Disclaimer: I still don't own any part of Warehouse 13 and honestly, I really don't want to. It's much more fun to play with the toys and put them back to play with later.

A/N: The team had something come up and this was all they would spill. They said there was more, but they just didn't have time. You know how the Warehouse can be. I'm sure little things will creep out every once in a while, but I think we all get the idea of what happened in Tenerife, but don't tell Pete or Artie - Mrs. F would prefer it that way.

Thanks to all comments and reviews. Always appreciated and considered. It always helps to know specifics to help me gauge the extent of my success in presenting my thoughts and consider alternative approaches to clarify the less successful attempts. Keep laughing.

Claudia hit her in the arm before she was able to ask Steve where Helena was. "Uh, Myka? Isn't that HG? Holy shit!"

Steve's face fell flat as he saw Myka look out at the dance floor to see a scene from Dirty Dancing. HG enjoyed her dancing he found out last time. She was presently dancing hip to hip with a very attractive young man, hands at each other's waists. There was nothing but sensuality oozing from the floor and their moves as they twisted and turned to the beat of the music, never losing body contact.

As the music changed she turned into the arms of a tall blonde they had met the last time they were here. The woman pulled HG into her lengthy body, hands roaming up her side. She pulled the roaming hands down once to her waist. The blonde proceeded to drop her hands lower instead. HG once again returned the hands to her waist. The tall woman reluctantly semi-accepted the gesture finishing out the rest of the dance with her hands having crept up Helena's back.

"Uh, Myka..." Steve started, "Keep your cool. It's not HG's hands you need to worry about…it's just dancing, and I know for a fact the other guy is gay… "

Myka turned to him. "Is this what happened last time?"

Steve cringed. "Uh, well, a little more drunkenly, kind of…yeah…Ouch!" He rubbed his arm where she punched him hard. He was sure he'd have a significant bruise this time.

Helena was coming off the dance floor smiling. Seeing Myka, she hurried over and wrapped her arms around her waist from behind, pulling her close. "What took you so long? I've had to make do without you. Oh, good, Steve got wine." She turned Myka around and started to pull her down for a kiss until she saw the expression on Myka's face. Myka glanced at Steve and Claudia quickly before Helena had her hand grabbed, finding herself pulled out the door into the quieter street.

Steve and Claudia stared at each other, simultaneously saying, "Oh, crap."

Claudia shook her head watching them go out the door. "Okay. I've seen worse, but you might be a dead man, Steve...again."

"Ha, ha."

Myka found a bench down the street and sat pulling Helena down next to her. She rubbed her face vigorously before running her hands through her hair. Crossing her arms she turned her head and looked at her new girlfriend.

"Am I in trouble again?" Helena asked hesitantly.

"I don't know yet. Is that what happened last time, Helena? Is that what Steve meant about 'free hands'?"

"I'm not sure what Steve meant, but to the best of my memory, which I do admit is just a bit foggy, yes. That blonde is quite persistent, but a very good dancer. I try to avoid her if I can."

"So, you just danced?"

"Of course. I told you that. What else would I do? There was no groping involved and I would never take such liberties as that blonde attempts each time. I thought I made that clear, but it's difficult to be completely lucid when one has cold water thrown in her face!"

"I'm sorry about that," Myka mumbled. "Aside from the very close and extremely suggestive body contact, nothing else happened?"

"Of course not! Myka, I would never do anything more with anyone but you. I've waited all night to wrap my arms around you and, pardon my audacity, but have you to grind with. I may partake in bodily contact, but I would never be as brazen as you imply with anyone but you." She stood up, anger flaring. "How could you even think that? Have you not heard anything I've said to you these past weeks?" Both hands on her hips, her voice raised in volume, passers-by now looking in their direction. "What more can I possibly say to convince you that I feel like I have waited my whole life to find you? When you entered my life, as confusing and discombobulated as it was, I could not imagine having even the slightest thought of anyone else. You are why I…am…HERE!" She threw her arms up into the air, frustrated, and threw herself back on the bench rocking it back with the force.

"Myka, if you believe my dancing is more wanton than is socially acceptable, please, tell me and I will alter it. I am merely incorporating what I have experienced. You must understand, in this new existence of mine, even now, it is still often difficult for me to assimilate in an appropriate manner. I am trying to do the best I can. Imagine yourself coming from a century of this much freedom and opportunity and being dropped into Victorian society. Do you not think that you would make your own blunders?" She slammed her head back against the wall in frustration, staring into the sky diluted by the city lights.

Myka had slouched down the back of the bench during the tirade. "Helena, where did you learn to dance like that?"

"Oh, here and there," she said casually. "One learns in my situation to try to emulate those around you. I found it rather liberating and a great deal of fun. Why?"

Myka shook her head, eyes bright, softly laughing. "Because my little Victorian is pretty damn hot on the dance floor." Sobering, she stared at the ground without focusing. "You're right. I heard what you were saying, but I didn't listen closely enough. I did exactly what you were afraid of. I had Artie's interpretation somewhere in the back of my head and I jumped to conclusions based on Steve's drunken comment and never gave you a chance. You didn't even argue it with me. I'm such an ass. I forget that there's always going to be a new experience for you to fumble through. You do such a good job at it I forget. I don't think I could do it. I'm sorry. God, this is all so confusing sometimes. How the Hell did we get this far?"

Helena took her hand in her own, still staring into the sky. "Apparently, the hard way. I highly doubt there is ever going to be an easy way with us." She smiled then. "We are both very strong-willed, passionate people and I will argue. Believe me. Now, may I have the next dance?"

Myka squeezed the hand she had closely inspected so recently. "On one condition. I have no problem with you dancing with other partners, but I would be more comfortable if your interpretation was a little less 'wanton'. I know there's nothing behind it, but I really don't want to share you that much."

"Agreed. Myka, I am still learning. Expect me to not always interpret social situations properly and help me in doing so."

"Oh, trust me, I will. You may just have to remind me why I'm doing it. Now I want to dance with one really hot Victorian. And, for the record, I really don't want to know how you learned to dance like that."

2 hours later…

"Hey, isn't that your friend over there? The really cute guy?"

Claudia turned around to see what her dance partner was looking at.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no." She turned to the young man. "Thanks for the dance, but gotta go."

Walking to the bar she tried to scream over the noise of the crowd and music. "Steve! Steve!" Half way to the bar she saw her other two friends join him. "Great. Now I have three of them to deal with, and I'm supposed to be the immature one?"

Hoping for an ally she stared up at Steve. "Steve what the Hell are you doing? You are not in a Jersey gay bar!" She got his shirt thrown at her as he continued to dance down the end of the bar. The bartender looked at her with a grimace, then looked at the three dancing on the bar. She shrugged at him wishing she could melt into the floor.

Having lost the first battle she went to the other side of the bar, looking up at the two women that in her mind now belonged in a brothel. "Myka! HG! Come on, guys. Seriously, just get a room already!" HG's shirt landed on Steve's shirt now hanging over her shoulder, providing her with a clear view of exactly what a 'biter' meant. "HG! What the …" Steve had shimmied down the bar towards the two women, top button of his jeans undone and zipper soon to follow. "Oh, God, it's the sequel to Coyote Ugly in Spanish."

The bartender had his hand on the phone screaming at Claudia across the bar, shaking the handset in her direction. "Come on, guys, have I not seen enough on this trip?" Realizing she was soon to have another shirt thrown at her and a clear picture of what a 'scratcher' was, she ran around the bar, pushing the bartender aside and grabbing one of the sprayers. Thankful the three were near each other, she let the sprayer loose trying to put out the burning fire on top of the bar. Getting the attention of the three 'adult' figures she screamed up at them. "Damn it, get down from there now before this guy calls the cops and you end up in jail, 'cause I'm not going to bail you out. I'll leave that to Mrs. Frederic. And for Christ's sake, HG," she threw her shirt back at her, "put that damn shirt back on. No one needs to see Myka's dental record on your boob or anywhere else."

At the words 'Mrs. Frederic' the three stopped in shock looking at each other and climbed down. Looking at the angry bartender, they quickly threw an over abundance of euro's on the bar and quickly made an exit.

Half way down the street they stopped, bent over laughing.

"What is wrong with you guys? How drunk are you?"

Steve turned to Claudia, laughter not quite under control. "We're not. That's what's so funny." He turned to his two accomplices, holding each other up still laughing. "So, HG, the mark on your boob…that had to have hurt. Nice job, Mykes."

Laughter now under control, HG unbuttoned her shirt to look at the mark. "Oh, yes. That one. It did rather smart, but the destination was so nearby and so expertly attended to it was soon forgotten. I was extremely pleased with the results. I can say the same about the one on my hip." She smirked as she pulled up the back of Myka's shirt. "As you can see, overall, the adventure was quite enjoyable for both parties involved. Do you agree, Myka?"

"Without a doubt!"

Steve burst out laughing at the red strips down Myka's shoulders and back. "HG, I think it might be time to trim those nails."

Myka turned stepping behind the smaller woman to wrap her arms around her middle and rest her chin on her shoulder.

Claudia just stepped back from the show. "I really did not need that visual added to the ones already burned into my brain. I am so never spending a vacation with you guys ever again."

The lights had been dimmed for half an hour, Myka's head settled on Helena's shoulder. Myka leaned up whispering into Helena's ear only to receive a very perplexed look in response. Myka shook her head at Helena's expression and whispered again. She stood up and nodded her head toward the back of the plane. Helena sat in her seat confused looking at her watch for a minute and then got up out of her seat following Myka.

Steve watched the transaction with curious amusement. "Claudia, I hope you don't need the restroom anytime soon." He giggled.

Claudia looked up from her computer. "Why? What's up with you? Dude, did you actually just giggle?" She looked around the cabin of the airplane. "Where are Myka and HG?"

Steve smiled. "I think our singing Victorian is being introduced to another 21st century organization."

"What are you talking about?" She was ready to hit him.

Muttering so only Claudia could hear him, "The mile high club."

"No! Are you kidding me?" She hit him. "I really didn't need to know that. Wait a minute...which one? I am so using the other one."

"God, I love those guys." Steve sat back chuckling.

"Whoa, Mrs. F. What are you doing here at the airport?"

"Ms. Donovan, agent Jinks. Providing you with transportation back to Leena's. Agent Jinks, I am sure this will explain everything for you both in great detail and that your discretion is required in regards to the events of the past week."

"Yes, ma'am." He reached for the envelope she handed him, safely stowing it away in his travel bag.

"Agent's Wells and Bering. We have much to discuss I believe. Please accompany me."

"Uh-oh. That can't be good. What's going on, Steve?"

"Just get into the car, Claudia." He gently pushed her towards the car with a hand on her shoulder as she watched the three women get into the other car.

"Ladies. Let us discuss Tenerife. I understand there have been some recent developments in your private lives. I will not say whether I either disapprove nor give my blessing regarding these developments. I do ask that you behave accordingly in regards to your professional association. I am sure you are both in agreement with that?" Receiving the anticipated confirmation, she continued. "Good. Both Agent Jinks and Ms. Donovan are being briefed as well regarding the events of your most recent mission, and the undisclosed medical leave you were so kindly granted per Dr. Calder's recommendation. I also recommend, for Artie's sake, we keep this quiet for the time being. He will not be in favor. This new development will cause complications, as I am sure you both realize. However, that is not for him nor anyone else to decide. If I find that it interferes with the work of either one of you, or affects the warehouse negatively in any way, we will address that issue. I am not unaware of the fact that this has...been simmering for some time and was most likely inevitable. Your relationship is unprecedented as far as any of the Regents or I am aware of."

"Now, as far as your personal behavior. HG, I cannot say that I am surprised by anything you have ever done or anything you are likely to do in the future." She cleared her throat. "Your extensive history precedes you. You have never been one to be conventional; it is part of what makes you both such a good agent as well as a pain in my ass. Agent Bering, though, I am rather surprised. Let us just say, you will both restrain yourselves in the future. There will be no more excerpts from Coyote Ugly or any further extracurricular activities in the sky. Is that clear?"

They again both nodded in agreement, Helena trying unsuccessfully not to smirk.

"HG, is there a problem?"

Still trying, unsuccessfully, Helena answered with a simple, "No, ma'am."

"Good. Unless either one of you have anything to add, I believe we have arrived at your destination."

"Yes, ma'am," they said in unison.

"Let me just finish by saying, you will continue to have separate rooms and use them as such. Alone. I believe it would be in your best interest to explore your relationship in a more deliberate manner. You have much to adjust to. Now get some rest. You've had a long trip back. Good evening, ladies. Oh, and HG, please mind the consumption of that Ron Meil you brought back."

They both looked at each other as the car drove away. Myka turned to HG. "Did we just get a sex talk?"

"Quite possibly."

"Did she really say we can't have sex?"

"No." Helena leered at Myka. "She said we are not allowed to do so in our bedrooms or in airplanes. She said nothing about any other places I may know of or intend to discover. I'd be more than happy to share one of those secrets with you later."

Helena threw her bag over her shoulder and took Myka's hand on their way into the B & B. "Myka, how did she know about the Ron Meil?"

"The same way she found out about the airplane…"