Chapter One:

It was a cold, wet day in the newly liberated United states of Japan, and Lelouch Vi Britannia was in a state of shock. He stood utterly still, his violet eyes widened in shock as he stared at the police officer before him. Not that Lelouch had been arrested or anything. No, something far more terrible had taken place.

In fact, it was so terrible that Lelouch felt that surely he must have misheard him. Yes, that was it. Obviously this whole thing was a gigantic misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly, officer." he said with a friendly smile. "I could have sworn that I heard you say that Prime Minister Oghi has closed down the Casino."

"Actually that's exactly what I said." replied the officer in question. "Though technically speaking he just shut down their illegal operations, outlawed prostitution, and started enforcing the law regarding their more inhumane attractions."

"Oh…" said Rivalz behind Lelouch awkwardly. "Well that's not good."

"But… but…" began Lelouch. "Why does that mean the Casino is closed?"

The officer shrugged "The things which were banned here after Zero freed Japan were ninety percent of the attractions of the place. Why else would someone go to a Casino."

"To gamble!" said Lelouch in an outraged tone. "To place high stakes bets on various games of chess, then humiliate nobles while making enough money to live on! You'd have to be some kind of hedonistic moron to enter a place like this just to make use of the services of a common brothel."

"…You do realize that 'hedonistic moron' basically describes the majority of Britannia's nobility." muttered Rivalz dryly behind him.

"Which is rather a moot point actually." said the officer. "Since almost all of the Nobles have either fled to the mainland, were killed in battle, or were ransomed back to their families in exchange for funds for the treasury. A business can't survive without customers, ergo, the casino is closed."

A terrible silence overtook the three of them as Lelouch Vi Britannia shot through all the possibilities. He could easily geass the officer into letting him pass, but that wouldn't matter, as it was closed. He couldn't revoke the laws as Zero, because Zero was a symbol, and only held power because people believe in him.

The Casino was closed. And there was nothing he could do to stop reopen it. With that realization a terrible chill washed over Lelouch as he wordlessly turned round to go back to Rivalz's bike.

"Well I suppose we'll just have to become productive members of society." said Rivalz with a morose sigh "It's a sad day when two young students can no longer take time off to illegally gamble in broad daylight."

There was silence, and Rivalz glanced over at Lelouch. "Hey Lelouch, are you alright?"

For a few moments Lelouch remained still, his eyes hidden behind his black hair. Then he looked up. "Yes, I'm fine Rivalze." he said. "I may not have expected this to happen, but I prepared for the possibility of my source of income falling out. I have a couple thousand saved up in several different accounts for emergancies. I'm sure I can make it stretch, if I'm careful with it."


Five hours later, Lelouch Vi Britannia

"Why is my bank account empty!" yelled Lelouch to C.C, pinning her against the wall of his room in Ashford. The green haired witch didn't react at all, but merely stared back in an unconcerned manner.

"I needed pizza." said C.C with a shrug, before chewing on the slice of cheese she had in one hand.

"But…" sputtered Lelouch "I specifically set aside a bank account which you could buy it with! Your not supposed to use the other ones to buy fast food."

"And I didn't." replied C.C blandly "I used to other bank account to make an anonymous donation to pizza hut, so that they could reestablish the chain after several of their restaurants were seriously damaged in your liberation of Japan." Her tone of voice seemed to indicate that he had been the one in the wrong.

"That money was for emergencies you damn witch!" Lelouch yelled.

"And it was used for one." she replied. "Besides, if your so worried about having an income, why don't you just ask for a paycheck as Zero."

"What." said Lelouch in surprise.

"You liberated Japan, didn't you." she said "Use some of that charisma of yours to make your personal income a government expense."

Lelouch stepped back in surprise, before considering the matter. "You know, that might actually work."


"Yeah… That's not going to work." said Kaname Oghi, Prime Minister of Japan seriously as he looked at Zero.

"What do you mean it's not going to work!" said Zero. "I liberated Japan! I assassinated a Prince of the Empire, captured two Princesses, defeated the garrison and established a society where all people are treated as human beings! I had an opportunity to I don't think that it's unreasonable to want to be paid enough to live on!"

"Oh it's not unreasonable at all." said Oghi "It's just not possible."

"…How so?" asked Zero.

"Well…" said Oghi, obviously somewhat nervous "In order to pay you, we'd have to send the money to your bank account. Which means that we would have to have your identity on record. And since half the appeal of Zero is his nature as an impersonal force of justice, come down to judge a sinful world…"

"You can't give me a paycheck without sabotaging the foundation of the United States of Japan." finished Lelouch, narrowing his eyes behind his mask.

"…Pretty much, yeah." said Oghi at last, having the good grace to look embarrassed about the fact.

There was a pause. "I'm taking a two week vacation while I deal with matter, Oghi." he said at last, standing and turning round, his cape swirling audibly as he walked towards the door. "If Brittania initiates an invasion during that time, I will not be cancelling it."

As he walked out, Oghi breathed a sigh of relief. "Well that went better than I'd hoped."

Outside the door, Zero narrowed his eyes. "Fine, I'll improvise." he muttered, and with those words he left to go make some recordings.


"What!" said Kallen Kozuki in absolute surprise as she spoke to her leader over the phone over the intercom.

"Didn't you hear me the first time, Q1?" asked the masked revolutionary. "I am officially assigning a liaison to communicate my wishes to you directly, should I be unable to do so."

"Communicate- I'm you're freaking bodyguard!" she said, sounding rather offended. "Hell, my squad is under your direct command! Whoever gets this job is just going to be sitting around doing nothing."

"Really now?" came an arrogant voice behind her. "You should learn to control yourself better, Kallen."

Kallen turned round to see Lelouch Lamprouge standing before her looking rather smug, and holding a sheet of paper.

"Lelouch!" she said "How the hell did you get into the base…" she trailed off as he handed her the paper, which she took and read. She glanced up at him, her mouth agape. "What the- I mean- how did you-" she sputtered "WHY ARE YOU GETTING PAID DOUBLE MY WAGES!"

"I'm just good like that." he replied with a smug look that infuriated her to no end, right before she punched him in the face.

And so began Lelouch Vi Britannia's career as the liason between his personal guard and himself. His own bodyguard gave him a black eye in the first minute.


Authors note:

Well here it is, my first Code Geass Fanfiction. I hesitated a long time before posting this, mostly because I didn't want to blow my first impression it on a bad concept. This will likely by a lighthearted fic, and to that the details of the Black Knights victory will probably be complete different, though I doubt I'll go into too much detail.

Please tell me what you think. I'll try to update it soon if you enjoy it, and any advice you have with will be appreciated.

Thank you for reading.
