
Severus and Lily once more walked the woods beyond their cottage home—albeit a bit older now than they used to be.

And they didn't walk them alone, either.

Trailing behind them a little ways were Harry and Tobias.

"It's still so beautiful here, love," Lily told him, as she leaned closer to him.

"I know," Severus said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"It has been a long time since we've frolicked in these woods," Lily said, smiling at him. "Are you game?"

Severus smirked. "Always, my love," he told her, gently.

"Then, let's go," she told him, smiling mischievously.

A few moments later, a large black stag and a small hind (a red doe) bounded further into the trees side by side.

Harry and Tobias stopped in their tracks at the sight.

"Mum's an animagus, too," Harry said, smiling. "I should have guessed that…"

Tobias chuckled, patting his grandson on the head.

"Something tells me they're going to be awhile," he told him. "What say you and I head back to the cottage and play some chess, eh?"

"Okay, Grandpa Toby," Harry said, smiling.

They turned and headed back towards their new home.

"Glad to be home?" Tobias asked him, curiously.

Harry nodded, smiling. He was very glad to be home.

It seemed Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived had finally found where he belonged.

With his family…

The End…for now.