(Author's Note: I'm so sorry guys! This is my last chapter of this silly little story. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I had fun writing it. Jack is quite the character~! I'm going to warn ya now. It is pretty fluffy! Anyways, I'm not going to keep wasting your time. Have some cookies and hot chocolate would ya? *gives everyone warm hot chocolate and some cute freshly baked ginger bread men cookies*)

Chapter VIII: Jack Frost Nipping at your Nose

Jack and Scott appeared back where they had walked of the building from the Christmas tree topper incident. Jack was back to his normal Jack Frost appearance, he glanced down angrily at the blue present he was holding that held the Escape Clause before muttering dully to, himself.

"Well… That didn't work out the way I hopped…"

Scott or now once again Santa began running away from Jack and began running towards his wife, in-laws, and Hallo who were walking by through the snow.

"CAROL…!" Scott shouted in glee and started laughing.

Carol and the in-laws looked over in relief, "We've been looking everywhere for you…" Carol stated.

Hallo smiled to herself lightly as she realized everything was the way it once was again. Jack probably hated her now that she basically foiled his plots. But Hallo couldn't help but feel pretty cool though. She actually followed Mother N's rules for once.

She stopped Jack from getting into trouble… Or well…Too much trouble…

Scott ran over and embraced his pregnant wife tightly and kept repeating over and over again about how much he loved her and how much missed her.

Hallo wasn't usually one more mushy moments like this but it made her smile a bit. This is just the way she wanted it. Carol as Mrs. Clause… Scott as Mr. Clause…And Hallo as Halloween, NOT Mrs. Clause…!

Hallo in a way did feel a tad guilty for busting up Jack's plans but it wasn't really that she was upset about that. She was more worried that Jack hated her now. She felt good about doing the right thing for once but she didn't want Jack to hate her either. After all…Hallo felt like she did, too much of her detesting... fall for the Icy season bringer known as Jack Frost.

Hallo kept watching from the side lines as Santa talked to Carol and in-laws. It seemed he was setting everything straight which was good. It seemed this whole ordeal might have not have been as bad as it seemed. It gave Scott a whole new outlook on being Santa Clause and how important it is to treasure that position.

Hallo sighed to herself and knew she did good…For being a holiday of scariness, trickiness, and misfortune… She did something pretty dang well. She was already picturing the whole "you did good" speech that Mother N would have to miserably give. It made her smile devilishly on the inside.

After Scott was done talking to the in-laws and Carol he started to walk back to the Factory. Hallo decided it was getting rather nastily cold outside so she followed from a distance.

When she walked back into the heated room with all the happy working elves, it made her feel accomplished.

Though Hallo couldn't help but wonder where Jack was. He was probably brooding over the entire thing. Maybe even planning something worse…

Oh no… Please nothing worse…

"ELVES…! ELVES…! STOP WORKING FOR A MINUTE!" Santa suddenly started shouting out in his factory. The elves all slowed down and paused to look over at their boss in confusion. Hallo was a bit shocked he did that in front of the in-laws but was curious as to what he was doing as she also looked over at Santa in pure curiosity.

"I would like you all to say hello to the in-laws!"

"HELLO, IN-LAWS…!" They all yelled and waved back in unison towards Scott, Carol, and the in-laws.

It took the in-laws a moment but they finally caught on that Scott was not just some Canadian toy maker but the one and only Santa Clause of the North Pole, The Father of Christmas!

Hallo snickered at their reactions and smiled brightly with bright gleaming orange eyes. Scott walked over suddenly in his Santa coat and hat and then set a hand on Hallo's shoulder.

"Hey, Hallo…" he started with a smile.

"Hey, big red..!" Hallo replied with a grin.

"I just want to say that I'm really thankful for what you did back there. I couldn't of have done it without you." Santa said modestly.

Hallo giggled a bit girlishly and waved a hand airily, "Bah, don't mention it, Mr. C. I'm just here to help… In most literally terms..." Hallo inquired while looking up at Scott.

Scott kept smiling and nodded broadly, "You did good... It also got me thinking… How about I try and help you with your holiday…? Maybe I can think up a couple ways to keep it the holiday of your season so mine doesn't come crashing in before yours has even started."

Hallo blinked a couple times before her eyes began to almost glow an extremely bright orange, "OH MY CANDY CORN…! Wow, Big Red…T-THAT MEANS A LOT! B-But…. Heh… I don't know … I think I've been kind of selfish… People just love Christmas and tend to get excited for it more than Halloween. I guess that's nothing to do with your faults! Christmas is just a holiday favorite amongst people… So I guess I should learn to deal with being over-run a little. Ya know… Christmas has become one of my favorite holidays, since I've gotten here. It's really taught me something... An-and that's saying a lot, since I'm known for a short-attention-span!" Hallo began to laugh and Scott did too.

"That's sweet of you Hallo but I still feel like I should try and help you out a bit."

Hallo smiled humbly at that and shook her head lightly, "You're a good man, Clause. Thank you."

"Don't mention it..."

Hallo smiled and glanced over as she heard thumping from behind her. Scott also looked behind to see the Easter Bunny hopping by with a cart full of presents.

"HEY, HALLO, HEY SCOTT…! OH and the little pellets behind me, I'll clean up later" he waved and the in-laws stared in shock (though it looked a little bit disturbed).

"I guess since we're all revealing our real selves today…-"Hallo started and walked up towards the in-laws and curtsied a bit, "Halloween at your service!"

The in-laws gazed turned to Hallo and their mouth never bothered to close.

"You're H-Halloween..?!"

"Yup…Creepy… Isn't it…?" Hallo stated smugly and suddenly reached forward to shake their hands but as they did, small little harmless spiders began to run down and out of her sleeves and onto the in-laws arms and in reaction making them scream and flail to get the spiders off.

Hallo snickered wickedly and waved a hand to make the spiders disappear, "Trick or treat..!" Hallo stated and then grabbed both of their hands quickly while setting down a piece of hard candy in both of their palms before walking away from them with a wicked smile still plastered on her face.

"Now that felt so good…" Hallo muttered and glanced back at the in-laws as they looked down at the candy they had received from Hallo in some kind of amused horror.

"H-hi Ha-hallo I mean Halloween… I…I H-Hi…!" a voice from behind Hallo stated shyly. Hallo looked back and saw the bashful Tooth Fairy blushing and looking at her expectantly.

Hallo almost snorted in laughter and she leaned in and set a very small friendly kiss on his cheek, "Hey Tooth Fairy…" she stated plainly and he literally froze with his hand placed on his cheek where the kiss was left and he almost collapsed on the spot with a very dumb happy expression.

Hallo snickered and looked around as she saw Cupid talking to Santa and in-laws. Father Time was also there as he was standing around with some elves and helping a bit on the top floor.

"Look who it is…" a familiar female voice erupted from behind. Hallo froze and hesitantly glanced back to see Mother Nature standing there with a pretty smile.

"Yo, Mother N…! What's happenin'…?" Hallo asked dumbly as she felt a bit nervous for no good reason.

Mother Nature shook her head and smiled, "Don't worry. I'm not angry with you, very much the opposite. You're doing a very good job and I thank you for that."

"Well… I guess that's good." Hallo laughed and she shook her head again with a smile before looking over towards Santa and walking towards him to talk.

"Wow… That's new. Usually she wants to kick me out a window." Hallo muttered in relief.

"UNCLE SCOTT…!" Lucy began to yell in a panic as she ran over towards Santa.

Hallo glanced over and had forgotten all about her and that incident with Jack and how he froze her parents and stuffed her into the closet with them.

"What happened…!?" Santa asked fearfully.

"I found her locked in a closet!" Curtis said urgently from beside her.

Hallo walked up with a frown and looked at Santa intently, "And I know exactly what happened."

Lucy looked over at Hallo and ran over to her and hugged Hallo. Hallo smiled a bit and bent herself lower to hug her, "Are you okay, Lucy..? I'm so sorry…"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay b-but my parents!"

"What's wrong..?" Santa repeated.

"Jack froze her parents in the closet." Hallo replied and Santa looked back at her in shock.

"Silver bells…"

"Yeah… I know…Let's go…!" Hallo stated but they didn't have to go anywhere as two elves came up with the frozen parents.

Santa watched with a frown and he walked up and knocked on the father's face to hear the echo come back from how hard the ice was.

Suddenly the door opened from the outside and the room's temperature seemed to drop really low. Two police elves came up while holding Jack Frost's arms.

Hallo felt a little relieved to see him back to normal though she knew that was probably not the most appropriate thought at the moment. He looked far from happy. He looked positively FROZEN in anger.

Santa looked at him unhappily and began walking forwards to him. Hallo watched from behind and she could feel Jack's cold gaze glance at her for a brief moment before turning back to Santa's.

"Ow…!" Jack hissed extremely bitterly as the elf squeezed on to Jack's arm roughly.

Santa paused in front of him and stared for a silent moment.

"YEAH… AND…?" Jack stated even more bitterly as he looked over at Santa and away from the elf.

"Elfficers, I have him…" Santa started, "Jack…This isn't funny. Unfreeze the parents…Right now." Santa demanded seriously.

Jack sneered a bit and looked at Santa crudely, "No way, Clause… I can't unfreeze them without unfreezing myself and that is something I'll NEVER do."

Santa sighed and looked over towards Mother Nature for help, "Mother Nature, help me out here. Can you thaw them out…?"

"I'm sorry Santa… Our powers don't work on other legendary figures…" Mother Nature stated sadly.

"OH, isn't that a shame." Jack replied snidely and worked up a mocking smirk.

Hallo shifted uncomfortably on her feet and she kept staring at Jack. She had to do something but she didn't know what to do.

Hallo breathed in and out and suddenly walked forward and into the middle of everyone but her eyes was on Jack.

"Jack…" Hallo started carefully. His icy blue eyes shifted towards her immediately.

"Hallo…" he replied lowly and shook his head a bit.

"I thought you were on my side…I guess you really are not JUST tricky but deceiving."

"Jack… Please…-"Hallo muttered and glanced down a bit sadly. "I never tried to 'trick' you. Or 'deceive' you. I really actually began to like you…. And I still do." Hallo trailed off and Jack watched her with a bit of interest filling up in his eyes.

"Do you now…?"

Hallo's eyes flickered up darkly for a very brief moment. "Of course!" she snapped and then messed with the sides of her black dress nervously and her dark eyes faded back to a light brown that indicated that she was very nervous.

"I like you… As you are...When I first met you… I thought you were the funniest person I've ever met… And I thought the whole babysitting job was going to be a real flop but… You… You made me actually enjoy it. I enjoyed being around you… You're fun… A bit mischievous, sure… But so am I…! I felt like…like I could understand you and you could understand me…And Jack…I don't really know too much about all this mushy stuff that I'm saying… and it might seem a bit out of whack for me but…I-I…-" Hallo began walking towards Jack like they were the only two people in the room.

Jack stayed silent and watched Halloween closely and the bitterness he had didn't seem to be there as much as it had been. For once Jack Frost was at loose for words.

"I realized…I fell for the season bringer of winter. You Jack Frost…I love you." Hallo confessed and now was standing extremely close to Jack. Jack looked down at her unusual bashful self and shook his head breathlessly.

"Y-you…" Jack muttered and seemingly couldn't talk correctly.

Hallo stared at him eye to eye and suddenly moved her face towards Jack and pressed her warm lips up against his pale icy ones.

His eyes fluttered closed and Jack brought his cold arms around Hallo and deepened the frozen like kiss.

Hallo could feel that chillness run through her body and make her shiver in delight, like it once had before.

The room stayed in silence as the elves, in-laws, legendary figures, Lucy, and Santa stared in shock.

Suddenly the room's cold temperature seemed to rise and crackling of ice being shattered was heard. Hallo didn't move though as she inched her face barely from the kiss and their foreheads and noses were brushing up against each other. Jack had his eyes closed and Hallo's had hers as they stayed in each other's arms and savored the first sweet and passionate kiss Halloween had given Jack.

"I-I… feel so strange…I feel so… gushy and-…And-" Jack muttered quietly and blushed brightly and opened his eyes to look at Hallo. Hallo stared back at him with extremely light orange eyes and a small smile on her lips.

"I-is is hot in here o-or is it just me…?" Jack muttered some more and Hallo started to chuckle.

"You're not so cold anymore…" Hallo whispered and smiled as she watched Jack's appearance seemed to brighten into a warmness that was very foreign to Jack.

"I think I need some sun-tan lotion…! I-I feel so tropical! I… THINK I… NO... I KNOW…! I-I LOVE YOU TOO!" Jack suddenly shouted and basically threw himself onto Hallo with a deathly tight hug. Hallo yelped in surprise but started laughing hysterically as he buried his now warmer face into her long dark red hair.

"I really, REALLY love you, actually! Wow… I didn't actually notice how much your hair smells just like a bundle of roses… That's nice… Did I mention you're really beautiful…?" Jack continued to talk in some kind of hysteric way. It was like Jack couldn't handle all this warmness and was acting almost drunken by it.


Hallo snickered loudly at his strange but excited reactions. She then pulled back from his tight hug and watched as the iciness of him literally was melting and crackling away.

"I'm warming your heart…" Hallo said quietly and Jack stared at her in disbelief.

"B-but… How…? I mean… They told me it couldn't be done but…-"Jack shook his head in confusion.

"I guess they didn't really know much about… First kisses huh…?"

"Well…I think I like it…!" Jack confessed as suddenly all the iciness of him disappeared and now his spiky frozen hair faded away but now it was brown and his blue frozen over jacket was now a pure white.

Right as Jack said that Lucy's parents suddenly unfroze and the ice had completely melted away from them.

Hallo turned back from Jack and looked over at them. Everyone else in the room did too.

"MOM, DAD…!" Lucy yelled happily and launched herself on to her still a bit chilly parents.

"OH LUCY!" Lucy's mom cooed happily.

"GROUP HUG…!" Lucy's father yelled out and everyone started gathering for a large hug.

Hallo twisted her face and shrugged, "Okay… Now this is just getting a bit TOO mushy for me…" Hallo snickered and Jack grinned widely and wrapped his arms around her from behind as they watched Santa, elves, and everyone else begin to hug each other.

"I'm hugging you no matter what you say…" Jack teased and Hallo's bright light orange eyes shimmered happily.

Hallo never knew what the color light orange meant in her eyes but now she finally knew.

It meant 'love'.

Even if that was HARD-CORE cheesy, it made her happy never less and that's all that mattered.

Hallo then turned to look at Jack and she looked up and down at him, "I'm glad you're all warm and cuddly now but… I did kind of like your other look better" Hallo stated teasingly.

"Oh this…? It won't last long! I'm Jack Frost after all! I'll freeze over again in no time…"

"Cold-heartedly…?" Hallo added with a smirk.

"Ha-ha… NO…Very funny, Hallo…"

"Better not… Or I may have to unfreeze you again."

"Hmm don't make it tempting…"

Hallo snickered and hit him in the arm playfully while shaking her head.

Jack laughed and brought her back into another hug and kissed her forehead lightly, "I do love you, Halloween."

"And I love you too, Jack Frost…" Hallo replied before brushing noses with him lightly and singing a simple line playfully.

"Jack Frost nipping at your nose…~"

Jack laughed again and made an awed inspired expression, "You know that's my FAVORITE line!"

"Maybe one day you'll actually let me finish the song…" Hallo added with a smirk.

"Why bother…?" Jack teased and Hallo snickered and rolled her light orange eyes.

"S-so I'm guessing y-you're not f-free anymore H-hallo…?" the voice of the tooth fairy stated bashfully and Jack looked over at him with a smile.

"Sorry, Tooth Fairy…OFF LIMITS." Jack stated firmly and Hallo rolled her eyes.

"Sorry Tooth Fairy…" Hallo muttered while looking at him pityingly.

"N-no it's okay..! Uhh I'll just...GO OVER THERE." He inquired hastily and zoomed off while blushing.

"I don't see it anyways…" Jack stated bluntly and Hallo snorted with a laugh.

"Oh stop it… He's sweet."

"Uh-huh… "Jack replied doubtfully and Hallo snickered at his jealous like attitude.

"IT'S TIME TO DELIEVER THE PACKAGE…!" Suddenly the voice of Santa's yelled out loud and Hallo and Jack looked over at Santa.

"Oh boy… Baby time…" Hallo muttered with an amused expression as elves ran over towards Carol and Santa to take her and Santa to the place where she would be giving birth.

Jack smiled and placed a hand on Hallo's shoulder, "So… Now what..?"

Hallo glanced up at him and shook her head, "What is that suppose to mean…?"

We were cut off when Mother Nature suddenly walked up towards them with a smile.

"Well. I'm going to be honest… This was unexpected." She stated while looking back and forth between the two of them.

Hallo blushed a bit and rubbed the back of her head with a slight laugh, "Who knew, right…?"

"I suppose I have to thank you for letting Hallo watch over me." Jack added modestly.

"You mean babysit…?" Hallo also added and got a doubtful look from Jack.

"Halloween and Jack Frost… I wonder how the public will react to that." Mother Nature said and titled her head a bit.

"More chill during the autumn…? I doubt it will be a big deal." Halloween said with a smirk and Jack laughed.

"As long as it doesn't mean snow storms during the fall seasons…" Mother Nature stated a bit strictly.

"Aw why not..? Now that would be a Trick or Treat worth remembering." Hallo said and Jack and she began to burst out in fits of laughter as Mother Nature stared at them with a frustrated expression.

"Oh my… Next Fall and winter are going to be troublesome aren't they…?" Mother Nature said and rolled her eyes.

Hallo and Jack looked at each other lovingly and chuckled, a little more.

"Us troublesome…? Never…!" Jack said as he placed his arm around Hallo's waist as they both were facing Mother Nature.

Mother Nature crossed her arms and shook her head with another eye roll.

"Time can only tell…"

. . .

"Mmhmm… COCO-CHINO'S ANYONE..!?" Jack suddenly brought up and began running off with Hallo hand in hand, towards the kitchen laughing with each other like little school girls.

Mother Nature only stood there and watched them run away before sighing.

"Love is a strange thing…"

-Years Later-

"D'aww, what a cutie..!" Halloween cooed as she looked down at Scott's new baby boy named Buddy Clause.

Buddy looked up at her and giggled cutely and Hallo smiled brightly.

"He seems to really like you, Hallo." Carol said with a light smile.

"Children have a tendency to love me. After all...I'm all about the candy." Hallo said and suddenly made a lollipop appear in her hand and she gave it to Carol.

"I wish I had that ability."

"Many do..." Hallo snickered and Carol laughed.

"Oh there you are, my little Mrs. Hallo Frost…!" Jack suddenly said as he walked in. He had his icy appearance back like he once had but the warming of his heart never changed after Hallo and Jack's first kiss.

"Oh please, Jack. We're not even married yet… And I'm pretty sure I'm goanna have to be called Halloween still. People will get confused."

"So…?! It's not that confusing. Maybe you should just rename it to Frostaween…"

"Ha. No." Hallo snickered and Jack made an "Awh" noise before he walked over and kissed his fiancé on the cheek.

"Bah, that was cold!" Hallo whined and rubbed her cheek.

"Were you expecting anything less?"

Carol laughed at them and shook her leg repeatedly with Buddy sitting on her lap to keep him entertained.

"Hello there, Mrs. Carol and little one." Jack added as he looked over at Carol and Buddy with a light smile.

"Hello Jack…" Carol said kindly while grabbing her baby's hand and making him wave like if he was saying "hello!" too.

Jack laughed lightly and sat down next to Halloween in the little room they were in.

"Just think maybe one day that will be you." Jack suddenly said while gesturing over towards Carol and baby Buddy.

Hallo started bending forward and coughing, "WHOA… Slow down, Frost!"

Jack started laughing at Hallo and suddenly another voice was laughing too. Scott walked in and looked over at Halloween, Jack, and his wife and baby.

"Planning ahead are we…?" Santa asked and Hallo twisted her face.

"UH NO... I'm busy enough with things. Its fall and Halloween is in a couple weeks!"

"She's actually just stressing about the wedding."

"Am not…!"

"Uh-huh…" Jack replied with a smirk. Hallo rolled her eyes and hit Jack in the arm playfully.

"So what do you plan on doing for the wedding…?" Carol asked curiously.

Jack grinned widely at that and Hallo put her hand to her face, "I don't know how many times Jack as already asked me that just in THIS week alone!"

"Awh, come on now, Hallo… If you don't decide, I will!"

"It gives me chills at the thought." Hallo muttered sarcastically.

Santa, Carol, and Jack laughed again and Hallo rolled her brownish orange eyes with a smirk coming to her face.

"It's so easy for you to be so calm, Jack. Maybe we should just have our wedding over the winter and while YOU'RE busy preparing and working for the winter."

"Maybe you should plan for the spring or summer when you two aren't busy." Santa interjected and Jack's face twisted at that.

"Nah, I would rather pick a day during the fall or winter. Well I actually am more for the winter…"

"You say that now…" Hallo mused.

"Uh huh…So when are we going back to the topic of children…?" Jack added and Hallo scoffed loudly and hit Jack again while making him laugh hysterically.

Santa and Carol smiled as they watched Jack and Halloween argue playfully with each other.

"I say we make Jack watch over Buddy for a whole week and see how terribly that would go. Buddy would probably be turned into an ice-statue by the end of the week."

"I'm offended by your mistrust!"

"You should be. I'm offended that you're even thinking you could attempt it."

"Uh…Really… It's okay… We have the elves to do that…" Carol inquired with a disturbed expression at the thought of her baby being watched by Jack Frost.

Hallo laughed and Jack scowled lightly and stood up and grabbed Hallo's hand.

Hallo stood up with him and looked at Jack in amusement as he guided her out of the room and outside into the cold (which it always was because it was the North Pole).

"Aw what's wrong …? Don't tell me I actually offended you." Hallo teased and Jack rolled his icy blue eyes.

"Of course, not..! I just wanted to talk to you a moment without the Clause's around."

"Oh really now..? What is i..?-"Jack silenced her as he suddenly put his cold lips on Hallo's.

Hallo gave a confused expression but kissed him back without hesitation.

"W-What's all this about…?" Hallo muttered and laughed with a slight blush.

"I love you, Hallo…" Jack said and brought her closely towards him. She smiled lightly and wrapped her arms around him and set her head onto his chest contently.

"I love you too, Jack…" she replied.

"Can you… Can you sing that song again for me again…?" Jack suddenly asked while pulling back a bit to look at her with a loving smile.

"Which one…? Santa Baby…?"

Jack rolled his eyes and sneered a bit, "NO… The other one…!"

Hallo laughed at him and stared at him intently.

"Okay… But only because I like you…" she stated and then straightened herself up and put her arms to her sides.

"Here I'll start if for you…" Jack stated and started to sing while watching her in amusement.

"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…~"

Hallo watched him knowingly and began to sing her line while also watching him as he watched her.

"Jack Frost nipping at your nose…~"

Jack grinned excitedly and watched her as she paused and looked at him with a silly expression.

"Well... Go on!" Jack ushered.

"Huh…?" Hallo muttered in confusion.

"I said go on…! I want to hear the rest." Jack inquired like it was obvious.

"What…? R-really..?"

"Of course…"

"But I thought…"

"I know what I said… Just go on!" Jack said and Hallo shrugged and blushed a bit before continuing the song she thought she'd never finish.

"Yule-tide carols being sung by a choir and folks dressed up like Eskimos." Hallo paused again from feeling silly and Jack shook his head.

"Don't stop!"

Hallo giggled embarrassingly but she didn't oblige.

"Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
Help to make the season bright
tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
will find it hard to sleep tonight
. They know that Santa's on his way
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
and every mother's child is goanna spy
to see if reindeer really know how to fly."
Hallo trailed off and Jack watched in complete awe, he loved to hear her voice but he just loved everything she was. He loved her so very much.

"Now why are you stopping..!? Come on Hallo… Want me to help you..?" Jack said teasingly and went over and wrapped his arm around her body.

"Sing with me…" Jack then added and Hallo looked up at him in surprise but then they both started to sing in unison the last part of the song together.

"And so I'm offering this simple phrase
to kids from one to ninety-two
although it's been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas…
Merry Christmas…
Merry Christmas to you..!"

Hallo and Jack then looked at each other passionately in silence for a long moment before Jack spoke up.

"That was beautiful…" Jack said breathlessly.

"It was…" Hallo replied and watched him with loving eyes.

"I never thought you would ever let me sing the rest of the song." Hallo said quietly and looked down a bit bashfully.

"What can I say…I love your voice...?"

"I love you."

Jack smiled at that and leaned down and kissed her on the lips lightly.

"I love you too… More than every snowflake in the sky…"

"Well I love you more than every autumn leaf that falls from the trees."

Jack and Hallo stared at each other and held each other hands while looking at each other in a loving gaze.

"I love you more than anything in the world…"

(Author's Note: Eeee~ How cheesy, right? hehe... Thank you for reading my kind loyal readers! Have yourself a very Merry Un-Christmas! Since well... It isn't Christmas right now. ._. At least while I'm typing this right now it isn't. Oh well~ Buh Bye! *blows kiss and waves a cheery farewell*)