Hello and welcome to a world of mystery! And of course, by world, I mean chapter and by mystery I mean the final update. That's right, readers! I've finally brought this to a close. I would appreciate a few reviews just so I know how well this ending sticks. They would make my life a tiiiiiiny bit better. Onto the thrilling conclusion. Hopefully.

Oh, this was going perfectly! The child smiled with glee, thinking back to a few short hours prior when he 'convinced' the elderly woman in the fabric store to simply donate a large swath of pale, baby blue fabric. It was currently being stretched over freshly-chopped lumber so generously (and enthusiastically) acquired by that large, muscular man in plaid. Seems his mind was even simpler to manipulate than expected, causing a side effect of an overly fanboy-ish love of the young boy, moldable like putty in Gideon's tiny hands. The lumberjack loved his potential show SOOO MUCH and his rampant enthusiasm was even contagious to other woodworkers, earning his tent-in-progress a sweet set of pews…

…found in the forest, an old abandoned church to be exact. Strangely fitting, seeing how quickly the town began to worship him. A star with an eye in the center, reminiscent of his favorite shirt, soon oversaw the entire operation. Once it was hoisted atop the tent, towering over the parking lot, Gideon heralded it a true landmark, rising above the trees, large enough to be viewed through them. The smooth blue fabric cascaded down from its points like a shooting star's tail, occasionally wrapping around itself in silken, airy breaths with the breeze. Maybe Pacifica would see it and give him another chance, forgetting whatever he had done in the first place. Then, Gideon would reward her with a place alongside him in power, her own throne in his empire.

He truly brought the town together, he thought. Various citizens happily working in a clueless, perfectly organized haze made the transformation of the old lot take place at a supernatural rate. Other stars took their posts in painted patterns on a stage and in the pews, keeping their watch over the child's soon-to-be audience with a steely vigilance.

Over the course of the day, the entire thing came together, the smell of freshly-fallen pines a trophy of sorts. He walked backstage and allowed the voice to give him a song. The boy smiled, took a deep breath of fresh air, and stepped behind the curtain wearing his best suit, a little baby blue number with an American flag pin fastened to the front. His amulet fell into a perfectly-tightened place below his chin and cast a slight glow over his determined eyes. At last, all those years put into community plays would finally pay off. This would surely keep eyes off him.

A slight flutter in his chest was natural, a little pre-show stage fright at the soft mumbles from the pews. He quickly smoothed a few stray white hairs, rejoining them to their sky-high bundle cemented in today with hairspray. Everything had to go perfectly. And Paz would surely show up. How could she not?

A fanfare blasted through a cheap set of speakers as the few lights dimmed.

Pale circles of light swept their way over the curtain in front of him.

The small-talk ceased.

A quick step backward and a gulp.

The curtains parted.


"U-uhh," He stumbled, then gained a sudden confidence boost from the stone wrapped around his neck, "Hello, Gravity Falls! My name is Lil Gideon! Better known as Gideon Gleeful: Child Psychic!"

His air took on a more mysterious and showy tone, "Prepare ta be amazed!"

Gideon motioned to the crowd in front of him, smiling his best stage smile, "It is so wonderful ta have y'all here tonight!" A quick finger gun to a large man in the back, "Especially you Manly Dan."

The quick shout-out prompted an "I LOVE YOU LIL GIDEON" overflowing with testosterone. A quick wink to his constant-smiling father prompted a melodic introduction, guided by the stone's power. The songwriter revealed his name as Eloo a short time earlier. Unusual name, but hey, he couldn't complain. He kept an eye on him. He gave him confidence. He gave him power. He gave him secrets. Lil Gideon took in a breath and made his debut, lyrics written as he went by the eerily cheery voice in his mind.

"Oh I can see, what others can't see.

It ain't some sideshow trick, it's innate ability!

Where others are blind, I am futurely inclined,

And you too could see, if you were lil ol me!"

"Alright everybody, stand on up!" No one budged. He'd need help. A quick grab at his neck convinced the audience to keep the show rolling. A few perfect jabs at obvious details in tune with the organ mesmerized the crowd. The boy searched their eyes for one set in particular, but to no avail. No sign of the girl anywhere. She hadn't shown.

"So welcome all yeeeee, to the Tent O'Telepathy!" A wink back to the symbol behind him, "Thanks for visitin'!"

The final notes were hit perfectly with an admittedly beautiful singing voice.

"Lil Ol' Meeeee!"

The audience cheered the small child on and demanded an encore, but he insisted they wait until the next night. The next show came and went. Days, weeks, months arrived and passed, shows practically filling his calendar, building his control. The audience hardly changed aside from a few new cameramen helping his show onto public access TV. Each time his bond strengthened with the town, a numb spot in the backs of the citizens' minds. Each time, Pacifica never showed. He gave up on her, and her, him. Gideon didn't need anyone like her anymore. He would find another suitable. Less suspicious, more like old Pacifica. Someone easily swayed. Someone with ties to power. Someone new.

He glanced out over the audience and met a pair of fascinated brown eyes midway through his song and dance. She was beautiful, amazed and awestruck by his show, and would be his for the taking: his queen. Already, he could see her by his side once he discovered the gateway. He bounced with the music, pointed a pudgy finger, did his signature wink and adorable smile. Pulled out all the stops for Pacifica two-point-oh.

"I'll read your mind if I am able!" Gideon sang and glanced to her sweater, smug, "Somethin' tells me you're named Mabel!"