Chapter 8!

After her strange encounter with Sasuke and her heavy training Ino was wiped! She longed for a long hot bath to sooth her aching muscles and her marked body. Slowly sitting up from her spot in the soft grass she saw a pink haired girl walking straight passed her. Obviously it was Sakura but why was she ignoring her lately they where suppose to be best friends. Ino decided that being ignored wasn't to her like so she got up and began to run after the pinkette.

"Sakura. Hay Sakura!" Ino's voice was horse due to the lack of water and tough training. "For fuck sake Forehead wait up!" Finally the pinkette stop walking and turned around quite aggressively! "What do you want Pig?" Kami why was Sakura pissed at her? They had barly spoke since she got back and now the first time that their alone she was getting angry at her! "Whats wrong Sakura? You seem a bit off with me?" Ino was not expecting the glare Sakura gave her.

"Whats wrong? WHATS WRONG! How dare you come up to me and pretend like everything's ok! Just fuck off Ino! And don't try to talk to me again!" With that Sakura slapped Ino hard across the face sending Inoo's head spinning. Ino stood in shock. Sakura had just hit her for no reason! She had done nothing wrong and the bitch had the nerve to hit her and speak to her that way. "You know what I have no idea why you're mad at me but I will not be hit to like that. So fuck you Billboard Brow! And don't come running to me when the shit hits the fan and you have no one else to turn to! And if you ever try to touch me like that again I will fuck you up!" With that Ino barged by her and decided that the hot bath was defiantly in need now! Ino was furious she was so mad she forgot to ask what she had done wrong. Who cares anyway fuck Sakura. With friends like her who needs enemies!

Sakura sighed. Maybe she shouldn't of went off at Ino like that. But she really had hurt her. She knew she wasn't with Sasuke but seeing him carry Ino home that night made her blood boil. So what if Ino was drunk that didn't make it any easier. It hurt that her best friend may or may not have slept with the man she loved. But she felt like Ino did and now she has the cheek to play dumb!

"Now now Sakura what a nasty temper you have!" Sakura jumped at the voice. But she knew his voice anywhere.

"I know Sasuke but I really didn't mean to." Play innocent, hopefully he will see that she did it for him. He just stood and glared at her.

"Just keep your mouth shut about what you saw after the party! I don't need you gossiping around the village." Sakura nodded her head. As she looked at him she saw anger in his eyes. He slowly started to walk towards her. Fear crept up her spine. Standing body to body with her, he lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

"And don't you ever lay a hair on Ino's head again or you will have me to deal with! You're not even half the woman she is!" Sakura felt tears well up in her eyes. She felt her knees weaken and Sasukes body heat leave. Her legs crumbled and she wept at what just had happened.

Ino was furious! Her own best friend hit her and why? She didn't have a fucking clue! Ino was so pissed off that one tub of ice cream just wouldn't be enough! Untying her pony tail so her face was covered Ino made her way to the store. If anyone saw the red mark on her cheek the gossip would just flow. Ino welcomed the cooling breeze off the freezers. Her body was still hot from training. Ino began to choose what ice cream was best suited for her mood. Just as she was about to choose one she felt a presence by her side. It was no other then Sasuke. Seriously he was the last person she wanted to see today.

"That will make you fat you know!" Really was he just here to piss her off too? Maybe if she ignored him he would go away. "Well I suppose it's ok for you. You're not exactly skinny." Ino was getting more pissed by the second. He just invaded her privacy and then called her fat! What a dick!

"Listen Uchiha I'm not in the mood for you shit. So fuck off please and thank you!" Turning her back to him she decided the best way was to ignore him completely. That was until she felt a hand grope her ass. Ino froze. He had just squeezed her ass. What the fuck did he think he was playing at! His hand slowly wandered up to her hip and he gave that a squeeze too! Then his hand went to her stomach and pull her ageist him. Ino would be lying if she said his rock hard abs didn't do anything for her. He popped his chin on her neck and she could feel him grin. "But I do like a girl with meat on her bones. Gives me something to hold on to while I fuck her senseless." Ino had to suppress the shiver that ran up her spine. He was to close. With that he pulled away. As he past her he gave her a firm slap on the behind and left. Ino's mouth was hanging open like a fish. What the fuck had just happened.

Sasuke felt very proud of himself. He was fully sure he had turned little Ino on. He hadn't meant to but he saw an opportunity and he took it. Oh he was right this little game was very fun indeed. One of the ANBU had snapped him out of his little daydream. "The Hokage wants to see you immediately. There's a mission she wants you to do." Nodding at the ninja Sasuke grumbled to himself. He was just starting to have a good day. Taking his time to get to the tower he stopped to see Ino running as some speed to the tower also. what was she doing there.

When he finally made it he opened the doors to see two very pissed off blondes. One had a little blush on her face while glaring at him. "What took you so long?" Tsunade Shouted. He just shrugged at her and kept his eyes on the white blond who now had her back turned to him. "You know what never mind. The reason i called you both here is because I need both of you to go undercover to a little town who are having trouble. Apparently some of the young girls are going missing and the locals say it some criminal group who are stealing the girls for a sex trade. I hope you both are aware of why you are chosen. Ino you fit the bill perfectly of a pretty young girl and Sasuke who will protect her! Do I make my self clear?" Both ninja nodded and Sasuke still had his eyes on Ino. Did she just shiver? "You are both to leave tomorrow around 7 in the will get your scrolls on the mission later on tonight! Dismissed!"

Ino was gone in a flash. Sasuke turned his attention to Lady Tsunade. "If you don't mind I will bring the scroll to Ino. So I can discuss the mission." Tsuande nodded and with that Sasuke had left to get the scrolls with a smirk on his face the whole way.

Ino had finally got home after the long and shitty day she had. First Sakura slapped her. Then Sasuke fondled her and now she had to go on a mission with the same pervert. It was just an unlucky day for her. But it could get any worse. Taking a quick shower Ino decided to remain her black lace bra and matching underwear. Tenten was coming over later and she jsut didn't feel the need to get done up. Hearing a knock on the door Ino looked at the clock. Tenten was early! An hour early. The banging on the door continued. "Kami I'm coming. Chill the fuck out Ten..." When she opened the door she was not greeted by and twin bun girl, but a black haired bastard. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He didn't answer her question but openly stared at her body. Ino face twisted in confusion and when she looked down she realised what the bastard was smirking at. She hadn't put on her robe when she went for the door. She tried to slam the door closed but he was already one step ahead of her. He had pushed passed her and was already standing in her kitchen. "Get out Uchiha I don't have time for you shit." Again he didn't answer instead he waved the scrolls in front of her. "Oh right. Well let me grab some clothes and I'll be right out."

She walked as quickly as possible but one minute she was en route to her room the next she was slammed up against the fridge. What was this guy and cold areas. As she tried to struggle he had already her hands pinned over her head and a knee between her legs. "You don't have to put clothes on for me. I like you like this." What the hell was he on about? Ino had never been more confused in her life. His free had roamed her body. That had been happening a lot today. And it rested on her breast. He gave it a rough squeeze with had caused her to shudder. "Hmmm I think I like you more when you're helpless." His voice was husky and Ino was trying brake free of his hold. Slowly he put his lips to her neck and bit down on the soft flesh. After he gave it a quick lick. The whole time Ino was trying to deny out he made her body feel. His touch was familiar. But from where? "We have to meet early tomorrow to discuss the mission I would do it tonight but it seems you're expecting someone." He was still grinning into her neck. Ino wanted nothing more then to brake this bastards nose but he was far to strong. She closed her eyes and the pressure on her wrists was gone. Taking a shaky breath she opened her eyes to find Sasuke leaning by her frount door. He was still smirking the bastard. "See you tomorrow Yamanaka. Oh and Ino bring those panties with you. I like them."

With that he was gone and all that was left was a scroll in her and a sore neck. Ino couldn't of been more confused. What was going on?

Okies theres chapter 8 :D hoped you liked it :D i made Sasuke a little pervert :P oh thanks to those who fav/followed and reviewed :D it makes my day when that happens :D so tell me what you think so far :) peace out XD xxx