How hadn't he noticed anything about her weakening form? The slowly dwindling of her weight. The increased strain around her eyes. The ab-normalcy to her heartbeat? Right, because he was always preoccupied with competing with his younger brother for a woman he wasn't even sure he loved. He had always known Bonnie to be a slim, petite girl with womanly curves and so it was difficult to tell a difference. They were always seeking some form of help from her and with the kinds of powers she contained, it was no minor feat to gain strains around the eyes, yet he couldn't-for the life of him or the lack there of-find a valid excuse to justify the ab-normalcy of her heartbeat.

He watches her closely for a very long time and almost as if she can sense his gaze like a touch on her flesh, she turns in his direction and quirks a brow. He settles his usual scowl in place but even she can tell that it's half hearted. She breaths a resigned sigh and continues with her reading, something she's been doing more and more frequently at the manor. He takes another sip of whiskey and leans his head back against the cushioned seat. Propping his feet up on the coffee table, he misses the hooded look she casts in his direction.

"Do you need to be in here, Damon?" He opens his eyes at the annoyed hiss of her voice and smirking he turns those piercing eyes onto her. He notices the slight shift she makes in her seat and his grin widens.

"As a matter of fact, I thought I would get some reading done." She snorts at that and he quirks a brow.

"I'm pretty sure you haven't touched a book in decades."

"True, that is up until last night however when I stumbled on the most delicious piece of work. It's a memoir, a brown leather bound book with two intertwined golden B on the spine. Some pretty good stuff." She gaps at him and then her eyes narrow and he notes that her cheeks are turning pink.

"You wouldn't dare!" she hisses and begins looking through her things. Getting up from her spot, she marches over to him and hoovers over the couch.

"Hand it over. You had no right reading my journal."

"For someone who hates me, you certainly have a lot of words."

"Damon!" she drags out his name in a whine and grounds her teeth, yet her embarrassment far ouwieghs her heated anger. He chuckles and standing he watches as she looks up to meet his towering person eye to eye. Leaning in towards her, he smoothly pulls forth her journal and places it in her hands.

"I hate you" she hisses, snatching it away.

"Ah...Ah...Ah Bonnie, play nice or I'll publish them on the internet, I do have photographic memory."

"Great, give the bastard another reason to be arrogant god!' she mutters under her breath and he grins, settling back into his prior position.

"What was that?"

"Must you be in here? I swear if you're just here in the hopes that I collapse or something, tough luck!" He turns serious then and the look he shoots in her direction makes her face flush and her heart stop.

"Perhaps you shouldn't joke so easily about your health Bonnie" he states in that dark, electrifying voice that never ceases to send a shiver up her spine. His eyes are dark now, stormy and complex. She swallows and returns to her reading, assuring herself that he had no effect on her what-so-ever. He continues to gaze at her with intense intent and as she continues to evade his gaze, his mood darkens. Downing his drink, he stands and again he notices the slight shift she makes in her seat. Nothing evades Damon Salvatore. Especially not when it involved this particular judgy little witch. Moving towards her, he leans over her chair and looks over her shoulder at the text in front of her.

"What have you found?"

"Absolutely nothing!" she murmurs exasperatedly and he watches as she flips the page without hope, in an aimless daze. Grabbing the book and the other she has as her next target, he moves towards his oak desk on the other side of the room and ignores the look she gives him.

"You need a new pair of eyes."

"I shouldn't have told you about my condition" she mutters under her breath and he grounds his teeth, choosing to ignore her. He catches the movement she makes as she brushes the hair from her face and rubs the tiredness from her eyes. His eyes move to the window and notices that it has darkened out.

"You should probably tell your grams that you're sleeping over. We're bound to find something tonight and it's far too late for you to drive." She watches outside and consents, the tiredness reaching her bones and making her aware of just how right he was. She would probably fall asleep at the wheel. A much quicker and painless death her mind bitterly asserts. Mentally shaking her head, she pulls out her phone and quickly sends a text. It's not long before she receives an affirmation and placing it on the table, she stands and walks over to his desk.
Damon looks almost scholarly at his desk, intently focused on a passage. He's able to read both books at once from cover to cover without confusing either and she knows it must be incredible to be a vampire. Tapping her fingers slightly against the oak she stops when he lifts his gaze to hers.

"Are you hungry?"

"That depends, what do you have to eat?"

"Left overs and a few things here and there, depending on what Elena and Stefan has left from yesterday. You're welcome to it."

"Where are they by the way?"

"Out of town, as per usual." Bonnie notes the slightly tense note in his voice and nodding in response leaves the room. She would never know the true complexity of their situation and how it bothered Damon to watch the woman that he liked or loved-whichever-attached to the arm of his younger brother. She figured that it would hurt like hell and knowing Damon Salvatore, it probably did. She also wondered what he did in his free time besides drowning his sorrows in the intimate parts of women. What was he truly like without any of his guards up? She had only caught a glimpse of that side of him once and as shrewd as she was, even then she couldn't comprehend the intensity they contained, bleeding onto her heart.
She misses the look in his eyes as he watches her leave and at the sight of some very professionally prepared foods, her mouth waters and for a second or too she forgets she's dying...