I know I have like five other phanfictions to finnish, not to mention a House of Anubis one and another planned Adventure Time one, but I've already written ALL of this story on my tablet, so all I have to do is rewrite it on this! Fun, huh?

PJ and I came up in the lift, still not brave enough to attempt the stairs, and I rushed across the landing straight to the door, to Dan. I didn't like leaving him alone for too long I was slightly worried something might've happened.

PJ was close behind. "Do you think Dan'll like that husky blue colour we saw for the living room? I could paint you guys a mural, even! I've always wanted to do that but my mum wouldn't let me, then my university wouldn't let me and then Chris got wallpaper and now I'm sad..." he pretended to pout.

"Yeah, I bet Dan would really appreciate that, Peej. Thanks," I smiled, but I wasn't so sure. I turned back to the door to pull the door handle, getting a fright when it wouldn't move; locked. I felt panic start to set in.

"Does he usually lock the door?"

"No. No, he doesn't," I frowned. I told him only to lock the door at night when we were both going to sleep, after he'd come in and read me more of The Memory Keeper's Daughter (great book btw) and when he'd finnish it we'd simply start again with the same enthusiasm, as if he'd never came across it in his life.

"Are you going to knock, or are we going to stand out here all evening?"

"Oh, uhm, yeah," I said and knocked. A minute or so later, just as I started to panic even further and was about to knock again, the door opened a crack, still with the chain on, to reveal an extremely nervous looking Dan.

"Phil...i-is that you?"

"No, Dan, it's the Queen and her sex slave, c'mon man, let us in!" PJ joked, with a hint of cautiousness in his voice.

"I'M SERIOUS!" he screamed. PJ and I gulped simultaneously; he'd gotten worse. In the few hours I'd stupidly thought I could leave him alone for ("You go, I'll be fine..") he'd somehow deteriated again.

We exchanged a worried glance before I took a step towards him and said in the soothing voice I always used with him, smooth as silk, "Yes, Danny, it's me and Peej. C'mon, let us in, hey? I won't hurt you, I love you. It's freezing out here!" I smiled.

He nodded vigourously, closing the door to unhook the chain, then opening it wide. "I'm sorry, u-uhm, we could- we could get some tea or c-coffee?"

"Yeah," PJ agreed, smiling, trying to keep a calm and level head like mine, but Dan was making it more and more difficult as he ushered us in, his eyes darting around in their sockets nervously. He jumped practically a foot in the air when PJ started to ask him, "How was- oh, sorry I scared you there, Dan. I was just going to ask how your day was."

I shot a grateful smile at him, a thanks for how good he was with him, even though Dan was always wary; he could only try his best and it wasn't Dan's fault I was the only one he trusted completely. PJ was so patient with him, and always so gentle. Anyonw else would've freaked out by now, even Chris couldn't be in the same room with him for long before making up some excuse to leave. He made everyone feel so on edge, even me most of the time, and I'm sure PJ felt the same.

"I've- I've just been here all day, keeping a-an eye out...y'know...I had to l-lock the door...AND I WAS JUST MAKING SURE!"

I took a deep breath. "Keeping an eye out for who, Dan?" I spoke to him like a small child.

His eyes turned to mist, his thoughts ovbiously away out the door and down the street. "Them, of course."

"Soooo...about that tea..."

"I'll make it," I said instantly. "And PJ can help me, yeah Dan?"

No answer.


Nothing. A not-at-home expression was plastered on his face as me and PJ had no other choice but to drag him over to his sofa-creased couch and go make the tea like normal, as if he had sat down in any normal way with any normal looking feature about him.

We had a muttered conversation in the kitchen, like your parents do when you think you're not straining your ears outside the door, but Dan could hardly be that little child. Not anymore.

"I really don't know what to do with him, Peej. I've looked on the internet for symtoms of anything, I've tried phoning these NHS helplines, but they just think I'm trolling them...I've asked online for help and people think I'm insane...I think I'm going the same way as him...I-I don't know how much longer I can cope. I don't even know what he has! It's keeping me up at night! All my time is spent making him cups of tea that just sit there untill they get cold, worrying about him, putting Dexter on to make him feel better...putting Dexter on is the worst..."

(For those of you that don't know what Dexter is, BASICALLY it's one of the best TV shows ever. It's this guy called- yep, you guessed it, gold star- Dexter and he works for the police in blood forensics, analysing the blood at crime scenes and all that jazz, he even has cool shades. But, him and his foster father started this thing where they would kill evil people, so he's working right under the police's nose- including his sister who works in homocide- killing all the bad people, torturing them...it's a bit graphic, but it's SO good. And that was a bit more than a basic explaination. Sorry...)

"What does he do when Dexster's on? Does he go nuts or...?"

"Worse. He just gets this insane smile on his face, and he doesn't stop grinning untill the episode is finnished, not saying a word. And then he just goes back to...well, that. I don't know what to do. Without you and Chris, I think I'd be mad as the hatter by now."

"Maybe Dexster isn't the best thing...maybe keeping him locked up in here all day isn't the best either, Phil! I'd take him to get help. I really would. Staring at four walls all day and watching TV shows about a cerial killer isn't going to help anyone. It was okay when we thought it was just some temporary thing or a prank, but it's been half a year!"

I sighed. "This...this is going to sound insane but I'll say it anyway...I'm scared of hurting his feelings. And, worst of all, I'm scared of him. He's not well, Peej, but I don't want to shatter the trust he has in me, however insane he is. He's my best friend."

"Phil, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think he's Dan anymore."

"Who isn't?" came a voice from a door. A voice I'd know anywhere. Cold as ice, as smooth as a snake slithering down a sheet of silk, and I didn't even have to look up from PJ and the long boiled kettle to know that as soon as that insane tone of voice set in, something was wrong. It was the voice that haunted me, sleeping and waking, and the voice I was most scared of. PJ glanced at me quickly, and my fear registered; he was preparing himself for the worst, as I was. We both raised our heads slowly, and there it was; literally the worst thing we could've imagined.

I wish I could tell you Dan was completely normal again, standing there ready to catapult a Totoro at us or standing there giggling at a plastic plasenta he'd found in God know's what shop, or maybe he could've been secretly filming something, but I'm afraid to say this was hardly the case; far from it.

Dan was standing in the doorway with the smile of a pyscopath all over his face, his eyes glinting with something completely evil...and the worst part, a huge kitchen knife, already stained with dried blood- or hopefully tomato ketchup- cluthed tightly in his left hand.

"Who's next?" he skreiked, just before the off-key hysterical laughing started, echoing off every surface and impaling us from all sides.