Guys. I know you are going to hate me. But Alliance is being dropped.





Allow me to explain. I decided to read over it again and I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I was still a newbie back then and I screwed up this story. There were grammar errors and the characters was OOC. It was just plain bad. And due to the fact I had a bad start, I was forced to continue it like this cause I had to follow the story line. During most of my more recent updates, I've been kind of feeling that this story was going downhill really fast. I'm sure some of you guys agree with me. And right now, I want to focus on Etiquette. It's one of my better ones (If I do say so myself) and it's something that I can be proud of.

I'm really sorry, guys. I'm sad that Alliance has to go too. ;w; This was a hard decision. Fanfictions are my life and I feel really bad about doing this. I really wanted to finish this one.


There is good news.

I WILL reboot this story and start over. Hopefully, you guys will support me again when that happens. I'm not sure when it'll happen but it will.

The story will be deleted after I feel like the majority of you guys have given me your thoughts.

I love all of you,

Konjiki No Yami.