Author's Note: It looks to be that time of the year again; summer vacation is coming to a close while classes are soon to begin again. Just thinking about how I won't have as much free time as I do now to just sit down and write makes me sad, but rest assured I won't be giving up on this story any time soon. As hard as it is to write Hotch as blind, it's something I want to continue learning and writing about. Besides, with Emily and their relationship in the mix, there are just so many emotions for a writer to explore, and I can't wait to do just that. In the meantime, I hope you all are enjoying your own exploring, and I'm so thankful for your continued support. Fingers crossed I can keep living up to your expectations! Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy this next installment.

Disclaimer in Chapter One!

"Sounds like you've been busy this morning," Hotch said out of the blue, catching the end of what sounded like a serious phone conversation and approaching footsteps.

Emily started as she re-entered the room and sat back down beside Hotch on his bed; she hadn't realized he was already awake. "I wanted to wake you up and surprise you," she said, setting her phone down on the small bedside table as he reached out for her and pulled her closer to him.

"With?" Hotch inquired curiously, even as he pressed a kiss to her sweet mouth.

"That was Strauss," Emily revealed eventually, carding her fingers slowly through Hotch's thick black hair. "I called her to let her know I would be taking indefinite leave from work." There was a pause. "Of course, she already knew about your situation and...well, it didn't take much explanation for her to realize just why I was taking time off. She put two and two together rather quickly." Briefly, she thought about how anxious she had been as she had set out to divulge their relationship to Strauss. The older woman had been so calm and receptive to the news...almost scarily so. But Emily didn't have the time to think about Strauss's demeanor any further, not when she saw the expression on Hotch's face.

He looked...resigned. "I want to argue with you about this," he said, shaking his head. A hint of a smile touched his lips. "But I'm too grateful. Though I do wish you would have let me talk to Strauss with you; I didn't want you to have to deal with that all on your own."

"Aaron...I'm a big girl. Don't worry about me." She laughed adoringly at the begrudging little huff he gave at her insistent words. "Besides," she reminded, "no matter how much you argue with me, I'm not changing my mind."

"Believe me," Hotch drawled, stretching his tired muscles, "I know."

Emily's smile only widened. "Today's your big day," she said finally, bright and eager. Two slender fingers caressed the stubbly skin of his jaw as she spoke excitedly. "Want me to go start the paperwork so you can get out of here?"

His response was quiet, tender. "Stay here for a while?"

In a heartbeat, Emily's expression softened. "Yes, sir," she said just as gently. Her eyes stung a little as he once again reached out for her. This time, however, she took his hand in hers and guided it to the side of her face, her heart breaking even more as his whisper-soft touch moved from her cheek to her hair.

"You have done so much for me, Em," Hotch whispered, his eyebrows drawn together as he fought to find the right words to say. "And we have yet to even leave the hospital and go back...home." He swallowed thickly at the mere thought. "Back to the real world. It means everything to me."

"You mean everything to me. Simple as that," she said in return.

"Emily," Hotch huffed again, chidingly affectionate.

Happier than they had been in a while as they laid together in comfortable silence, Hotch and Emily paid no heed as minute after minute ticked by, and no words were exchanged. For a long, lovely moment, nothing but a few lazy kisses or the other's steady breathing held any importance—but something eventually began to niggle at the forefront of Emily's conscience. "After we check out of the hospital, I need to run to the office to pick up some paperwork," she said; and suddenly, she felt inexplicably nervous. "I...also did some thinking," Emily began, watching with widened eyes as Hotch turned to her expectantly, "and, well, I figured we should—or I mean, I could—maybe tell the others what's going on."

Instantly, Hotch stiffened.

He knew everything she was saying was true; after all, it was an issue they had discussed before, more than once. But regardless, the prospect set him on edge.

"Is that okay?" Emily queried almost timidly, her gaze colored with worry.

Hotch bit his lip, thinking it over for what had to have been the hundredth time. But logic won in the end; he knew his team deserved to know what was happening, for his blindness affected them almost as directly as it affected him. And besides...they were his dearest friends.

Finally, after what had to have been hours, Hotch responded with a sure nod. "I want to go with you," he said resolutely.

Emily only barely masked her surprise. "Okay." She blinked. "Okay, yeah, that's great, Aaron." Rising on suddenly unsteady legs, she bit back her blossoming smile. "I'll, uh...go get the paperwork."

Hearing the smile in her voice, Hotch gave her one in return, though his stomach was turning over even as he spoke. "Thank you, sweetheart."


"It feels good outside," Hotch murmured, reveling in the comfortable stretch of his leg muscles as he walked at Emily's side. While the sun cast itself down in nice, warm rays, there was also a cool breeze that weaved its way between the branches of trees, through beds of freshly planted flowers—even between Hotch and Emily's tightly twined fingers.

"It sure does," she hummed, guiding him back to the parking lot. Emily breathed out a little laugh as they neared the Bureau-issue SUV and she unlocked the doors. "Now get in the car," she joked, playfully nudging him in the side.

"Yes ma'am," he retorted cheekily, mocking her own similar response from earlier. The short drive to Quantico was quiet enough, but Hotch was duly distracted as he realized he could still recognize the twists and turns of the road, even without seeing the way Emily was driving the car. He tried in vain to brainstorm how to break the news to the team, but no thoughts came to mind—nothing.

"Want to listen to music?" Emily asked, breaking the silence after a couple minutes. She touched his arm softly, hoping to assure him, in her own way, that everything would be alright in the end.

Hotch shrugged. "Maybe later," he said, his mind clearly somewhere else; and Emily knew exactly where.

"You're worrying about telling them," she stated, a comment and not a question.

Hotch turned his head in the direction of the passenger side window, so as to hide his face from Emily's line of sight. "Yeah," he managed to bite out, priding himself in the way he prevented his voice from quivering or breaking.

"We've known them for years, Aaron," Emily said, reassuringly once more. "You know they're going to be nothing but supportive in every way possible."

He nodded, though a frown still turned down his lips. "It's just..." he breathed out a frustrated sigh, "I never expected to have to go through something like this, you know?"

What he failed to divulge to her was that he was actually concerned about the structure of the team. He didn't doubt the leadership abilities of either Morgan or Rossi for a second...but all the same, he couldn't help but worry. The team meant so much to him; he didn't want his agents to suffer because of him.

As if she could read his mind—and God, maybe she could—Emily answered Hotch with an understanding kiss to his cheek as she turned into the Bureau visitor's parking lot and put the SUV into park. "Of course, Aaron. I know."

The newfound stillness of the car nearly made Hotch's heart stop as he realized just where they were. "Are we here?" he asked, though he already knew the answer. So soon. It's so soon.


Suddenly, it was as if his mind had gone completely blank; all he could remember was Jessica telling him to take care of himself, to take time to find himself again. He felt stifled, he was choking, he couldn't breathe— "Emily...sweetheart, I..."

"Do you want to wait here while I go in?" Emily cut in, slowly but smoothly, pretending for both of their sakes that she hadn't heard just how anxious Hotch was at the moment. "I won't take too long."

His heart pounding against the sturdy wall of his chest, Hotch closed his eyes and let out the quietest sigh of relief. "You're a lifesaver," he said simply.

There it was again, a stinging and burning behind Emily's eyes as she forced herself to remain strong. "I know you'd do the same for me," she returned easily, giving his hand a squeeze before opening the driver's side door.

"I hope I never have to," Hotch said immediately, his voice hard and earnest.

Speechless, Emily softly patted him on the shoulder before leaning in to give him a sweet parting kiss. He was such a good man; he was one of the best. "I'll be right back," she promised—and then she stepped out of the car and into the sunlight, leaving Hotch alone with nothing but his churning thoughts to keep him company.

Author's Note: I know, I know, I was supposed to include the team in this chapter, but I decided to end here at a little 'cliffhanger' instead. Typical move for me, right? But that just means that the next chapter will be even better! Anyway, as always, thank you so much for taking the time to read and review; I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback for this chapter, if you have just one more minute to spare. No matter if the review is long or short, signed or anonymous, I am ever so grateful. Thanks again, and please stay tuned for the next chapter!