Harry POV

"So, how much longer are you guys staying in Forks for?" I asked the room

Just then Edward walked into the room and I smiled at him

"Hey Edward it's good to see you again" as he came over to me and pulled me into a hug

"It's good to see you to harry. I missed you, we all did." I nodded and turned around


Carlisle spoke up "After the school year ends in a little more than 2 months were going to spend the summer in Alaska and visit our Denali cousins. They've been excited to meet you for a long time and they want to meet Bella now too. One of them, Tanya, teaches at the high school there. You, Rosalie, and Emmett will be seniors and Edward, Bella, Jasper and Alice will be juniors."

Ugh. Just great. "What am I supposed to do for 2 months while I wait for you guys to finish school? I can't join with 2 months left…" I grumbled sitting in between Alice and Rosalie

"No but Me, Emmett and Jasper graduated last year so we can tutor you for next year since you don't have much human schooling." Rosalie said

Alice nodded her head and chirped "Come on harr-bear it'll be fun!"

I glared at her "Don't call me that!" stupid nickname…

"Wait, the girl, Bridget will she be getting turned? Or staying human? Or are you going to eat her?" looking at Edward

Edward growled at the last bit "NO! I'm not going to eat her! And her name is Bella…" he said exasperatedly

I held up my hands in a placating gesture "Ok, Ok, no need to get so worked up over Brandy." I laughed

My family laughed with me. Well, Rosalie laughed and everyone else tried to hide it while Edward pouted

"She's going to be turned when she graduates. Her father thinks that she's going to college in Alaska but Bella wanted to stay together." Alice chimed in

Carlisle grew somber "have you thought about if you want to join us as vampires harry?"

Everyone tensed waiting for my answer. Rosalie beside me was as cold as ice and like granite she was so wound up

I nodded slowly " I think that on my 19th birthday I want to be turned so im not too old but not to young."

Rosalie beamed at me and grimaced at me the same time which I had to laugh at. I knew my mother was against me having this life that she didn't want but happy that I wanted to spend it with them.

Carlisle nodded "Good, that will be right after you graduate in Alaska so there won't be any suspicions there."

"So I finally get to meet these Denali's huh? What are they like?" I asked the room at large

Nobody said anything for a few moments until Edward reluctantly answered "Our relationship is still strained with them since they refused to help us when we needed them. Irina's mate was from the coven that attacked Bella and he tried to kill Bella so the La Push wolves took him down. Carmen and Eleazar are mates. Kate and her sister Tanya can be very blunt but they're a nice family. They share our eating habits."

I nodded "You said one of them teaches? How does she manage that?"

"She's over 1000 years old she has very good control over her bloodlust. Even more than I do." Carlisle said

I whistled, impressed "Wow 1000 years old. And she still has no mate?" Carlisle nodded sadly

"Not for lack of trying with Eddie though" Alice said grinning at him. Edward grimaced at her and she stuck her tongue out

"Alice, did you see me coming home?" I hoped she did I didn't want to sleep on the couch, but I would if I had to, I've slept on worse

She nodded "I went shopping a few days ago I filled your closet too! You are going to love what I got you trust me." She said tapping the side of her head

I rolled my eyes and got up "I'm tired I think I'm gonna go to bed. It's nice to finally be home. Night." I walked by mother and gave her a kiss on the head before walking up the stairs

"First room on the left!" Alice yelled up