Before following up my KakashixSai fic with a sequel involving SasukexNaruto, i felt that i needed to do a KankuroxKiba fic, only because for some reason i have recently grown rather fond of this pairing. I have high hopes for this fic lasting at least four chapter's but I suppose I'll see what happens.

Disclaimer: Of course I do not own any of the characters, the fact that this is a fanfiction site should ya know, indicate that. Anywho, hope you guys enjoy.

Kankuro stepped into the main gate of a village that was almost done being repaired, it looked completely different from the last time he had seen it, he felt that the only thing he could really recall being the same were the stone Hokage faces that overlooked the place, which were currently being illuminated by the sunset. With that being said it seemed like the Leaf Village recuperated rapidly after the war. Even when the war finished, the ninja of all the countries kept their alliances and began to repair each others villages. For once all of the great nations were at peace, Kankuro thought of it as a strange feeling, but he liked it nonetheless. Of course there were a few more threats in the world, rouge ninja from all of the countries seemed to have banned together and formed a greater group than that of the Akatsuki. As for now their criminal activity was nonexistent. Kankuro paced over to the gatekeepers booth and signed himself in.

"So you're just going to turn in some information on the Sand village's rouge ninja and take a vacation here?" Izumo Kamizuki questioned the Sand ninja standing in front of him. Kankuro let out a heavy sigh before responding "Well seems so, Lord Kazekage suggested I should take a break, before I could say anything else he mandated it." Kankuro rubbed the back of his neck before continuing "I plan on buying some supplies for a new puppet though, so maybe I'll just end up working on that." the sand ninja shut his eyes and smirked at the fact he was basically disobeying his brother's orders.
"Well alright, just don't be causing too much trouble then." the gatekeeper dismissed the man.

Kankuro walked further into the unfamiliar place in search of a hotel but to his surprise all of them were booked for the next day or two. "Well shit, maybe I'll just have to camp outside for a few-" the puppeteer was cut short of his sentence when a warm body harshly collided into him and forced him on the ground. The man let out a grunt as the impact which caused his eyes to involuntarily shut. "Ah what the hell!?" as he protested a friendly moist tongue ran up his cheek. The puppet master's eyes flickered open to reveal that the lick belonged to a massive white dog.
"Yeah there was no way we were mistaking that scent, Akamaru." an approaching voice stated with a hint of excitement. Akamaru let out an excited bark at his master's statement and hopped of the ninja.

"It sure has been awhile, hasn't it?" Kiba offered a hand to assist Kankuro up off the ground. The sand ninja scowled and struggled to get up without help. The impact forced his scrolls to embed themselves into his back, which was more than likely to leave some bruising. "Eeesh, do you greet all your friends this way?" Kankuro scowled again while reaching behind his scrolls to rub his sore back. "Only the ones I hardly get to see." Kiba released a mild grin before changing his expression into a more concerned one "Are you alright?" The puppeteer raised his brow in curiosity before realizing he was still treating his back, he withdrew his arms and drop them to his side and regained a face full of seriousness "Yeah I'm fine." Kiba stared at the man in front of him for a short duration before letting out a chuckle. "What's so funny, Dog Breath!?" the sand ninja released a tinge of anger. Before Kiba answered the slightly angered man, he stepped forward to poke at a spot just underneath the puppeteer's right eye. "Look's like you need to fix your make up." Kiba stated while brushing his thumb down the already smeared horizontal line, just barely picking up the purple residue to wave in front of the sand ninja's eyes.
"It's not make up, it's face paint, you mutt!" Kankuro raised his voice, trying to hide his blushing face with anger. Kiba remained close, and returned his hands to his sides, not at all deterred by the man's ramblings. Then Kankuro brought his hands to Kiba's forearms and began to squeeze. Akamaru let out a defensive bark for his master but remained at his side. Kankuro's clench was now getting tighter, "Okay, Okay. It's face paint, I'm sorry." the dog ninja apologized before he showed any sign of pain. The grip loosened but Kiba was still being held. "You going to let me go any time soon?" Kiba closed his eyes as he questioned and let out a heavy sigh. The hot breath traveled to Kankuro's neck and goose bumps started accumulating, that's when Kankuro took note on how close they actually were, and at that moment he broke his grip off and staggered backwards before the dog ninja could open his eyes and examine his reaction.

"I get really irritated when people refer to it as make up." Kankuro stated as he brought his hand up to cover his right side of his face. Kiba opened his eyes and shrugged "Ah that's alright. So are you on a mission then?" the dog ninja stated as he reached down to comfort Akamaru. "Eh, not really. I just had to deliver some information and then I was mandated for a vacation. So I wouldn't really call it a mission." Kankuro paused before continuing "which reminds me, do you know any good camping spots? All of the hotels are booked until the day after tomorrow." Kiba jerked his head up and stared at the request like it was some sort of taboo. "You're not sleeping in a tent, it's suppose to rain and thunderstorm." the dog ninja spat out. Kankuro found himself raising his brow towards the man again. "Well, it's not like I have much of a cho-" Kankuro's sentence was cut short. "You can stay at my place." Kankuro was a little shocked at the abruptness of the suggestion but he did not decline. He felt that something was up, Kiba seemed way to eager to offer his place up. "What's the catch?" Kankuro managed to ask.
"What a friend can't offer another friend a place to stay without there being a catch?" the dog ninja said defensively. Kankuro looked up at the skies that were slowly being overrun by dark clouds and nighttime. "While I guess you're not lying about the weather part, okay I'll take you up on your offer." the sand ninja said without a care in the world.
"We should get going then, follow me." Kiba began walking and Akamaru followed alongside. The sand ninja picked up his pace and was treading directly behind them.