Author's note: My first fully Gold x Silver fic. I think it's called Preciousmetalshipping? I've been a bit of writer's block with my other stories, but I wanted to write something, so here you go. I don't know the manga version of them, so just kinda going with the video game version. You'll have to wait for the smut to start, sorry.


It was early in the morning in New Bark town. A red haired boy lay in bed sound asleep. He lay on his side with the sheets wrapped around him. The door opened and a black-haired boy slipped in without a sound. The boy grinned when he saw the one on the bed still asleep.

The black-haired boy sat down on the bed next to the red head. He lightly pinched the sleeping boy's nose. Suddenly the red head work up with a gasp, unable to breathe right with the brunette doing that. He frowned at the black-haired boy, who tried to stifle a laugh.

"Really Gold?" The red head asked angrily.

"If you want to live with me Silver, ya need to expect these wake-up calls," Gold said with a smirk.

Silver groaned and lay back in bed. He knew living with Gold would be a bad idea. But it was free and Silver had no other home to go to. Better than the streets. Dealing with Gold's immaturity was a small price for a bed and three meals a day. It wasn't so bad living with the black-haired boy though. He kept things interesting. Plus the occasional glimpse of Gold with his shirt off was an added bonus. Silver had developed a serious crush on the boy in the time they spent together. Gold's views of the world and his bond with Pokémon had won him over. Not that the red head would ever admit that. Gold had too much to hold over his head already, and Silver didn't want him having this.

"Get out," commanded the red head. "I'm getting changed."

"OK, whatever you say."

Once the door was shut behind him Gold got down on a knee and stared through the keyhole. Silver had taken his shirt off and was stripping the rest of his clothes off. Gold felt himself grow erect as he stared at the red head's body. The black-haired boy just desperately wanted to feel that chest, caress the muscles.

"God I feel like a loser," Gold said to himself when he realized what exactly he was doing.

Gold had liked the red head since he first ran into him. Something about his don't care about anything attitude drew the brunette to him. The only thing that ruined it was his attitude towards Pokémon, but now that Silver was over that it made Gold even more attracted to him.

"Come on," Gold whispered. "Drop 'em."

Almost like he had heard him, Silver pulled his pants down to reveal his manhood. Gold let out a little moan of longing at the sight. The red head had more than enough down there to compensate for his pride. It was a brief view though, the boy pulled on a new pair of pants which obscured the view.

"Dammit," Gold swore.

He gasped and covered his mouth. Silver looked up towards the door where the brunette was hiding. He cocked his head and walked towards it. Gold started backing away but tripped as he tried to get up. Silver opened the door to find the brunette on his butt on the other side.

"What are you doing?" Silver demanded.

"I was just… um…." Gold stuttered, trying to figure out a good excuse.

The still shirtless Silver stared at the stuttering boy for a few minutes. He glanced back and forth between Gold and the door. Suddenly something clicked in his mind, and he smirked at the realization.

"You were spying on me, weren't you?"

Gold denied it, but his blushing face said otherwise. Silver couldn't believe it. What were the odds?

"Did you enjoy the show at least?" Silver asked cockily.

Gold gave slight, almost unnoticeable nod. The brunette averted his eyes and blushed an even deeper red. He crossed his legs to hide his erection, something the red head hadn't missed.

"Are you mad?" Gold asked nervously.

"Not really. Nothing to be mad about. Not every day a guy considers you attractive enough to spy on."

Gold started getting to his feet. Silver held out his hand to help him up. He tugged the brunette up onto his feet and into a kiss. The brunette's eyes widened in shock. Silver backed off and smirked.

"I've wanted to do that for a while now," The red head said.

The brunette just stared at him. Silver's smirk slid off his face as Gold didn't react.

Was that too much? Silver thought to himself.

"Gold, you OK?"

Gold finally grinned.

"Yeah, I think so," he said.

Gold got up again. A cry came from downstairs, calling the two boys to breakfast. Silver looked at the brunette and they seemed to come to a silent agreement; they would talk about this later. Both of them headed downstairs.

Later after breakfast Gold and Silver were in the brunette's room. Gold sat on the bed while Silver stood looking out a window. Both were silent as the waited for the other boy to speak. Gold cleared his throat nervously.

"How long have you liked me?" He asked hesitantly.

"Awhile now," Silver answered. "Not too long after we met and fought the first few times."

"You mean in your asshole faze?"

Silver snickered.

"Pretty much. So how long have you liked me?"

Gold blushed and twiddled his fingers together.

"Pretty much the first time we fought. Started out as a crush but..."

"It turned into something more?"


Both boys went quiet. For a few minutes neither of them spoke.

"Gold, will you go out with me?" Silver asked suddenly.

Gold grinned widely.

"Hell yeah I will."

Silver's face broke into the widest true smile Gold had ever seen from him. It was kinda contagious, and the brunette found himself grinning back. Silver sat down on Gold's bed and hugged the brunette. Gold was surprised but hugged him back.

"You know, it's going to be weird to call you my boyfriend now," Gold said with a laugh.