Notes: Well I so didn't stick to a schedule. I'm sorry. Life and laziness got in the way, and now I have a job so I have less time for writing and I'm trying to focus on original writing (not that that's been going well…). I promise to finish this fic though, it might take longer than we'd all like, but it will happen. I promise. Even though when I look back I shudder because I rushed things so it's not great… and this chapter jumps around a lot because I wanted to give you guys a longer one and I'm not happy with it but I am so done.

Sorry, don't hate me.

Gajeel was sulking, not that you could tell by looking at him. His lips were twisted in the same scowl he always wore and he ground a spoon to dust with his teeth. Most of the guild gave him a wide berth, even though he'd been there for two months already they still hadn't quite warmed up to him. He didn't think they ever really would. He didn't mind though. He preferred being alone.

His ears twitched when he heard the quick tap of feet as someone ran into the room, he didn't bother turning to see who it was. The airy, herb scent gave her away, and even if it hadn't the small squeak from her fall would've. He did turn at that, the scowl lessening and his eyes softening just a smidgen. He watched as Wendy picked herself off the floor and brushed the dirt of her pale dress. She glanced around and flushed when her eyes landed on him, but it was paired with a happy smile.

"Hello, Gajeel." Out of everyone at the guild she had accepted him fastest. He didn't know why, normally children fled when they saw him, but she never even seemed a little afraid of him. She always greeted him with a smile and wasn't afraid to touch him, and for some reason… Gajeel didn't mind. "What are you doing here?"

He grunted. "Am I not allowed to visit the library?"

She arched an eyebrow and didn't even have to say anything.

"What do you want?" he finally growled.

"Porlyuscia sent me to get a few books so she could show Levy which herbs to look for and which ones to avoid."

At the mention of the shrimp his entire body sort of went tense. She was the reason he was in the library, even though she wasn't. She was currently getting ready for a mission. A mission she shouldn't be allowed to go on.

He clenched his jaw so tight the handle of the spoon snapped in half, but he barely even noticed. He knew he had no right to tell her what she could and couldn't do. They'd barely spoken in the last two months so it wasn't like they were friends, but still… The idea of her going off and getting hurt again filled him with unease. He wanted to protect her, and he couldn't do that if she left.

Wendy didn't say anything as she gathered the books, although she did shoot a few glances his way. By the time she was done she had a pretty hefty pile, one she couldn't even see over. He watched her walk a few steps, the books teetering, before he huffed and got to his feet, taking most of them for himself.

"Thank you," she said, beaming up at him. He just grunted and motioned for her to lead the way.


Levy sat in the clinic, her fingers tapping an erratic beat against her thigh. A week ago Porlyuscia had deemed her arm well enough to be used, although Levy would still have to go easy on it for a bit. The next day she was in Makarov's office, practically begging for a new job. Normally she didn't mind some downtime between jobs, but she'd started to go a bit stir-crazy during her recovery and she was ready to do something.

Makarov had been hesitant at first, but she'd been persistent and three days later she had a job. Of course she couldn't leave right away, even for a simple herb gathering mission you had to be well prepared and she spent the last three days strategizing with Jet and Droy. But now… now she was ready.

Porlyuscia glared at her, the woman was always glaring, but before she could say anything the door opened and there was Wendy with a small stack of books.

"I thought I told you to bring me more," Porlyuscia grumbled. Wendy didn't have to answer because five seconds later Gajeel was walking through the door with a stack of his own.

He set the books on the desk and turned to leave, not even looking at Levy, but she watched him. She always watched him. For a moment he paused at the door and her breath stilled in her chest, but he just shook his head and kept walking.

She let her breath out on a sigh and turned her attention back to Porlyuscia who was writing down a list of herbs.

"Here," Wendy said, holding out a book to Levy. It was a thick tome and she slid it onto her lap, flipping through the pages. It looked like it had every plant known to man. "In case you need it."

"Thank you," she murmured, her lips pulling up in a smile. Then Porlyuscia was there with the list.

"This is everything we need. It shouldn't take you more than a day to find it all," she said.

"Thank you," Levy repeated, sliding off the bed.

She was at the door when Porlyuscia muttered, "Be safe."

"I will be," she promised.


The next morning she gathered her things. She was leaving in the wee hours of the morning because she knew if she waited Lucy would try to talk her out of it. Lucy had been trying to talk her out of it for the past week and it hadn't worked. She felt guilty for worrying her friends, but she just couldn't stay cooped up any longer.

Levy kept her footsteps light as she crept down the hall, but with her attention focused on her feet she didn't notice the shadow until she turned the corner and ran right into it. She squealed and stumbled back, almost falling on her butt. Luckily the strong arm wrapped around her and caught her before she hit the ground.

She stared up into the shadowed face and smiled at the familiar red eyes.

"Hi Gajeel," she breathed, righting herself. Her hand lingered on his chest for just a moment before she stepped back. "I didn't think anyone would be awake."

He shrugged and she smiled. He still didn't talk much.

"I really wish I could stay and talk, but I've got a job to do."

His shoulders tensed and she cocked her head to the side, but didn't comment.

"It was nice seeing you."

She smiled and patted his arm when stepped around him, freezing when his big hand closed around hers. Her heart skidded to a halt before picking up twice as fast and she turned to face him. His crimson eyes were burning and she licked her suddenly dry lips. For a moment she thought he was going to tug her against him and kiss her, and she found herself leaning forward, but then he dropped her hand and stepped back. He lowered his head and his hair fell in front of his face, hiding his eyes from her sight.

"Be careful," he rumbled and then he turned and stalked down the hallway, disappearing into the shadows.

She watched him go, her hand tingling and her heart racing. Then she shook her head and kept walking.

He's a strange one.


Jet and Droy were more protective than usual. It was endearing and very, very annoying. They went into attack mode at the slightest sound and she was worried that they would kill an innocent animal if they weren't careful.

Of course it meant that when a zombie did stumble into sight they were able to take it down in seconds. Jet would race ahead to keep it distracted and Droy would use his control of plants to capture it. They never killed if they could avoid it, it was one of the reasons Levy had teamed up with them. She'd never liked senseless violence, and she knew the zombies weren't human anymore, but they still had human faces…

She worried about them though, worried that they would hesitate to kill and it would cost them their lives. Compassion was a good quality, but too much was dangerous.

Levy shook her head and glanced at the plant at the base of the tree then back at the book. Then she plucked it out of the ground and put it in the little bag Porlyuscia had given her. She had a bag for each plant and they were almost all full. Only a few left and then they could head back.

She glanced up at the sky and the sun that was filtering through the leaves, casting a green light on everything it touched. They'd been out there for half a day already and although it wasn't exciting it had helped her relax. She hadn't realized how much she missed being outside. The camp was a great place, it practically a town again, but it was stifling. She knew the walls were for their protection, but sometimes she felt like she was being caged.

She sighed and pushed herself to her feet just as a shadow passed overhead. Her entire body froze as a cold fear wrapped around her and her heart began to race. Jet and Droy were at her side in seconds and Jet was tugging at her hand, but her feet were glued in place. She couldn't move, could barely breathe. All she could hear was the sound of Lucy screaming, all she could see were those deadly claws coming right for her.

Then the weight pressed against her and the warmth calmed her instantly, in her mind she saw the cold, crimson eyes before it all shifted and she was back in the woods. Jet's hand was tight around hers and Droy's hand was on her shoulder, their eyes were shining with concern and she forced herself to relax.

"Sorry," she murmured. "I guess I'm not as okay as I feel."

"Maybe we should go back now," Jet suggested. Levy was shaking her head before he even finished his sentence.

"We only have a few more plants to gather. It's fine. I just got startled is all."

They stared at her for a moment longer and she smiled. "I'm fine really. Besides there's no way for a dragon to get in here so it's okay."

After a little more instance they agreed to collect the rest of the plants before heading back, but they were even more alert than they had been before. So it was a surprise when the zombie managed to sneak up on them.

It took out Droy first, grunting and groaning as it rammed into him from the back. Droy went down with a shout and Levy winced when she heard the thunk of his head hitting a tree. He crumpled, unconscious, and Levy was moving. The zombie's mouth was inches away from Droy's shoulder when she barreled into it. They rolled a few feet and she hissed at the tugging in her shoulder. It had healed, but it was still sore.

The zombie grunted again and she punched and kicked, all the while keeping its snapping jaws away from her body. All it would take would be one bite and she'd be infected. She couldn't let that happen.

Then Jet was there and he yanked the zombie off of her by its shoulders, practically throwing it into a nearby tree. Of course that wasn't enough to kill it, just daze it for a moment and Levy took that second to write out fire and toss it at the zombie. It started screaming the minute the flames touched it and it ran as fast as it could away from them, blazing the entire way.

Once it was out of sight she rushed back to Droy's side, ignoring the shaking in her hands. She always hated using her powers to hurt, even if it was to hurt something that was trying to kill her.

"Sorry Droy," she murmured, and then she slapped him. He started awake, his eyes wide and his fists in the air, but when he realized they were alone he relaxed back.

They decided then that they had enough plants and headed back to Magnolia. It took longer than it should've because Levy wanted to make sure Droy didn't overexert himself, but they still managed to make it back just as the sun was setting.

Lucy met them at the door and wrapped her arms around Levy in a tight hug. They chatted a bit as Jet helped Droy to the clinic with their loot and then Levy escaped to her room. She was exhausted and all she wanted was the wash off the grit and sleep for a bit.

She paused at her door, glancing over her shoulder at the shadows. For just a moment she thought she saw a flash of red, but when she blinked it was gone.

Still she smiled as she opened her door and stepped inside.

"I'm back," she whispered, knowing he'd hear her. Then she curled up in bed, feeling safer than she ever had surrounded by shadows.