Author's Note: Hello there. Sorry about the wait and I hate to say it but it would probably have been longer. However, I'm super excited right now. Announced at E3 (or is it in preparation for E3? I don't know) was something that has made my decade. Star Wars Battlefront 3 is coming, ladies and gentlemen. I'm looking forward to it. The original as well as the second were beyond good and if you disagree then you're a fucking idiot. Or you could just not be a fan of Star Wars in which case why the fuck are you reading this? Anyway, on to the story…

Update: I'm sorry but I've decided to call it here so I've edited the chapter a little to make it a better final chapter. I will try to write a sequel for it at some point (I did leave it rather open ended) but don't hold your breath.


In the two and a half years since the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars, the galaxy had changed. The Mandalorians had all but vanished from the galaxy at large except for Mandalore the Avenger (more commonly referred to in the Republic as Admiral Revan Surik Vizsla), who had stayed with the Republic while overseeing the reconstruction of the Clans. The Republic too was rebuilding, recovering from the devastating war against the Mandalorians.

After two years, Mandalore the Avenger had stepped down to focus on his duties with the Republic and "to prepare everyone else". Canderous Ordo, who had taken the title of Mandalore the Redeemer (Te Ordi'kaas Mand'alor in Mandalorian), had replaced him, promising to restore the Mandalorians to their former glory. He, with the agreement of the Council of Clan Lords, had given Revan a place on the Council of Clan Lords as well as swearing an oath on behalf of the Clans to aid the Republic in times of war. Even now, the only people that the Mandalorians spoke to willingly were the Suriks, Admiral Gelendra, Admiral Cole and Fleet Admiral Dodonna because they were the only Republic officials the Clans respected.

However, the Republic had also invested in new ships. Only one class were currently being built with the others still being finalised. The new Phoenix-class carriers were a brand new class of vessel, developed by designers from Corellia. Appearing from the front as a wide T-shape, they were 2,500 metres long and covered in nothing but hangars and point defence guns. They were designed to stay away from direct confrontation with other capital ships, instead storing dozens of starfighters, bombers, gunships and dropships. A single Phoenix was capable of providing for an extended ground campaign, being able to deploy almost 5,000 soldiers and keep them all supplied for up to three months before needing to resupply. They were blocky and coloured mainly dark grey with crimson markings.

A number of high-ranking officers had been given new vessels, including Fleet Admiral Dodonna's new Phoenix -class carrier, Remembrance.

Dathomir, 294ATGS

Revan stepped over another fallen tree, eyes surveying his surroundings from under his old mask. Rana followed a few steps behind him, hood pulled up over her head. For the last hour since landing on the planet, the two had wound their way through the forest, Rana following her master. When asked, all Revan would say to explain their presence was that they needed allies.

Revan stopped abruptly, causing Rana to almost collide with him. The man knelt down, examining something on the ground before him before rising once more.

"Remember, let me do the talking," Revan told her, looking over his shoulder at her.

Rana nodded. Revan looked forward again before continuing on his way, Rana once more following behind. As they continued, Rana began to make out what sounded like voices in the distance. The voices became louder and clearer as they walked, leading Rana to the conclusion that they were getting closer. After another couple of minutes walking, the pair stepped into a large clearing, where Revan stopped.

Standing in the clearing were a dozen women, dressed rather scantly in leather. Each of them looked shocked at the two strangers who had just stepped into the clearing, the clearing going completely silent. Revan's head turned slowly, obviously examining everything and everyone in the clearing. He took another step forward; bringing him into the edge of the circle the women had formed while Rana hung back.

"Greetings, Witches of Dathomir. I am Revan Surik Vizsla, Grey Jedi and Admiral of the Republic Navy. I am here to speak with this council," Revan began.

"We have no interest in what you have to say, outsider," one of the women spat, saying the last word as though it were an insult.

Around the circle, the other women nodded their agreement.

"You may have no interest in what I have to say but you will listen to me. I am here to forge an alliance. War is coming, war the likes of which has never been seen before and will hopefully never be seen again. This war will burn worlds, destroy species and bring governments to their knees," Revan stated.

None of the women interrupted him, merely watching him in caution and curiosity.

"The True Sith Empire lurks in the dark corners of the galaxy. When it strikes, it will attempt to destroy everything that does not stand by it and enslave those that do. I aim to prevent that. I am forging alliances across the galaxy. The Empire must be destroyed else the entire galaxy shall suffer the consequences. Hence, I ask you, Clan Mothers, will you stand by us when the time comes?" Revan concluded, looking around the circle.

The Clan Mothers looked at each other before moving away and moving into a tight circle. From Revan and Rana's position, only mutters could be heard. After ten minutes, the Clan Mothers moved back to their previous positions.

"We have decided to aid you. However, there are conditions," one of the women stated.

Revan merely nodded his head in agreement.

Dantooine, 294ATGS

The ancient door opened for the first time in millennia, granting the two robed and hooded figures access. They stepped in, pausing at the sight of the three vertical prongs in the centre of the room.

"The first Star Map. Our journey begins," the slightly shorter figure breathed in awe.

His companion merely nodded, stepping forward. The three prongs separated, folding down toward the floor. Once they stopped, an incomplete hologram of the galaxy appeared. The taller figure began recording the data to a datapad before turning to leave.

"Soon, my apprentice, the Star Forge shall be ours," the tall figure stated.

"And then, none shall stand against the might of the Dark Lords of the Sith. All shall bow before Darth Malak and Darth Bandon," the shorter being claimed arrogantly.

Beneath their hoods, sulphuric eyes glinted with anger and hate.