Jenny couldn't keep her eyes open, being curled up in her employers arms made her feel so safe and comfortable that she finally felt like she could sleep for a couple of minutes. Even though Vastra was cold blooded Jenny honestly felt like she was warming up slightly and the warmth was easing her pain. Vastra noted that Jenny's breathing was evening out and didn't have it in her to wake the young ape and instead let herself revel in the feeling of holding her and the warmth that Jenny was emitting. Vastra could see a blanket not too far from where they were both lying and as she reached for it she stopped just before her fingers touched the soft material as Jenny let out a little whimper as Vastra jostled her slightly. Wriggling her fingers slightly towards the blanket Vastra just managed to grab a corner of the blanket pulling it over Jenny and herself to hopefully keep the young ape warm. After watching Jenny sleep for at least half an hour Vastra could feel herself getting sleepy, she really didn't want to miss a moment. Or to be asleep when Jenny awoke but she was just too tired to keep her eyes open any longer. Taking one last look of Jenny's calm features Vastra allowed her own eyes to close fully drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Vastra awoke feeling calm and contently warm, Jenny had managed to wrap herself securely around Vastra in her sleep. She smiled sleepily seeing the ape looking so peaceful after that afternoon, she couldn't resist knowing that Jenny was asleep she started running her hands through the young ape's hair feeling her eyes drift closed enjoying the softness. Vastra woke up a few hours later hearing Jenny whimper in her sleep, she hadn't ever seen the ape sleep for this long. Looking out the window for a sign of the time of day she realised that she herself had never slept for this long either. The sun was beginning to go down, and her stomach grumbled she didn't want to leave the ape to go and make them food, but she knew neither of them had eaten all day. Moving slowly, slipping out from underneath Jenny she saw her eyes flutter open and a wince of pain flit across her face.

'Ma'am?' Jenny's voice cracked from not speaking all day

'Shhh, I'll be right back' she watched as Jenny curled back into a ball and closed her eyes.

Creeping down the stairs hoping not to wake Jenny back up, Vastra made her way towards the kitchen she wasn't sure what to make the young woman as she knew that Jenny couldn't eat the same food and her. Searching through the kitchen cupboards all that Vastra could find was a couple of vegetables and a lot of fresh meat. She didn't realise just how little food that they actually kept in the house. Searching through the cupboards once more she managed to find some bread to add to meal she was trying to prepare. But she really wasn't sure what she could make, this was usually Jenny's expertise.