinging his fist around and smashing it into the bedpost, causing a more than noticeable dent.

A moment passed, then suddenly, the pain of his action sunk in. He whimpered, rubbing his reddened knuckles gently. A few minutes passed, their bedside clock ticking off every second. He sighed, absently stroking the bruising flesh.

'Maybe Marth can kiss it and make it feel better, as soon as he gets over his vomiting.' The red-haired swordsman thought with a dreamy smile.

He imagined the teal-haired prince, gently bringing his injured hand upwards towards his beautiful face, and, with a feathery touch, removing his glove. Delicate fingers would pinch the blue fabric, and slowly, gently, he would slide the gauntlet away, revealing the pink-tinted knuckles within. He would slowly bring the abused hand to his lips, and Roy would feel the prince's soothingly warm breath on his fingertips. Then, he would place a tender kiss on the flesh, one that tickled his senses, and would give his hand the sensation of being brushed by velvety rose petals.

Ah, yes. It would all be just perfect, if the prince of his dreams wasn't bent over their bathroom sink, gagging and coughing up the entire contents of his stomach.

Roy groaned as his fantasy shattered in a moment's passing. 'He'd probably have vomit on his lips anyways.' he thought with disgust. Sighing, he stood up, and exited the room.


Pikachu hummed a cheerful little tune as he trotted through the halls of the Pokemon dorms. What a beautiful day it was! What a wonderful morning!

Suddenly, he saw something round and pink spinning towards him, and his idiotically small mind registered it as a fellow Pokemon, Jigglypuff. He smiled happily and waved to Jigglypuff as she whizzed by, shrieking out calls for help. She appeared to have lost control of her Roll Out attack, and was zooming through the halls, screaming in terror. But, Pikachu was too stupid to realize this. He thought she was just playing around, and laughed as he continued on his way.

"PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUFFFFFFFFFF!!!" the balloon Pokemon screamed, tears spilling from her huge aqua eyes. She had just noticed she was rapidly approaching a wall and was about to be squished to a little pink pancake. I'd cry, too.


Pikachu chuckled to himself as he looked back over his shoulder. "Jigglypuff is so funny." he giggled as he watched the bug-eyed balloon smash against the wall, and explode into a million tiny balloon pieces. "She always knows how to make someone laugh."

"DAMN YOU, PIKACHU! DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU!!!" the piece of Jigglypuff that had a mouth attached cried. I get the feeling that if she had fingers, and this fic had a higher rating, she would've flicked the little yellow rat off. Mwee hee.

Pikachu, however, didn't understand the hatred behind the foul words of Jigglypuff, and took it as a compliment.

"Damn you, too, Jigglypuff! You're so nice. I damn you a lot, because you're so nice!"

Jigglypuff's mouth began using some majorly bad profanity. Pikachu just smiled, and walked on.

"Jigglypuff is so nice. I wish I could be as nice as Jigglypuff, and use all those nice words. She is so -- WAH!"

Pikachu cried out as he suddenly tripped over a huge book that was laying in the middle of the hallway. He smiled stupidly, and picked it up.

"Hello!" he cried, grinning. "What's your name? Did you get lost? I'll help you find your way back to the library, because I'm trying to be nice. Taking you back would be a very nice thing to do, wouldn't it? It would. I'm so nice. Do you think I'm nice? I think I'm nice. I also think Jigglypuff is nice. Do you think she's nice? I think --"

Pikachu stopped. The book seemed to be tugging against his clawed grip. Before his tiny mind could even begin to wonder what was going on, the book rose into the air, surrounded by a powdery-looking cloud that glowed an eerie green color. Pikachu squeaked, and stepped back.

"GET AWAY FROM ME, PATHETICLY ANNOYING CREATURE!" the book boomed. Pikachu gasped as he suddenly became surrounded by a glowing green haze, much like the one around the book itself.


Pikachu squealed in pure terror as the mist around him began to burn terribly against him. His fur began to singe.

"Please! Don't fry me, not-very-nice book! Please! WAH! No hurt meeeee. . ." Snot began running from his little black nose as tears streamed down his red cheeks.

The book cackled evily, and the burning sensation increased. Pikachu screamed, then suddenly. . . lost consciousness. Everything went black, and he went limp in the green glow.

The book gasped. He couldn't savor the torturing of the little mouse any longer. Someone was coming! The book collapsed, the color disappearing from around it. Pikachu fell to the floor next to it, burnt black and crispy.

At that very moment, Dr. Mario came trotting up the stairs, looking for some duct tape for one of Captain Falcon's broken bones. Suddenly, he froze. Two injured Pokemon lay before him. He gasped, then immediately scooped up the scorched little rat and the various Jigglypuff pieces, and dashed back down the stairs, inquiring the beaten Pokemon how they were feeling, where it hurt, and if they could breath correctly. Jigglypuff cussed him out.

The book was kicked aside as he scampered away. It lay, perilously close to the edge of the stairs, laid open to some random page. Or, maybe not so random. . .

Only a few seconds later, a certain fiery-haired swordsman approached. Noticing the book, he grinned mischievously, and was about to have a blast utterly destroying it, when he noticed the title on the page it was opened up to.

His cerulean eyes slid side to side as he scanned over the fading words. A joyful smile spread itself over his face.

"That's it!" he cried "I know what I need to do!"

With a whoop of triumph, Roy started down the stairs, clutching the book in his hand. A faint lime-colored glow shone off its surface.

"The time has come. I've found my next victim. . ."

--~~*~~-- ANNOYING CLIFF HANGER!!! --~~*~~--

Woot! Another chapter uploaded!

Sorry about the rushed ending. I had to finish this chapter in less than five hours! Stupid homework. Stupid detention. STUPID SCHOOL!!!

I hope it sounded ok. It's only an introductory for Chapter three, which I'll be working on real soon. I just wanted to let ya'll know I wasn't dead.


Also. . . sorry about the minor Poke bashing/hurting. ^_^; I love Pokemon, really! *cheesy grin*

Reader: Pfft. -_-; Sure.

*blinks* What? You don't believe me? *sigh* Well, whatever. Seriously, though, they're not dead or anything. I wouldn't kill them. Think of the beatings I would receive! No, no. Jig and Pika are still alive, no worries.

Now. . . REVIEW! THE BOOK COMMANDS YOU! Be a nice person, and review. You are a nice person, aren't you? I think you're a nice person. Do you think you're a nice person? I think you're a nice person.