Disclaimer: I still don't own any part of Warehouse 13 and honestly, I really don't want to. It's much more fun to play with the toys and put them back to play with later.

A/N: In reference to the Zanata Stone, no research on my part has revealed its actual dimensions. Numerous sources have only described it as a small stone. If anyone knows the exact size, please let me know. I am very curious about this archeological find and hope to someday see it myself.

A/N: Honestly, the team didn't tell me what happened in Tenerife, either. It may be a rather difficult job sorting it all out. As always, reviews, comments and any thoughts are appreciated and are always considered. I find them very helpful, and this one may require some influence on our team to get them to spill the beans.

"Here are your flight itineraries. No grumbling. It was the best we could do, so pack light. And remember you are not on vacation. No fun." Artie reminded them. He looked pointedly at HG. "Whatsoever."

"Am I supposed to be offended by that?" HG dripped with sarcasm.

"Who knows what kind of trouble a person like you could get into in Tenerife." Artie glowered at her.

One hand on her hip she snapped back, "What, exactly, is that supposed to mean?"

"Let's just say you have a history of having a less than respectable reputation when opportunities readily present themselves. Tenerife certainly offers a great variety of opportunities." He glared at her over his glasses. "No fun."

"Honestly, Artie, you really do have a much lower opinion of me than I thought." Before giving him another opportunity to insult her, she turned on her heel to collect her belongings.

"What was that about, Artie?" Myka asked, not following the conversation.

"Nothing. What are you all still standing around for? You have a VERY long trip ahead of you. GO."

In the middle of a four-hour layover in Chicago, Helena came back from aimlessly wandering the airport. Steve and Claudia went off to find sandwiches and explore the various terminals attempting to fight boredom. Myka sat reading, standing guard over their belongings. Foregoing the free chair beside Myka, Helena leaned back against the wall, sliding down to sit on the floor.

"I can't imagine that is very comfortable or clean," Myka commented, not lifting her eyes from the page she had been staring at for the last hour.

"Do you honestly think that chair provides any more comfort or is remotely more sanitary than this floor? It is an airport." Helena sighed. "It at least provides a different perspective from down here."

"True." Myka put her book away and sat down next to her. "A penny for your thoughts."

Helena turned her head away from the green, inquisitive eyes.

"I know you know what that means. What's going on, Helena? You've been quiet ever since we left, even for you. Does it have something to do with Artie?"

"Why would you think that?" She stared out into the concourse, watching the people walk by.

"Because, you let him get under your skin and he upset you. I'm not sure what it was all about, but you've been down right sullen ever since. What was it all about?"

Helena leaned her head on Myka's shoulder, sighing again. "Nothing of importance."

Brushing Helena's hair back with her fingers, she probed deeper. "It must be if you're sitting on the floor in the middle of an airport with your head on my shoulder." She continued to run her hand through the silken hair, enjoying the unexpected intimacy they were sharing.

"He was merely reminding me of the many romantic, or rather not so romantic, indiscretions of my former life. Why he found it necessary to do so at that particular time I don't know. I wouldn't be disturbed so much if you were not part of my life. I don't want such insipid dalliances to tarnish something that shines so brightly for me now before it has even begun. I do love you. I fear you may hold that part of my life against me and question my honor in pursuing a relationship I've waited so long to explore with you." She took Myka's hand, afraid she would bolt from the floor beside her.

"Wow. I thought you knew me better than that." She gently rubbed the top of Helena's hand, still bruised from the IV catheter, in her own. "If you seriously think, after all that has happened since I ended up stuck to your ceiling, that anything you may have done in another century would stop me, maybe I should walk away now, because that tells me you have far less faith in me than I do in you." She looked straight into the dark eyes beside her. In return, she received a slow smile.

"No, I see no reason for you to leave."

Myka squeezed her hand. "Good. I'm glad that's settled. Artie was just being an ass." She leaned her head against Helena's, groaning. "I hate layovers. I hope Claudia and Steve get back with some food soon. I want you to take me for a walk around this place away from prying eyes before we board the next flight. It's their turn to watch the bags."

"How long is the layover here again?" Claudia whined.

Steve looked at his watch. "Oh, about six hours. Not the best of flight plans. We could probably swim there faster."

"Man, what is so important in Tenerife for four people? Where is that file? That was an eight-hour flight."

Steve saw the other two women standing close to each other. They'd slept on each other for most of the flight. Holding hands, they dropped their bags on the floor and leaned against the wall, HG resting her head on Myka's shoulder again. He wasn't sure how much Claudia may have figured out, but neither he nor Pete had a chance to bring her up to speed with the recent developments.

"Let's go find some food and stretch our legs a bit. Then we can find a place to crash on the floor. Maybe get some more sleep. I have a feeling once we land, we won't have a lot of time."

He dropped their bags at Myka's feet, startling the two women. "Hey, guys, I'm going to take Claudia around to stretch our legs, away from you, get some food and then try to find a place to crash. We'll be back soon to watch the bags so you can do the same."

"Sounds good, Steve. Scope out what looks edible. I hate airport food." Myka got Helena's attention and they dragged the bags to two empty chairs nearby. "Claudia doesn't know does she?"

"What's that?" Helena asked returning her head to its former position against Myka's shoulder, closing her eyes.

Unconsciously, Myka started running her fingers through her hair. "I said, I don't think Claudia has put everything together about us yet and Steve is trying to run interference. We need to tell her."

"How could she not know?" Helena asked perplexed lifting her head to look in the direction the two had wandered off.

"I doubt it would occur to her much. She missed a lot with the flu that the others witnessed and we haven't said anything. For the most part we've been pretty discreet and she's already used to us being fairly familiar already."

"Oh, well I was not up and about during most of that. Yes, you should say something." She returned her head adjusting it comfortably.

"Why me? I thought this would be an 'us' thing."

"Oh, I don't know, she looks up to you."

"Sweetie, hate to tell you, you may be shorter than she is but she looks up to you, too."

"Really? I would have never thought that." Helena lifted her head again, frowning at Myka, surprised by the statement. Myka had always been the one Claudia went to. "If you believe that is the case, then yes, I suppose we should. Perhaps after we have this artifact."

"Until then, let's take Steve's little hint and, uh, tone it down," Myka muttered, reluctantly separating from Helena's warmth. "This kind of sucks."

"I just spoke to Artie," Myka told the group. "He seems to think what we are looking for is at the Archaeological Museum of Tenerife. It has something to with the Zanata Stone. Then, a really strange thing happened. Mrs. Frederic called and said to ask for the director and everything would be taken care of from there and to call her, not Artie, when we had it. I don't get it. Why are we all going if it's tied up?"

Steve commented as they boarded void of expression, "Guess we won't know until we get there. I just can't wait until we are neither on a plane nor crashing in an airport. Hey, at least we can swing by the nude beaches on the way…"

Claudia turn around to stare at him, "What nude beaches? No one said anything about nude beaches."

After the team landed, as tired as they were from the nearly 24 hour trip, they opted for going to the museum before unloading their gear. They traveled light as it was. They desperately hoped for at least one night's reprieve before turning around, but wanted to assess the situation and gain control before anymore chaos occurred.

Arriving at the museum, they asked for the director as instructed by Mrs. Frederic.

"I don't care what she said, this is weird," Myka admitted to her partners of the last message received from the caretaker. "Why is she over-riding Artie? Why does she want us to call her first?"

Waiting in the front lobby, Steve stopped her questions, knowing how deeply focused she could get once on this roll of thinking. "Let's just start at step number one and do as Mrs. Frederic says."

An older gentleman approached them holding out his hand in greeting. "Hello, I am Alejandro Perez, the director. I believe a Mrs. Frederic sent you to retrieve an item of most importance."

Myka stepped forward for the group making the obligatory introductions. "Mrs. Frederic has contacted you?"

"No, I contacted her. We have in our possession the Zanata Stone. We are as yet unclear as to its significance, but it has caused a bit of trouble recently. I am aware of your…organization. A replica has already arrived to replace the original. We only need you to, what did she say…"

"Snag, bag, and tag?" Claudia offered with a smile and a little jig. She loved saying that. It just seemed to flow of the tongue so well. It sounded cool too.

"Yes, exactly. Please, come this way. The area has been closed for remodeling until you are able to retrieve it. I'll just leave you to do your job and then you can leave. Please feel free to come back though. There are very many interesting things here." Without any more conversation he turned and left the area allowing them to take care of the artifact.

"Okay," Claudia looked around at the others, "Is anyone else just a little weirded out over this?"

"That's what I was saying," Myka reiterated her point.

"Let's just get this thing and update Mrs. Frederic so we can make our long trip home." Steve complained, not looking forward to the trip home. His shoulder hurt from Claudia's head and he was tired and cranky for him. "So what are we dealing with, Myka?"

"Huh? Oh, I don't know that anyone really knows much. It was discovered in 1992 and has been referred to as the Rosetta Stone of the Canary Islands. It must hold some magical properties. Let's just do this and get out of here."

They neutralized the artifact with a great display of sparks, left a message for the director that they had completed their task and to thank him for his help. He had disappeared into the bowels of the building and was unavailable.

Artifact in hand, Steve called Mrs. Frederic on the Farnsworth while the three women sat aside soaking up the warmth of the sun. After a confusing discussion he sat on the bench next to them.

"You look confused, dear Steven. Where are we being sent to next?" Helena asked, closing her eyes, face turning upwards to the sun.

"That's just it. Everything fell into place in the middle of the flight from Chicago. They were expecting this to be a big deal. Then Dr. Calder got involved and suggested…no, insisted that in consideration of the health issues we've experienced, especially HG's pneumonia, that we be given an extended vacation, or rather medical leave." He grinned like the cat that ate the canary sitting in the tree above him. "Here."

"What?" they all exclaimed at the same time.

"Yeah. Assuming there are no new issues that develop, we are to stay here for the next week. I didn't think things like that happened in this job."

"Generally, they don't. Not in my day at least. What about Pete?" HG inquired, thinking it unfair of them being in paradise while he was stuck with Artie.

"When we get back, either eight days or three days, he will be equally compensated; Artie too, if he'll actually leave."

"Holy crap!" Claudia squealed. "Seven days in paradise."

Skeptical, Myka asked him in all seriousness, "Are you sure that is what she said?"

"Yes. Dr. Calder was there, too. Guess the 'old lady' has her worried."

"I'd be very careful if I were you, Steven, with your assumptions about my age. I am fully capable of responding accordingly when required in my present biological condition. Ask Mr. Lattimer if you must for confirmation."

"From what I've heard from Pete you are more than responsive in your present biological condition." Steve chuckled.

Helena glowered at him. "Oh, I'm sure he did. How unfortunate for him he was not suitably competent." She smiled at Myka who snickered behind her hand.

"Ah, yeah, I'll remember that HG." Steve cleared his throat.

Myka stared at Helena as she bantered back with Steve over the old lady jokes. A week in paradise with the one person she desired the most and finding daily more difficult to resist. The accommodations were going to make it more stressful. She knew it would be two rooms, not four.

With the artifact safely stored away, they enjoyed an evening of laughter over a meal of paella and good wine. Helena, insisting Claudia was no longer a child, argued she should have at least one glass of wine to sip as she chose, ignoring the disapproving looks she received from Myka.

The accommodations were as Myka had suspected; two rooms. The room for the women had been designed with the standard full-sized bed with the extra roll out. Now they had to face the awkward discussion of sleeping arrangements. Claudia and Helena were already deep in discussion.

"I am more than happy to take the roll out, Claudia. I've had much worse sleeping arrangements in the past year, I assure you. I'm happy just to have a mattress and pillow."

"I'm really tired, guys. I'll just take the roll out. The old lady can take the bed." Helena was now taking these jokes in full stride for the humorous attempts they were intended and tilted her head with wide eyes staring at the girl.

"Why shouldn't I take the roll out?" Myka entered the conversation.

"Dude, you are the tallest and this thing is a little on the short side, so it's a given you get half the bed."

"Oh, I guess that makes logical sense." She struggled internally wanting both the chance to sleep beside Helena again, but nervous in doing so with Claudia in the room. Despite the fact they'd shared on previous missions, she'd only been that close to her while she was sick and they had always seemed to wake up more intimately arranged than when they started out the night before.

Fighting the same inner turmoil, Helena used Claudia's observation as her main argument. "Then with that logic, as I am the shortest, however little that is, than I should take the roll out."

"Yeah, and I'm the youngest." Claudia flopped down staking her claim, sticking out her tongue to make her point. "So there. Discussion over."

The pained look Helena gave Myka said everything she was feeling herself.

"Alright, then," Helena said with a shaky sigh. "I'm going to get ready for bed. It's been a long, long time since this 'old' body has been in a bed." Helena headed for the bathroom. Myka followed stopping her at the door.

"What are we going to do?" she pleaded with her new bedmate.

"Whatever do you mean? It's not like we've never shared a bed on a mission before." Myka saw right through the fake bravado. Myka's proximity had already noticeably increased her respiration. Hearing Claudia settling into the bed, she stepped closer, placing her hands on Myka's hips. "We'll just have to make the best of it. We really must tell her." Releasing her primal urge she raised herself on her toes, taking possession of Myka's mouth for the first time since they had left South Dakota.

Needing air, Myka pulled away. "And this is helping, how? I think I've just made my point."

"Yes, indeed." Reluctantly pulling back, Helena leaned against the door. "I don't know, Myka. This is not any less difficult for me than it is you," she whispered. "This will certainly be an extremely difficult exercise in self-control. Besides," she stepped in closer after checking on Claudia's location, placing a soft hand against Myka's cheek before caressing her ear, "There are a number of very remote areas on this island to manage this situation. Perhaps a side trip to another island? I expect I shall have a rather sleepless night. Now, I need to get ready for bed and then we must bring Claudia up to date regarding the present status of our...association."

Myka laughed softly. "That was a very unique way of saying we need to tell her we're an item. Now stop touching me." She smiled at Helena's glare when she walked into the bathroom shutting the door in her face.

Claudia was laying on her side facing the two nervous women sitting on the edge of the bed. "Wow, I can't believe we're here, not having a vacation. So much for Artie's 'no fun' speech. There is so much to do here. Does wine always do this to you?" She shut her eyes momentarily, just to open them when HG spoke.

"Claudia, there is something we need to talk to you about." She looked to Myka for support, still wondering why she was nominated to this task; something about age before beauty.

"What?" a sleepy reply came from the roll out.

She took a deep breath as Myka took her hand and jumped in before she lost her courage. "It's not a very dramatic change, yet something we wanted to tell you. Over the course of our flu epidemic, it became clear to us, that is, Myka and I, that though not new, but something we had been avoiding for quite some time, there was a very strong attraction that has developed…"

Myka sighed heavily, interrupting, "Leave it to you Wells not to just get to the point." She shook her head at the glare she received. "Claudia, Helena and I have extended our friendship into more of a, um, a romantic one and we wanted you to hear it from us before…"

Their announcement was halted by a slight snore. Helena flopped back on the bed with a groan. "Why must this be so difficult?"

Crawling under the covers, Myka brought up an even more difficult task ahead of them. "If you think this is hard, wait until we tell Artie."

"Oh, yes, that is something to look forward to. He already hates me. He's going to blame me for corrupting you, you know." Helena took Myka's hand, getting it immediately pulled away.

"Don't touch me, or we're doomed." She turned on her side, her back towards Helena.

Not one to be told what to do, Helena followed the warm body, spooning the long back and wrapping her arm around its waist. Kissing the neck in front of her she adamantly declared, "I don't care."