Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha. They belong to their respective creators and publishers.

Of Eyes And Fangs

Chapter one

The sound of something slicing through the air was heard just seconds before an ear-splitting shriek tore the previous calm of the night. A loud thud followed soon after a sword was placed back into its sheath and it was once more quiet in the dark clearing.

Eyes the shade of carmine surveyed the damage dealt to the creatures on the ground with a displeased glint; the being's lips curled down slightly in a snarl.

In reality, there was a feeling of disappointment in the dark figure's demeanor; three rampaging spider demons had interrupted the rest of the slumbering creature, which was the cause of their demise.

It appeared the reason for the ruckus had been a mere squabble amongst them, instead of something of importance like the annoyed demon had been expecting.

Just as he was about to walk away and return to his dark, dreamless sleep, a soft whimper came from behind him. The red eyed male turned sharply on his heel with his sword drawn, searching for the origin of the noise.

What he did not expect, was a pair of teary blue eyes staring back at him from the dark cover of a small tree hollow.

Words: 200

Theme: Found