A/N: Hey! This is my first Samurai Champloo Fic, so I hope you enjoy it. I adore constructive criticism and feed back, so please review! Review numbers will determine how fast I update the story. Thanks for reading!


I do not own any of the characters form Samurai Champloo


Streams of sunlight filtered through the window, glaring over her eyes. Her face scrunched disapprovingly as she peeked through her lashes. Fuu groaned. She had been at the teahouse late last night to help close up and now they were asking her to come in early to catch the morning crowd too? Most people would find it ridiculous, but Fuu just rolled over with a tired moan and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

Shuffling off of her futon she slipped out of her sleeping kimono and into a crisp day set. Taking extra time to pin up her hair neatly she gave herself a once-over. Her newest kimono was a light green with an emerald accent. The garment made her olive skin glow radiantly and it's fashionable cut showed off her new assets quite nicely. It was true, since leaving her two conrads she'd done quite well for herself. Finding an abandoned house on the outskirts of town and landing a job at the local tea-shop had given her the footing she needed to get on with her life.

She ran her hands over the soft fabric, marveling at the curves underneath that made her look every bit the 18 years she was. She gave a triumphant smirk. If only Mugen could see me now.

The smirk faded slowly from her lips and was replaced by a reminiscing stare aimed at the floor. It had been a year since she'd seen or heard from him. Jin was nice enough to send letters every month, telling her of himself and Shino and their new home together. She was happy for the contact and the promise that he'd visit someday "soon". She didn't hold her breath. But not one word had been heard from the swaggering pirate that haunted her dreams on a nightly basis. She vaguely wondered in he was alive still.

Shaking her head she left her home, headed to town in hopes of a busy day that would take her mind off of those piercing grey eyes.



"Coming Michiko!"

The shop was hustling with impatient guests and Fuu was running from table to table in a flash, pouring drinks and taking orders left and right. Running into the back her eyes rested on the old woman pouring over a new batch of Oolong tea.

"Fuu dear, could you finish this up for me? I need to take a seat for a few to catch my breath." Fuu looked at the elder fondly.

"Of course Michi, Don't work about a thing". The wrinkled lady gave her employee a week smile and sat, fanning herself with an apron and sending her greying hair to flutter about her face. "My dear that kimono looks lovely on you. I had a feeling it would suit".

"Yes I adore it very much, thanks again. You really didn't have to buy it for me." An airy cackle met her ears.

"Fuu, when I first hired you here you had nothing more than the tattered pink kimono on you back. Literally! No need to thank me for making sure my best server looks presentable, dear".

Fuu smiled wider. It was true, ever since she came through the door of this shop asking for a job the woman before her had crooned over Fuu like she was her own daughter. Buying her food and clothing and even helping her clean up her new home.

Taking the tea Fuu bustled back out into the main room, serving tea and making chipper small talk with the customers like a pro. In no time it was noon and only a few hours until her shift was over. As she was catching up with some of the regulars, she noticed two men slither into the doorway, taking seats and scanning the shop with greedy eyes. Ugh, gross. Rolling her eyes and plastering on her best smile she sauntered towards them. Their clean-cut appearances would have swooned any girl and made any man jealous, that is, until ones eyes rested on the faces. Shifty pig heads, was the term she chose to describe the men who had caught sight of her and were now giving her body an unwelcome visual raking. She held down the bile.

"Good afternoon, my name is Fuu, what can I get for you?" The first man grinned.

"Hello, Fuuuu," he dragged out lecherously, "My name is Riku, and this here is my pal Katashi." The other man narrowed his eyes and gave a thin smile. Fuu tried not to flinch.

"What'll it be for ya?" She persisted.

"Hmm, not in the talking mood eh sweet cheeks? Well in that case we will just have a dozen dumplings each, and company with you if that's all right."

"Sorry boys, we're a little busy today. "

"Oh, let someone else handle it," Katashi sneered, grabbing her wrist and causing her to jerk slightly, "We're headed to the south for a few weeks. How's 'bout you come with us hmm?" He shared a playful wink before Michiko interrupted, clearing her throat and glaring at the man.

"Excuse me, Fuu is needed in the kitchen. We'll have your dumplings out momentarily." Her stern gaze set on the men as she hurried the girl into the back, never taking her eyes off of the two.

The next hours flew but it wasn't until closing time that the two curious men took their leave, but not before casting wicked smiles and winks at Fuu, making her blush and gulp audibly. She turned to see Michiko holding out a box.

"Here you go dear, just a little something for your dinner tonight. Be careful on your walk home okay?" She smiled as Fuu took it and inspected the rice and dumplings inside.

"Thank you very much Michi, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" She turned and exited the shack, headed to her home. The sun was setting, casting an amber hue across the earth and decorating the forest with orange and black splotches. Clutching the box of food close she breathed in the spring and let her eyes slide shut as a memory washed over her.

"Oh my GOD! Look at all the Flowers!" A pink clad girl piped as she ran into a field of blooms. The two men in her wake stopped to acknowledge that she'd run off. Again. One rolled his eyes and sighed heavily, while the other merely stared on in silence.

It was early spring and the trio had come across a vast plane of wild flowers. It was a simple, reoccurring thing that happened the same time every year, and yet the squealing woman gawked and hooted like it was something she'd never beheld. They decided to rest. The tall, pale samurai sat fluidly, his eyes shut as he produced his sharpening stone and began tending to his sword. Only when he heard a thud followed by a soft grunt did he peek out to see the tanned vigilante had flopped down on a patch of blooms and was now stretched out for a nap, soaking up the suns rays with a hint of a smirk tugging his lips.

It was moments like these that Mugen truly enjoyed. Sitting on his ass without a care in the world. That was the life, and not even four-eyes or miss fussy britches could ruin it for him now. Or so he thought. It was a moment later, right before sleep overtook him that he felt something land on his head, a giggle following close behind. Cracking open an eye he saw Fuu standing over him, hands over her mouth with little giggles escaping her closed fingers. Reaching up his hand he tugged the flowery wreath of buds from his hair, giving it a scowl and throwing it aside in a crumpled heap. He was met by sandal to the face.

"Ow! What the hell was that for bitch!?" he growled, sitting up and rubbing his red nose.

"For trashing my gift you asshole! I just finished making that!"

"Yeah well why the hell do you think I'd want some sissy flower crown? Least of all one made by you!" Fuu gasped.

"Y-you… YOU JERK!" she screeched, sending her other shoe flying at him and stomping away after it made contact with his ear. She could hear his howl of annoyance as she walked away with tears running down her cheeks.

Later that night she sat alone looking at the moon in her field of blossoms. After her and Mugen's escapade Jin had decided to call it a night and make camp here. Her bodyguards were long asleep, as far as she knew, and she was now twisting a flower in her grip; bending and crushing the defenseless plant to oblivion. Jeez, why did he have to be such a jerk? Gritting her teeth she threw the flower away and wrapped her arms around herself.

"I thought you liked these damn things, but from what you did to this one now I'm not so sure."

Fuu curled in at the sound of his rumbling voice and turned her head away. She did not want to talk to anyone right now, least of all him.

"Go away, Mugen." Her voice was low and muted, an obvious attempt to keep it from cracking and signaling she'd been crying. He flopped down beside her and folded his arms behind his head anyways.

"Nah, I think I'll stay here."

"WHY!?" she yelled, turning on him and catching him off guard, "Why must you stay here? To taunt me some more? I'm sick and tired of your pig-headedness for today to just leave me alone!" She stared at his stunned expression for a moment, and then started to shove away from him. He caught her by the wrist.

"Look, I'm sorry I crushed your little flower er… thing… Here"

Fuu turned to see Mugen sitting up straight, one hand clasping her wrist, the other holding out the flower crown she'd made him earlier, and his eyes looking anywhere but at her. Silently she sat back down and took the wreath from him, inspecting the newly looped flowers and neatly tied stems that she couldn't have hoped to create herself. Smiling, she looked back up and the pirate whose scowl was perfectly planted on his face and reached towards him. Seeing her intention he caught her hands, plucking the creation easily form her fingers and plopping it on her head.

"I fixed it so you could wear it dimwit." He grumbled, looking away once again, only glancing back at her to see her beaming at him with tears in her eyes. He sat up straighter with a slackened expression feigning worry.

"Now don't go getting' all mushy on me girly, I just did it so you'd stop-". Fuu leaning in closer than she'd ever dared before, planting a soft kiss on his cheek, and whispering in his ear cut him off.

"Thank you Mugen."

Fuu smiled at the memory and opened her eyes. The orange hues were now nowhere in sight and darkness followed her every move. She felt wetness on her face and rolled her eyes at her own naivety. For god sakes it had been a year since she'd seen him and still she couldn't get him out of her mind. She mauled over the day that the trio had parted ways. About the way she walked off. About the way she had stopped not too far after leaving them and looked back in the vagrants direction. About seeing him staring right back. Sighing a little she trudged on, house nearly in sight and feet aching for the hot spring. Little did she notice the darkness was not the only thing following her.

Reaching her house she proceeded inside, setting down the food and walking back to her room. After emerging from the short hallway she noticed that the door she'd closed now stood open again. Frowning, she walked over to shut in when she felt eyes on her. Turning swiftly, she froze as the two men from the teashop stood before her.

"Oh, lookie here Riku. I've found a mouse." Katashi purred, looking over the motionless girl.

"Ah yes, and a very pretty mouse at that. How much do you think she'd sell for Katashi?" Said Riku, slowly licking his lips as they came to corner her.

"Oh, I'd say a fair amount. Wouldn't you think?"

"I agree. So how 'bout it hunny, wanna take a ride with us? I'm sure we could show you a good time." Riku winked at her and approached swiftly. Fuu's eyes widened and she turned to run. A scream tore through her throat just before she was struck to the ground.