Dear readers whom have read my Oblivion (if not just continue to past 'Chapter 1') this probably isn't an easy mistake but this is NOT the sequel to Oblivion actually it's an attempt to get out of my comfort zone for writing. And so I was thinking it'd be a nice attempt to try Rogue X Levy

Chapter 1


He glanced over towards a building that best be called a fort with the way it was set up. "I thought you said it was supposed to be easy." Rogue sighed glancing towards Sting who shrugged not caring a smile on his face as he prepared for the probably coming battle. "It was sneak in and liberate something without being noticed." Rogue sighed his hand on his face as he tried to figure out how this had happened. "Rogue, you don't smell that?" Sting smiled glancing over the cliff as Rogue glanced down at him.

"Not currently no, i'm too busy trying to figure out how our cover got blown." Rogue sighed they had only arrived there several minutes ago. "It's not blown, there's scent of Fairy Tail here." Sting smiled as Rogue looked down towards him. "You're thinking about blowing cover in the middle of the mission and challenging Natsu." Rogue sighed dramatically at him. "No he's not here...I think they currently have a hostage..." Sting whispered imagining what it would be like to have Fairy Tail indebted to them. Rogue frowned at Sting's selfishness. "I'll barge in on the castle, you rescue whoever's trapped there, find the book, grab me, and get out." he instructed laughing the whole time.

Rogue quickly sunk into the shadow re-appearing next to a curled up girl in a king sized bed that made her dwarf-size seem even smaller. Quickly he took a glance at the map and then back at the hard to see girl, whose eyes had just slid open in sudden panic. No bruises, cuts, or scrapes on her which meant either she hadn't met her attacker yet or she came willingly. A magical scarf appearing to keep her from speaking., he definitely looked as if he was the guilty one.

She attempted mummering things and crawling away from him tears pricking at her eyes. Stuffing his right hand in his hair he sighed. "Look i'm not very good at this speaking thing, but SaberTooth didn't kidnap you." Rogue stated picking the still resisting girl up bridal style she only slightly relaxed when she saw his appearance.

"here sit there" he sighed not that she had much choice as he finally opened the parchment that would only open for some reason within the location, probably because they wanted to make sure they'd go. His eyes widened reading further into the request the job was to retrieve 'the book'...her. It was addressessed from one of the workers here. He read further into the information.

Name: Levy McGarden

Hair: Blue

Eyes: Brown

Affiliation: Fairy Tail

Reason behind her kidnapping: close to Gajeel Redfox

"This girl is close to him? They can't be fighting partners she doesn't appear to be the fighting type." he thought glancing at her who seemed to be memorizing something as he tried to remove the magic that made the scarf. "Sit very still." he whispered as she shut her eyes a shadow emerging at his hand finally counteracting the magic.

"Who are you why was I kidnaped by SaberTooth?" Levy immediately stated struggling to stand as she fell into his arms. "Rogue Cheney" he sighed if Gajeel had told her about him it would be a real problem. "Where does Gajeel think you are?" Rogue sighed quickly changing the topic picking her up as they walked towards the main hall to leave through the front door. "What are you doing?" Levy's eyes widened surely if she escaped they would be blamed but she still had handcuffs on so it might've looked like a second kidnapping. "Levy, I'm taking you home." Rogue stated ever so carefully not a hint of difference in his voice. Levy felt herself give off an unnecessary blush.

"It's my job to protect you." he stated quickly turning away towards the entrance doors hand already engulfed in shadows. "Just another mission" Levy sighed placing her chin on the metal handcuffs. As the fighting continued 'smack, grunts, and crashing' finally stopped Rogue casually walked back towards her looking as if nothing had happened as a loud thud echoed behind her.

A man that was almost the height of the stairwell itself was standing there as he quickly reached down and grabbed Levy by her hair. "I always hated the ugly color Gajeel loves so much." he laughed grabbing more of her hair swiftly tugging her to the floor so suddenly the person's hand let her go it was suddenly a softer landing as she hit the floor rolling three times until she was looking up on her stomach towards Rogue who was crushing the man's wrist, intimidatingly pressed against the wall and with such speed.

"Learn how to treat a lady...if you have a problem with someone take it up with the person themselves." he said he tried to be as gentlemen-ly as possible as he walked over to her. "I'm sorry you had to see that." he sighed as Gajeel would've just grunted at her ignoring the event. "I'm not sure if he's being like a gentleman or if he's treating me like i'm fragile" Levy glanced at his outstretched hand as she purposefully gave him two hands.

"I'll have these off once violent Sting gets here." Rogue sighed as she nodded. "I feel like a doll" she sighed as he nodded probably not recognizing what she just mumbled

"And Levy."


"Be careful...such beautiful hair many will be jealous." there was a brief silence from the X-non-talker. "You're more than a mission, especially to me." he slightly smiled and tried to attempt to reassure her as she nodded, he was moving closer towards the door as Sting finally broke it down looking at everyone already on the ground. "You didn't save any?" Sting sighed.

"You were late."

"yeah, yeah...anyway where's that book we're supposed to liberate?"

"Right here"



Sting glanced down at Levy. "Her name was replace by book so the mission wouldn't be stolen or 'lost' in transgression to us." Rogue stated. "Why not just tell FairyTail?" Sting said taking notice upon her mark and becoming suspicious. "They're too destructive" Rogue stated. "so where are we going?" Levy asked as she still stared at the handcuffs which they somehow conveniently forgot about. As Sting begun laughing.



he laughed between gasps as Levy gave him a peculiar look at his intricate manner wondering what he was going on about.

"He did say he would take you home"

Author's note: thank you for taking the time to finish reading this chapter, I would like to state that my chapters usually aren't that long mostly consist of 1-2 pages, author's note at the end, no writing at the top discluding the chapter. And I attempt to update at least once a week, if you're lucky i'll update twice in two or three days.

To reader's of Oblivion: I would like to know how you feel about this one, also I think i will make a sequel to Oblivion but i'm not too sure what it would be about yet and I want to finish my story from another anime first. It's easier to work two stories at a time.