Helloo! This is my first Fanfic so I am very nervous what you think. Please by nice and Review O:) It took me very long to write this. :( I am extreemly sorry for bad grammer or for using wrong words. I have dyslexia and English is not my first language. So this was very hard for me O:) I hope you like my story!

Juvia lay down her head on the table. "Something wrong?", Gajeel asks.

Juvia looked up: "Juvia lost her butterfly clip. Juvia had looked through all her stuff twice and even walked through Magnolia to look for it. But she still couldn't find it!"

Gajeel growled. He seemed bored: "Just buy a new one."

"But Juvia liked this one!", says Juvia with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry Juvia. You will probably find it soon." Lily smiled an Juvia smiled at him. "I'm going on a mission today. Do you want to come with Juvia?"

"We cant." Gajeel said. "We promised Bookworm to help her with something."

Juvia looked sad. "Then Juvia will go alone." She walks at the board and looks at the missions. Needed: someone who can find a wedding ring. Good pay. Juvia feels sad. She can't find her own butterfly clip. Even though she wanted to help the couple in love to search for their wedding ring. Needed: someone to transport a special book. High pay.

'This one seems alright!', Juvia thought. It will be an overnight missions but she will be back tomorrow afternoon! That way she could see Gray-sama as he got back from his mission! This one is perfect!

"Mira-san! Juvia is going on this mission!" ,as she waved with the request paper. "Ok! Be back in time. Master is going to announce the new S-class candidates in 3 days!" Mirajane said and waved her goodbye as Juvia walked out of the guild.

(about 2 hours later)

"My rent!" Lucy cried. "I have to leave my apartment if I be late this month!" Erza looked at her and raised a brow. Natsu smiled and hit an arm around her. "We have just enough for your rent left!" Lucy looked confused. "But what about your part!"

"We went on this mission for your rent anyways." Gray said and Erza nodded and said: "It's not your fold Gray and Natsu destroyed that guys mansion." "You destroyed most off it!", said Lucy, scaring herself thinking about it. "Aye!" said Happy cheerful flying by.

Gray looked at the ground. How is he going to pay his own rent! His feet touched something shiny. He picked it from the ground. 'Wasn't this Juvia's?' he thought. He looked at the butterfly clip. Yes, he was sure it was Juvia's. He put it in his pocket as he walked through the guilds door.

"We are back!", Natsu screamed happily looking at his Nakama. Gray looked around but couldn't see Juvia. 'I will give it to her tomorrow.' He grinned.

(The next day)

Gray sit on the table with Lucy, Wendy, Levy and Gajeel. "How did the mission went yesterday?" Wendy ask. Lucy slammed her head on the table. Gray looked away. Wendy become nervous: "Not good?". Gajeel started laughing.

Lisanna screams pointing at the door. Lucy looked up. All of Fairy Tail looked frightened. Lamia Scale is at the door opening. Yuka, Toby and Shelia were silent and making place for Lyon to walk. Lucy started crying. Gray was shocked.

Lyon had a women in his arms. She was very pale and didn't move. Her blue hair was dirty with dried blood.

Erza stood up and screamed: "Take her to the infirmity!" Gray woke up from his shock. "Juvia." Lyon already started moving in to the guild hall. Gray rushed to them and took Juvia from him. He rushed to the infirmity and placed her in a bed. "She is alright now." Shelia said: "I already healed her wounds, she is just very tired so she won't wake up in a while." Gray looked up and said: "Thank you." Shelia left the room.

Gray looked at Juvia. She looked paler than normal. She had several bruising. But it didn't seem to be very serious. Her arms were holding a book. Gray couldn't read the title so he wanted to take the book from her. But she wouldn't let him. Her arms were so tight around the book it looked like it was glued. Gray raised a brow. 'What's with this book?'. He looked at Juvia one last time and left the infirmity. 'Wake up soon, Juvia.' He thought.

"What happened?", Erza said. Everyone had his eyes on Lyon. He stares at the ground. He took a deep breath and says: "We found her being attacked by a big group of mages. Around 11 or 12 people. They were screaming that she should hand over the book. But she refused. One of the guys hit her with lightning and she fell to the ground. We ran to her and I instantly froze them. Shelia healed Juvia and we came to Fairy Tail."

"Thank you." Master said walking too Lyon: "Did you see who they were?". Lyon shook his head. "No." Master stood before him: "Where is the book now?" "Juvia still has it." Lyon looked up. "She wouldn't let it go. I think she is still wants to complete her mission."

(Juvia's flashback)

"Hello Sir-san, Juvia is here from Fairy Tail to transport your book." Juvia said while knocking on the mansion door. The door opened and a man stood before her. He smiled at her. "Hello Juvia from Fairy Tail. Please come in."

Juvia thought he looked small. His dark brown hair was curly and was a bit messy. They walked through the hall and he opened a big door. Juvia walked in to a fancy living room with in the centre a small table with 3 big couches around it. The rest of the room was full of flowers and huge plants. Juvia thought it looked pretty. "Please sit down", the man said as he sat down himself. Juvia walks to one of the couches and sits down. The man smiles at her: "Would you like some tea Juvia?".

"Yes please, Sir-san." Juvia said. The man laughed and poured some tea for Juvia: "My name is Sylvain". Juvia took her tea: "Thank you, Sylvain-san".

As they quietly drink their tea, Sylvain picked up a book. "This is the book I want you to transport." Juvia nodded and took another sip from her tea: "Where should Juvia bring the book to?" The man put down his tea and lay is hands on his knees. He looked very sad at Juvia.

"Did you ever loved someone so much that you would do anything for that person? While you now that it was one-sided love and she would never love you back. But still you will hope that one day she will see you standing there and she would realise that you are hers." On the face of the man fell a tear. Juvia suddenly felt sad: "Juvia knows." The man looked up at her with teary eyes: "This book I wrote for my loved one. She loves reading so I wrote all kinds of stories and put it in this book. Some are Fiction and some are real. Stories of what she means to me and stories about my travels and adventures. And secrets. Ancient spells so she can protect herself against strong enemies." Juvia looked better at the man crying before her. He seemed very tired. He wasn't old. Juvia thinks he is about 25 years old. But he was very sad. Juvia wished a better life for the nice man. A life with the one he loved.

Sylvain looked up at Juvia and wiped his tears away: "You know, she is married now. This is my goodbye present." Juvia was shocked. He gives up? He gives up the one he loved most? The person he would give his life to? Sylvain smiled a little: "She is going to have a baby soon. She will have a happy life. And for her to be truly happy I will leave her." He handed the book and a little paper to Juvia. "She lives in your town of Magnolia. Be safe. There are a few thieves that want this book for its secret spells."

Juvia looked at the little piece of paper. There was an address written on. The book had a strange title: For Aylin.

(End of flashback)

Natsu and Happy walked through the guild door. "Hello Everyone!" "Aye!".

Natsu stood at the door. A hushed guild looked at him. Natsu looked surprised. "Did I miss something?" Lucy walked up to him and said, "Juvia has just brought in unconscious". Natsu pricked up his ears. "Then why does she talk?"

Juvia looked around her. This was the infirmity of Fairy Tail. That was a good thing. Now was she closer to Aylin so she could give her the book! She didn't know what happened before and how she came here. But she still wanted to help Sylvain! Even now he already paid her before even succeeded the mission. 650 000 jewels wasn't nothing. "Juvia will complete this mission successfully!"

She stepped out of the bed and fixed her clothes. She walked to the mirror and fixed her hair a little. She cleaned her hair with her water magic so no blood was seen. She couldn't say she looked great because there were still bruises. But it was good enough to go outside. "Juvia will go and bring this book to Aylin!"

She opened the door and smiled as she saw Gray. "Hello Gray-sama! You came back from your mission early! Juvia is so happy to see you!". Lyon jumped between them: "Juvia-chan! Are you feeling alright? I find you in de woods unconscious! I was so worried Juvia-chan!" Lyon almost cried. Juvia was shocked: "Juvia is fine Lyon-sama. Juvia is sorry she made you worried. But she must go now. She must bring this book to someone."

Gray stopped her. "No. You're already once attacked today. I do not want it happening again." Juvia was happy. Gray carried about her! It was now only time that they will get married and have babies! No. Juvia shacked her head. "No. Juvia must finish this mission. You don't have to worry. Juvia will not even leave Magnolia."

"Then I will go with you!", Gray said while grapping her hand and walking out of the guild. Juvia's cheeks became red. But she smiled as the leave the guild. Leaving a surprised Lyon behind.

I hope you liked it. :3 Please review!