AN: This is my first HPxTwilight crossover. I don't know if I've got them in character since I'm using a femHP and isn't that familiarize with the Twilight series (though, I did read the book) so it will mostly be AU, not strictly following Twilight plot. Anyways, my inspiration for this is due to the fantastic stories of this crossover that I've read and they're amazing. I just realize recently how easy it is to incorporate the two stories together. Anyways, I just want to try my hand out in this and if this gets numerous positive feedbacks, I'll decide to expand on it.

Though, to be fair, this isn't a simple 'she's my mate so I already like/love her'. I know that for a vampire, it's in their instinct to dominate and claim. But since in this relationship, one is a witch and human, I'll put a twist into that theory. Anyway, I very much believe in getting to know someone first before setting your heart out after him/her. But that's just me.

I put it under the genre of Humorbut it's mostly because I'm trying to make this a lighthearted fic since I've already read dozens with angst and I think I've already got enough of that from Twilight (no offense). Sure, Harry will always bear some grief and pain due to the war and its loss but he's trying to move on with life since Voldemort had already taken away what was left of it.

Anyways, like I said, I just want to try my hand into this crossover. If it doesn't work out, I'll find something that I can work with then.

Warning: There will be some hints of FemSlash. (This isn't going to be all about it, just part of the plot, I apologize for not putting it sooner for those readers who hated reading about it).

Pairing(s): FemHarryPotter/EdwardCullen, Alice/Jasper, Rosalie/Emmett, Esme/Carlisle, Ben/Angela (These are the pairings for now, there will be more later on).

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling) or Twilight (Stephenie Meyer)

Chapter I



Edward Cullen gripped the edge of the desk tightly.

He avoided breathing as much as possible and leaned away from the new student's direction. His mind had already conjured up several measures in how to lure the human away and drink her blood until she was just an empty husk. This has never happened to him before. There had been different instances in the past when one individual's scent had stood out in his senses and he had learned to tune it out.

But for some reason, this was very different. This human's blood literally sang to him and he swallowed the venom that pooled into his mouth almost desperately. He remembered Carlisle telling him about this when they had been forced to move from France when Emmett almost lost control due to a specific human.

A singer.

He remembered berating his brother about self-control and he felt like a hypocrite now that he was in the other male's position.

It didn't help that the human kept looking in his direction confusedly. And her heartbeat was so loud that he was almost tempted to cover his ears. The blood flowing in her veins and the sweet, appetizing scent that called out to him. It was maddening.

Not being able to read her mind at all was only adding to his growing list of frustrations the longer he had to endure her company.

The creaking sound that resulted from gripping the desk too tightly was left unheard as he glared in front of him, willing the time to move quicker.

He didn't know for how long he could keep hold of his control and he didn't want to risk the safety of his family if he decided to feast upon this clueless human's blood. His breath hitched when she leaned closer to him to get a clearer view of his expression and he regretted the action as soon as he had done it.

He turned away almost violently as he covered his nose and mouth with his right hand. The scent was so strong that if the human dared to lean closer again, he would kill her. It was his instincts talking now no matter how much he berated himself in his mind. Couldn't the foolish human take a hint that he didn't want to interact with her or even be in her presence. Thankfully, the human could take a hint and moved her chair slightly just a bit away from him.

When the stupid bell finally rang, he sprang from his seat gladly and he didn't care if the humans took note of his speed as he made his hasty retreat.

Just as he reached the doorway, he unknowingly collided with someone.

That in itself was enough to make him pause since heightened vampiric senses meant that they could move through a crowd of people without even touching anyone, no matter the distraction since it was an instinct to avoid human contact.

As he exited the classroom, he looked at the human he bumped into. It was a girl and she was crouched on the ground, hurriedly picking up the papers which she had dropped from the supposed collision. For a moment, he forgot about Isabella Swan and looked at the small girl in dumbfounded confusion. Her face wasn't familiar but something within him recognized her vaguely. As if she was one of the everyday students that he dismissed without thought. But even those, he recalled their faces out of sheer habit.

And it was baffling that none of their classmates were rushing to help the girl when, normally, the male population were looking for an opportunity to get closer to their counterparts.

His eyes stared at the people that went past her crouched form, as if they didn't notice her, and listened to their thoughts as to what their reasons would be. Bullying wasn't actually common in this school and that prevented pariahs from ever forming. Even if there were a couple of loners, students' minds took notice of them.

'...Joey's party this Saturday...'

'...wonder what Bella likes for a date...'

'...really dislike biology...'

'...what crawled up Cullen's ass? Bella didn't do anything...'

The statement about him didn't bother him since his family had always been under the student population's scrutiny. But his confusion intensified when he discovered that the others really did think that no one was there on the ground. Edward also realized that he couldn't really recall anything about this girl, despite recognizing her presence only like a passing thought.

Choosing his course of action impulsively, considering how he was in danger of losing control earlier, he crouched in front of the unknown human and helped in gathering the fallen papers. She froze as he handed her the stack that he had quickly collected and her head snapped up so fast from its lowered position that he almost flinched in surprise. Wide green eyes stared at him in surprise and in almost shock.

Her thoughts were hazy as if he was hearing them from a faraway distance. And it was racing from the rapid words that he couldn't make out.

He tensed when Swan moved past them without a glance as he concentrated on the girl in front of him, thankful that nothing drastic happened. But for some reason, he didn't register the appetizing scent of Swan's blood.

She was small, he estimated her near to Alice's height with a slightly taller build, and petite. Dressed in a casual long sleeved green turtleneck sweater and black tight-fitting jeans and brown ankle-length boots. Her skin was pale, but not deathly so, with a pretty face and long, quite messy, hair that reached her waist as if she didn't always bother combing it. But her eyes were captivating and he found himself staring at them longer than necessary.

When her eyes avoided his gaze, he would have blushed at his inattention if he could.

"Uh, thanks," She mumbled hesitantly as she avoided looking at him. Her voice held an accent that he wasn't able to immediately place.

"You're new?" Edward questioned as they stood up, with her balancing the stack of papers in one arm.

She shook her head.

"Attended since last November," She stated slowly as if she was considering if answering his question was worth it. "I got to go, excuse me," She said quietly as she made to walk around him.

But he was faster and quickly grabbed her wrist.

Those wide green eyes snapped up to meet his dark ones once again.

"I don't recall ever seeing you," He commented lowly with a hint of incredulity, there was something off about this situation and how the students weren't aware of her earlier. New students usually garnered a lot of attention, like how Swan had students flocking to her at almost every opportunity. And this girl was by no means unattractive to be avoided so it mystified him that no one had noticed the presence of a new face, even in the whole town of Forks, student or not.

Her brow creased as her nose wrinkled in annoyance. She forcibly pulled her hand away from his hold and took a step back away from him. Her eyes narrowed at him suspiciously as her hold over the papers tightened considerably.

"I'm just someone forgettable," She declared quietly and slowly, as if she was embedding the words into his memory.

With that, she quickly whirled around and walked away from him. He stared at her retreating back thoughtfully and now recalled the British lull in her accent. Then, he remembered why he was hurrying in the first place and swiftly made his way to the parking lot where his Volvo was waiting for him. He grimaced as he saw the slight dent and scratch at the front of his car and growled lowly when he remembered that he still wasn't able to discern who was responsible for the damage that appeared last week.

Slinking into the driver's seat as he opened the door, he gripped the steering wheel and banged his head on it. What would he do now that his singer had appeared in school?

It wouldn't be until later when he drove towards home with his siblings that he would realize some important details.

One, there had been a black Lamborghini Gallardo parked next to his silver Volvo in the parking lot a while ago. Two, he couldn't fully read the unknown girl's thoughts earlier. And three, her scent had overpowered his singer's scent (he didn't comprehend it at first because he was so relieved of not losing control), it smelled of lilacs and vanilla. And not once did he think of consuming her blood.

He almost thought about heading to Alaska when he was reminded of his singer.

Then, he realized that he couldn't if he wanted to know what was going on with that stupid unknown girl.




Harrisa Lily Potter, or "Harry" as she had grown up in, was panicking as she discreetly watched Cullen drive away with his siblings. She cringed when she saw the damage that she had inflicted upon his car.

She was still just learning to cope with driving a car and a resulting wrong move about reversing and parking her car one Monday morning last week had caused it. She had been in a hurry and was only able to cast a 'Reparo' charm on her Lamborghini at the last moment. Then she remembered the silver Volvo that she had accidentally hit and became frustrated when she remembered that it belonged to Edward Cullen. Thankfully, he still couldn't tell who was the culprit and she would be happy if it would remain that way.

Though, now, her mind was racing about what happened earlier.

When she came to Forks, Washington last October as Harrisa Evans, she had been able to blend in with the people using several modified series of Notice-me-not and muggle-repellent charms (the same being applied to her house and car). People could recall her but they would ignore her and the repellent charms were just mild enough for them not to outright avoid her but just not to outright confront or seek her. It would wear off with time as if she had always been there.

Though, when she enrolled (what was Hermione bloody thinking), she had to lessen its effect to the school staff since she didn't want them forgetting or ignoring her grades.

It also helped in keeping away hormonal male teenagers. The mere thought was enough to make her shudder violently in disgust. Just because she was now a girl didn't mean that she now tolerated their advances towards her newly discovered gender. If anything, she still eyed the female parts with admiration and a bit of perverse curiosity when she had still been a boy, or when she still thought of herself as a boy. She hadn't even thought about any boys in the hormonal or romantic or anything beyond platonic sense.

This started during her 15th birthday when Gringotts had sent her a correspondence regarding her coming of age. It was when she had received that letter, a letter of apology from Lily Potter.

Apparently, James Potter's parents, purebloods that they were, didn't tolerate him marrying a muggleborn. That, Harry didn't know and it had been a surprise. If her father really planned to marry her mother, it had been under the condition that they produced a male heir. But then, she was born and she understood. Lily had performed some obscure blood magic that temporarily masked her true gender and somehow temporarily made her a boy which had been washed away the moment that she turned fifteen.

The goblins had provided her with her real birth certificate, bearing the name of Harrisa Lily instead of the Harry James which she had grown up in. Thankfully, her true name could still be shortened to still be called "Harry", for she loved the name, or nickname.

She took note that even in both genders, she bore the name of her parents. And it made her happy. But it horrified her to know that she had been a girl all along when she had grown up as a bloody boy her whole life. Though, she understood her mother's plight. Her parents didn't want to disclose her gender since the elder Potters might have to send her away until Lily and James were able to create a male heir. And there was the fact that she just couldn't stay mad at her deceased mother for much longer.

In fact, when she had gone back to Hogwarts, she still refused to disclose her true gender and proceeded to attend under protections of glamours and illusions. Attention as the Boy-Who-Lived was enough, but being proclaimed as the Girl-Who-Lived instead would have amassed confusion and maybe an uproar.

If she knew what being a girl meant, she might have chosen to remain as a boy.

It was a bloody pain in the arse. She now had to deal with breasts that weren't there from the beginning, menstruation that was uncomfortable on a whole other level with accompanying terrifying mood swings, high pitched voice that made her cringe, clothes that Hermione and Ginny insisted that she wore, and not to mention the attention she now garnered from most of the blokes that she now encountered when she chose to remove the male disguise.

The last one made for a rather awkward deal. When she had finally transformed back into a girl, it was in a time when she was still smitten after Cho Chang. And to Hermione's horror and Ron's amusement, even as a girl, Harry still had a major crush after the Ravenclaw girl. It was one of the reasons Hermione didn't approve of it after she and Chang had kissed under a mistle toe just before Christmas break.

It also made for a major letdown during sixth year. Harry knew that Ginny fancied her even before they came to Hogwarts. But when Harry finally began to take notice of her, Ginny had been rather straightforward that she didn't swing that way and would rather be best friends with her. Harry might have been a girl physically and physiologically but she was a boy mentally through and through. In fact, she had even fancied Tonks before the metamorphmagus got married to Remus.

No one could fault her, though, since Harry had been a boy for the first fifteen years of her life.

It was ridiculous and outrageous.

And that was one of the major reasons why she didn't want to stand out in Forks. She was already having a hard time enough as it was, blending in with muggles when she had spent the last six to seven years of her life isolated in the Wizardry World. Not to mention, Hermione got this bright idea to enrol her in muggle High School in order to 'catch up' with studies, like how the bushy haired witch had done back in England with a very much reluctant Ronald Weasley.

Harry had accepted it only at the knowledge that her redheaded best friend was suffering as much as she did.

But things changed when Cullen had bumped into her. Usually, even when people bumped into her, the charms worked spectacularly and she was thankful for its power for her to remain obscure in the eyes of people.

Then that prat had destroyed her anonymity when he approached her and actually talked to her.

Harry knew from the very first week that she attended Forks High School that the Cullens were a coven of vampires. But since she didn't receive any news about any disappearances or mysterious deaths within the town, she had let it go. Though, she was very careful to avoid their bunch as much as possible. They were barking mad, in her opinion, to be attending a school full of humans and she was already off her rocker for still attending when dangerous vampires were within vicinity.

Though, it might have something to do with how she had drooled after Rosalie Hale for a while until Harry discovered about Emmett Cullen.

After that, she had made sure that her notice-me-not and repellent charms were strongest when around the vampires. So, she couldn't understand why Edward Cullen was able to take outright notice of her person a while ago. Her inner Moody was already screaming about thousands of ways to die by way of vampire means.

Well, on another note, she was very much irritated and annoyed with Cullen. The smarmy git had been glaring and absolutely rude to the new student. Whom Harry found really, really attractive and kind of cute. The girl hadn't even spoken to the vampire and the bloke seemed to be on the verge of tearing the poor girl's throat. It was injustice and well, suspicious. She wondered if it had anything to do on how Cullen became aware of her.

Now though, Harry pondered if she needed to expand her own circle within the school. She only had Ben Cheney as a friend because the boy was a wizard who graduated from the local magical school in Seattle. The charms wore off eventually to people who recognized her as a fellow magic user. It also helped that the boy didn't like her that way as he was very smitten by Angela Weber and wasn't inclined to ask too many questions.

Though, for her friend's sake, she might befriend Angela in order to get the two closer. On Harry's side, it was like Hermione and Ron over again minus the constant arguments.

Ben had dubbed her as a "paranoia-induced, claustrophobic, crazy woman", though the boy should've lain off the 'claustrophobic' part since she only disliked attention, not necessarily crowds or enclosed spaces, much. She would admit that she was a paranoid person though but it saved her life a couple of times.

Speaking of which, Ben was taking too long and she needed to get home in order to take Orion out for a walk. The poor red Siberian Husky was growing restless being confined in her backyard.

It wasn't until after ten minutes when a blushing Ben Cheney finally joined her.

"Hey, Harry," Ben panted, face flushed as he leaned on his knees. "Thanks for waiting," He uncomfortably scratched the back of his head.

"I wouldn't be too confident about that, mate," She grinned as she opened the door to the driver's seat of her beloved Lamborghini and slid into the seat. "I've already thought about ditching your arse out here if you were a minute longer," Harry declared as she started the engine just as her friend slid into the passenger's seat beside her.

"Cut me some slack, woman," He huffed good-naturedly. "I was in the library with Angela," He tried to remark offhandedly but it was ruined with the blush staining his cheeks.

Harry's eyebrows rose and disappeared behind her bangs as she turned a smirk towards a cringing but blushing Ben. Just as she reversed and managed to get out of the parking lot unscathed with her infamous jerky driving which scared the crap out of Ben, she finally voiced out what was bothering her.

"And while you were busy mooning and blushing after Miss Weber," She drawled out, earning herself a reproachful glare. "I am currently going mental over the fact that someone managed to override the charms," Harry revealed lowly with an undercurrent of wariness in her voice.

"Really? Was it a witch or a wizard?" Ben questioned with cautiously. The only reason that he had dominated the notice-me-not charms was because he used it enough to notice it. That was usually the problems with wizards or witches who relied on the spell. Though, to be fair on Harry's part, it took him a week and accidentally landing on top of her during Gym class to even tell that it had been there in the first place.

"A vampire," Harry admitted with a frown, disliking the idea. "It's the mind-reader that you warned me about,"

"Well, vampires are magical creatures," The boy conceded, albeit uncomfortably. "Though, the charms worked on them outstandingly for almost three months now, and it might have worn off since their magic got used to your magic. Was there any direct contact?"

"The prat bumped into me," Her frown deepened severely before her head whipped to him. "Are you telling me that the effect nullified since my magic acknowledged him?" She asked incredulously with a healthy dose of disbelief as she turned her stare back on the road, much to the boy's relief.

"Notice-me-not charms usually work that way," Ben shrugged in return. "Since the spell is a rudimentary paradigm of defence wards, it usually just needs a magical signature to recognize it and key them into it. That charm is invalidated when the surrounding magical people under it has been put into direct contact with its core, which in this case is the caster, which is you, and will then keep recognizing it since their magic would keep comprehending the signature."

"And you're only telling me this now?" She demanded with a glare, her green eyes on him once again.

"Eyes on the road!" He snapped in slight panic and foreboding dread. And only relaxing when she did as he said, the car taking a dangerous swerve as it turned a corner. "God, woman, you should never have been given a car!" Ben barked out in annoyance.

"You're quite knowledgeable in Charms which may have been a good thing if you actually use it to help me," Harry bit out as her hands tightened around the steering wheel in aggravation, of course, nothing went according to plan when it came to her.

"Charms is my favourite subject and I thought that you're already aware of it," Ben rolled his eyes, the girl preferred cloaking herself within those spells without actually knowing its full use.

"That's not actually the case now, is it?" Harry remarked dryly.

"Was there anything else I should worry about?" The boy stared at the now blushing girl.

"Well, I just noticed how cute the new student is," She shrugged, uncomfortable. "And I really wanted to tell Cullen to sod off elsewhere. I don't know what's eating the bloke but he practically scared the wits out of the poor girl," She shook her head almost patronizingly. Even with her new crush on the new girl, it just rubbed on Harry the wrong way, being reminded of timid Hufflepuffs and prideful, antagonistic, sneering Slytherins. Thankfully, Malfoy had learned to tone down after the war.

"Do I really want to know?" Ben sighed exasperatedly, too used to her personality and antics.

Her nose wrinkled in annoyance.

"Considering how he bumped into me a while ago, I would say that he really had some issues," She commented wryly.

"And you don't–"

"Rubbish," She cut him off with a snap. "Utter rubbish,"

Ben laughed.




Harry wasn't sure what really happened but for some reason, she could feel the eyes of Cullen watching her the next day at the parking lot.

She wasn't really certain about what captured the bloke's attention but she sure as hell wouldn't let it get to her. After all, being under the scrutiny of the Wizardry World for the entirety of her stay there gave her that much practice.

Though, it was a different story altogether when she entered English class for second period and realized that, yes, her seat had always been beside Edward Cullen and yes, he was now very much aware of her presence beside him. She had been thoroughly fine with being ignored as if she was just another classroom decoration from those first few weeks and months in the class. So, it wasn't really her fault when she grew uncomfortable and annoyed at the attention.

Her grip on her pen tightened, wanting nothing but to stab the object into the vampire's piercing topaz eyes.

She wasn't exactly convinced if it was enough to kill him but stopping him from staring would do.

So, ignoring him with all her might, she focused her attention solely on Mr. Mason. And blimey, why hadn't she noticed the startling resemblance that the man had with Slughorn? They both had stout figures with a round belly, the same irritating moustache, and overly cheerful disposition when it came to favourites–Cullen seemed to get irritated with the latter. And, wouldn't Hermione just be glad that she finally deigned it worth it to take notes in class?

Well, anything to take no notice of the vampire, and she was already pleased.

When the bell finally rang, Harry was glad for having great reflexes earned from Quidditch and was out of the classroom in record time. All that concentration was making her crave for her beloved Treacle Tarts though.

Government, for third period, and Trigonometry, for fourth, went by without much incident since Cullen wasn't in those classes. At least, that Cullen, since Alice Cullen took Trig with her and had taken notice of Harry's existence in the back, twirling as the small vampire did so, and winking at her with an all too-knowing grin that honestly sent shivers down her spine.

It might've been cute if Alice had acted as if she didn't exist.

She seriously had to schedule an appointment with Ben and discuss the full extent and process of those charms. There should be a valid explanation as to why they suddenly weren't working. It really was suspicious and there was something going on here. And maybe, they could invite Hermione too since it had been the bushy haired witch's design for the modifications that was applied in the spells.

Though, she almost walked into the new student on the way to lunch and Harry had to hasten her steps to get away before she made a fool out of herself. To her dismay, Isabella Swan didn't really notice her due to the charms at work. She wished that it had worked on Cullen instead of Swan.

As soon as she saw Ben on his way to the cafeteria with the well-known band of sycophants (namely, Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley), Harry didn't even think twice about grabbing her friend's collar and pulling him in the opposite direction. Not only did she need to discuss the suspicion against the Cullens, preferably outside of vampiric hearing range, but she wanted to talk to him without his other friends crowding around them. Sure, they paid her no mind, but she really hadn't been that good in dealing with them when they gossiped.

Said boy yelped as he stumbled after Harry who was busy dragging him away and therefore, did not notice the narrowing of topaz eyes in their direction.

Harry pulled Ben to her usual eating place by the bleachers within the gymnasium. Not only did she get free-time here without disturbance, she could also watch the muggles while they were playing sports. And if there was one thing that Harry loved, it was sports–either Quidditch or muggle-wise.

"Hey! What's the big deal?" Ben whined as she calmly deposited him on a vacant seat just near the double doors to the gymnasium.

"The charms are not working," Harry stated bluntly and to the point. "At least, they're not working on the Cullens," She wasn't entirely sure about it since she had only dealt with Alice and Edward but if anything, it might have already applied to the rest of the family. Maybe it was a coven thing?

Ben actually straightened up at that.

"Really?" He questioned curiously. "How can you tell?"

"Alice Cullen winked at me during Trigonometry. She never glanced in my direction before," Harry admitted apprehensively, her green eyes narrowing pensively.

"Uhm, not to be rude, but isn't that usually a good thing? A beautiful chick actually gave you the time of the day?" Ben teased with a grin, obviously enjoying the mortification and blush on the girl's face. "Don't tell me that you actually set your sights strai–"

"She saw through the charm, Ben," Harry insisted with trepidation colouring her voice, effectively changing the subject despite the persistent blush on her cheeks.

"Well, I don't really know what to say since I've never dealt with vampires personally," The boy shrugged in discomfort, an uneasy look on his face. "Maybe you shouldn't have used those charms when you came to Forks," He pointed out hesitantly.

Harry frowned as she settled beside her friend heavily.

"I-I really dislike attention, loathe it actually. I just wanted to stay anonymous, you know? Where I came from, I had no choice but to bloody endure the spotlight. And knowing that I can actually do something about it when I arrive here is just too much of a temptation to pass up. I didn't actually realize that I'd be dealing with vampires in muggle school. Not to mention, after all the trouble I went through the American Ministry just so I could perform the magic within muggle vicinity..." She groaned as she put her head on her hands, now realizing the full impact of her actions that Hermione had kept harassing her about.

'Of course, nothing goes right for bloody, fucking, Potter,' She thought bitterly to herself.

"Well, you could stop applying them and let them wear off slowly?" Ben tried to suggest, his voice sympathetic.

Harry would've punched him if it wasn't actually a plausible idea. But the boy forgot the testosterone-filled males that practically occupied at least half of the population and Harry knew from background observation just how hormonal those blokes were. Just thinking about it made her shiver.

Smirking wryly to herself, she shook her head as she realized that she sounded like a man-hating bitch. Ron was already on his way to that conclusion, though.

It was one of the reasons why she had told them about Ben Cheney. Who was a healthy teenaged male and very much over the moon about Angela Weber.

"At least, your crush will then have time to see you," Ben chuckled and continued to do so even when Harry punched him lightly on the upper arm in embarrassment, a dark blush staining her cheeks as she did so.

"Sod off," She growled at him.

"You know? You would've been actually really cute if you stop acting like a boy. If I didn't know any better, I'm actually talking to a dude right now!" The boy laughed at her, his eyes glittering in good humour and amusement.

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked away.

Yeah, why couldn't she have been just a boy and save her all the trouble of dealing with this kind of things?

Honestly, she was one screwed up bugger.




TBC... (I hope)