The Change Chapter 1

This was the very first fanfic I ever posted. (I started working on "Snart's Saga" before this one, but I posted this first.) Yes, the chapters are very short. But I still like the story, and I hope you do, too.


I hear their voices. They will open the doors soon, and I will fight them. There is nothing else I can do. I tried to ignore them once, and they pricked me with spears until I fought. I hate them.

The door opens. I rush out. They have set up the walls this time. Good; when I am on the walls, they cannot hurt me. I can choose my moment to strike.

There are six of them. The small one is not paying attention. I fire! My aim is off; I destroy his weapon, but he is unharmed. I chase him across several walls, but he is quick and he eludes me. A bigger one comes into view. This one gets my tail spines. This time, I do not miss, but his shield saves him. I descend to ground level.

Two thin ones appear, and then they disappear. Where have they gone? I wait; they always reappear if I wait a moment. I hear their voices directly in front of me. I turn and see them. They fight each other and ignore me! If they want to make it easy for me, I will not disappoint them. I fire! They separate, and my blast goes between them. My aim was never this bad before. It must be from lack of practice. I stalk them, trying to smell them if I cannot see them.

The small one falls in front of me. I'm not ready to fire yet, so I charge at him. One quick bite, and it will be over. It would feel so good just to hurt one of them! He scrambles away. Two others jump in front of me. The stocky one throws his weapon. I don't have to dodge it; his aim is even worse than mine. I laugh at him – the ultimate revenge! Now my fire is ready. I fire! The stocky one dodges it and runs. I chase him.

He disappears around the corner; the one with the armor is still in front of me. I chase her on the walls, knocking most of them down as I go. It feels good to destroy something a human made. At last, I pounce, but I overshoot and crash into the walls. By the time I free myself, she is ready, and strikes me hard with her weapon. I cannot take another hit like that. At least it drew no blood.

I am dizzy from the blow. The large one with the wooden leg prods me back into the cell. The door closes. It is dark and quiet, and cramped and stifling. I was meant to fly, not to be caged! I hate the humans.