Finally. I've done the ending for this story. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 8: He is Love

Emily was so happy they finally made it official. She knew something was different when she was home for Spring Break. Her Dad and Gillian spent every second together and there were lingering looks, touches, and entire conversations with no words… Ridiculous. They had that ability to talk without words for as long as Emily could remember. But, this was different. Emily swore at times she could see sparks flying between them.

Before she went back to school at the end of that week, she had sat her father down and asked what was going on; whether he had told Gillian yet that he loved her. He beat around the bush a little, but Emily understood the gist. He was afraid to say out loud what was going on for fear he would ruin it. This prompted Emily to give them a push as she said goodbye at the airport.

She'd hugged them both and said she loved them. Then she took one of each of their hands in hers "just say it. You can feel it and everyone else can see it. Acknowledging it won't scare it away. It'll make it better. I promise." Then she smiled and turned away from them.

When she came home 6 weeks later for summer, she saw the change. Her Dad and Gillian were holding hands at the airport. She ran to them and grabbed them both in a big hug. "Finally!" They had all laughed.

Before she went back to school for Fall semester, she sat them both down and urged them to take the next step. She had seen how they tore themselves away from each other and wouldn't stay overnight together for fear of making her uncomfortable. She wasn't sure how long it had taken her Dad to talk Gill into moving in, but she was happy to see them living together when she came home for Thanksgiving. The house was exceptionally warm and inviting, as if Gillian had belonged there all along. Emily was beyond happy and so was her father.

Gillian had waited to decorate the house for Christmas until Emily had gotten home for Winter Break. They had so much fun turning the house into a Christmas wonderland. Cal had even helped. Emily had managed talked Gillian into playing some Christmas songs on the guitar. Gillian had been reluctant at first for Emily to see that side of her. It had taken weeks to get Gillian to play for her. By the time summer had ended though, Gillian had taught Emily a few songs on her old guitar. It was a great way for them to bond and Emily loved it.

Playing a song for Cal at the Christmas party was Emily's idea. She had finally convinced Gillian that her Dad would love it. Emily had heard Gillian practicing the song a few times when she thought she was home alone. It was beautiful.

Emily had been instrumental in her Dad's gift to Gillian also. She didn't know what her father's plan was, but she knew the gift was perfect and she was extremely excited for the office Christmas party.

Gillian stared in the mirror as she finished putting on her make up. It was amazing what a difference a year could make. The Christmas party last year was when Cal first heard her sing and play the guitar. Tonight she had something special planned for him.

The plan was for her to disappear after the Secret Santa gift exchange. She would make her way to her office and wait for Emily to send Cal there once he went looking for her.

Gillian sat on the couch in her office. There were candles lit all around. She was so nervous. She was taking deep breaths and trying to calm her self down when the door opened. Cal came in looking concerned.

"You okay love?" He stepped toward her.

She met him in the middle of the room and gave him a hug. "I'm perfect." She took his hand and led him to the couch. "I have something for you and I didn't want to share it with everyone else." She turned away, went to the corner of her office, and pulled out her guitar.

Cal smiled at her as she turned one of the chairs in front of her desk around and sat in it with her guitar in her lap. She began to play.

I've been beaten down, I've been kicked around,

But he takes it all for me.

And I lost my faith, in my darkest days,

But he makes me want to believe.

They call him love, love, love, love, love.

They call him love, love, love, love, love.

He is love, and he is all I need.

He's all I need.

Well I had my ways, they were all in vain,

But he waited patiently.

It was all the same, all my pride and shame,

And he put me on my feet.

They call him love, love, love, love, love.

They call him love, love, love, love, love.

They call him love, love, love, love, love.

He is love, and He is all I need.

And when that world slows down, dear.

And when those stars burn out, here.

Oh he'll be here, yes he'll be here,

They call him love, love, love, love, love.

They call him love, love, love, love, love.

They call him love, love, love, love. love.

He is love, and he is all I need,

He is love, and he is all I need,

He is love, and he is all I need.

When she finished playing, she set the guitar down next to her. Before she could stand, Cal was in front of her. He grabbed her in a big hug and squeezed her tight. When they pulled apart, Gillian could see that Cal's eyes were sparkling with unshed tears.

He kissed her sweetly. "That was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me." He put his forehead against hers. "I love you Gillian."

Gillian smiled. "I love you Cal."

Cal turned toward the door as he grabbed her hand. He tugged gently. "Come on then love." He smiled "My turn." He grabbed her coat on the way out the door.

Gillian soon realized why she needed her coat. Cal led her out onto the balcony. All of their employees and a few close friends were there. Gillian felt confused. She saw a real Christmas tree in the corner of the balcony. It was four feet tall and decorated with tiny, white sparkling lights. As Gillian got closer, she saw it was also covered with dark pink roses and stargazer lilies. Her breath caught in her throat and she stopped walking.

Cal turned to her and smiled when he felt the resistance. "A few more steps love, come on."

She stepped slowly toward the tree. There was one small package, wrapped in shiny silver paper with a shiny silver bow, hanging from the top branch. Cal pulled the package down and handed it to her.

Gillian stood staring at the package for a few seconds. Then she looked up at Cal with moist eyes.

Cal smiled at her. "Open it darling. It won't bite, I swear."

Gillian giggled through her tears as she gently removed the bow and tore into the paper. As she opened the box, Cal got down on one knee and took her hand.

"Will you make the happiest man alive and marry me Gillian?" He knew she would say yes, but it didn't stop the nervousness in his stomach.

Gillian lost the battle with her tears. She nodded. "Yes! Yes, Cal. I'll marry you."

Cal took the ring from the box and put it on her finger. He then stood and wrapped her in a hug as everyone cheered.

Cal whispered in her ear "Merry Christmas darling."

Emily flung her arms around both of them. "I'm so happy for you guys!"

Gillian had never felt so happy. This was the feeling she had been longing for since her childhood ended abruptly with the death of her sister. This was her family now; Cal and Emily. And it was perfect.

Well, there you have it. I wanted a happy ending. I hope you all are happy with it. After the re-watch today, I really wanted to write something and this is what came out. I miss this show and these characters-still! After more than 3 years, I can still be moved to write for them. I hope others out there feel the same.

The song is called "She is Love" by Parachute. I just changed it to "He is Love" to fit my story.

#LIETOMELIVES Join us on Twitter every Sunday at 12pm EST for fandom re-watches. I'll be there! SassyCop

Until next time…