This fic has been had a good long run, and I'm sorry if I disappoint you with this last chapter, I originally had some smut planned at the end but it didn't feel right to me. So enjoy its sappiness.

The sky was a dark haze of blue and was beginning to break with bright flashes, the wind picked up it's velocity and whipped loose branches off of there trunks. Kiba was making an attempt to avoid the twisters by running along the outskirts of the storm, little did he know that it would also be a dangerous route, seeing as he was dodging left and right to escape speedy debris. But he did know one thing, he was overdue for a break and taking one out in the open was not a good idea "Shit." Kiba swore under his breath when he felt the numbness of his overworked muscles. He spotted a bunch of low hanging pine trees a few meters ahead. It's not exactly the best shelter but it would have to work for at least five minutes. Kiba was going to have to consume more of the pills just to stay out of the storm's rage. As his mind wandered for a quick second thinking about the consequences, a decent sized branch whipped at him. He quickly snapped back from his thoughts and he jumped to the left. The branch's endings scrapped along the Inuzuka's body, leaving shallow cuts on his face and ankles. He ignored them and finally made it to the pine trees, the branches sheltered him quite a bit from the roaring winds. He looked down at his right ankle to see a scrap dripping blood, it wasn't that deep but it sure was making a mess. Disregarding that completely he rested for five minutes he swallowed one more pill. "As long as I don't have anymore I should be fine." Kiba thought out loud as he threw the bottle back in his bag. The sky had grown darker and now has started thundering and down pouring, which brought back unneeded memories. Kiba's mind flashed back and forth from the past to the present. He clasped his hands over his ears and firmly shut his eyes as he leaned his back up against the pine tree. He didn't want to take a longer break but he just could not bring himself back up, his hands clenched tighter as he vividly remembered the terrible memory.

Kiba's ears had heard the door gently shut, it prompted him to look out of his window. The porch light gave him visual of a familiar figure sneaking off into the night. The five year old Inuzuka took it on himself to investigate. Once he got outside he began tracking the man the best he could. The man was going at a slow, cautious pace but Kiba was able to catch up to him. The older man caught on and looked back at his son.
"Kiba, you should not be out here." his father scolded.
"Daddy, what are you doing?" Kiba questioned him, unaware of the situation.
The sky began to send heavy rain and the thunder began to roll loudly.
"Kiba, Daddy's just going on a very important mission." he tried to convince his son, but the five year old was not buying the act.
"Why didn't you say goodbye to us, is it because you and Mommy got another fight?" The questions seem to leap off Kiba's tongue.
"Kiba, I love you and your sister very much. Just remember that, okay?" Kiba's father stated while hugging him. "but I have to leave."
"Daddy, please don't leave, please don't leave." Kiba cried.
"I'll come back, leave the light on for me." Kiba's father stated, although Kiba's skills of detection were just beginning to form, he could tell that his father was lying but before he could call him out on it lightning flashed into his father's remorseless eyes as he knocked his own son out and left him leaning up against a tree. Kiba awoke a few hours later to the sounds and sights of the storm. "Mom!? Dad!? " Kiba began screaming out for his parents in a frantic voice. His body was drenched from the rain and other then the frequent sparks in the sky it was completely dark. Kiba was alone. He didn't know what to do. His heart sank low into his chest, as the feelings of utter abandonment and uselessness became a reality as he remembered what had just happened. He began screaming for his mother until he realized it was hopeless. He covered his ears and shut his eyes, hoping it was going to be over soon. But every time he opened his eyes, they revealed to him that it was not a dream and he was still very much alone and freezing. He began to rock back and forth with his eyes shut and his ears clenched against his ears and began mumbling "Please don't leave."

"Kuromaru woke up shortly, it turns out he was drugged and so were all of the animals in the house, probably in hopes that he would get away unnoticed. Even with the weather the way it was we were able to track Kiba down and we found him exactly how you did." Tsume sighed before continuing "It took awhile but Kiba finally told me what had happened. I was beyond pissed and if I ever see that man again I will make him pay for what he's done to my son." Tsume finished with a hint of anger as Kankuro sat there shocked after hearing what had happened in Kiba's past. "But anyway, I'm glad you brought him back home, maybe you're not so bad after all." Tsume changed her attitude and took a swig of her beer. Kankuro had the strength to awkwardly smile at the strangely put compliment. "But of course back then he wasn't really that difficult to carry, he didn't weigh that much at all." Tsume chucked but she was amazed at the fact Kankuro managed to carry her son all the way home. "Well it'd probably be nice if Kiba woke up with somebody in his room, to let him know what happened." Tsume informally invited Kankuro to stay the night and to spend it in Kiba's room. "It'll be easier on me if you did it." Tsume added on. "Yeah that would make sense, I guess I'm a little tired." Kankuro answered back but Kiba's mother could tell that the sand ninja was about to collapse.
"Okay, I have to stay up a little while longer to situate the bills of the house. Oh and Kankuro don't wake my boy up just to have sex. Both of you do not have the strength for that and honestly I really don't feel like hearing it at all." Tsume's words left Kankuro embarrassed and speechless. The face he revealed made Kiba's mother chuckle but she finally got a goodnight out in between laughs.

As Kankuro made it to Kiba's bed he coaxed Akamaru to move down by both of their feet. The sand ninja's body was sore all over but he wrapped his arms around Kiba.
"So my mother told you." Kiba's words woke Kankuro up for a quick second.
"Yeah she did." Kankuro answered back quickly.
"I didn't think I could tell you." Kiba admitted, before Kankuro could question why, Kiba answered "I didn't want you to feel obligated to stay in a relationship with me just because of something he did and plus I didn't think we'd last." Kiba voice went shaky.
"I won't leave you, Kiba." Kankuro reassured the Inuzuka and wrapped around him tighter "And look I even managed to get you back in time before Akamaru's ceremony tomorrow." Kankuro said with a complacent tone.
"Thank you, Kankuro." Kiba sluggishly showed his appreciation while yawning. "So do you think you can stay tomorrow night, too?" he questioned. "I'll have to leave the next day, but yes, I know how badly you want to cash in that promise we made back in the Sand Village." Kankuro laughed as he kissed Kiba's smiling face goodnight.

But if it makes you feel better, maybe I'll write the quick one shot of Kiba dominating in the near future.