AN: I've read a few stories where the characters discover the books and I wondered what would happen if the stumbled upon fanfiction. So, Wes stumbles upon a M rated piece about Han and Leia, the night after the battle of Endor.

Still not mine. Never will be...

Wes Janson was bored. And tired. And partly drunk. And alone. And happy that the war was mostly over. But the boredom was his biggest problem.

He stared down at the screen of his datapad as if something would appear to cure his problem. And it did.

He blinked, read the words that had appeared, blinked again and hurried to find his squad mates. They would love this.

"Guys! You'll never guess what I just found!"

"Poison in your drink?" Hobbie asked.

"Read," he proclaimed, thrusting the datapad at Hobbie.

Hobbie read. He blinked. He passed the pad on.

Wedge read, rubbed at his eyes but also passed it on.

Once everyone had read it and Wes had the datapad back in his possession he looked at them expectantly. "Well?"

"Where..?" Hobbie began.

"Did you find that?" Wedge finished.

"It just popped up."

"Good Gods, don't let Leia see that," Hobbie said.

"Yeah, she might have a fit," Wedge said.

"Don't let me see what? Have a fit about what?"

"Nothing," they all replied.

"Give it here, Janson." She held out a hand.

"Yes, ma'am." He handed it over.

"Thank you," she said as she turned and strode away.

Han found Leia curled up by one of the fires reading from a datapad.

"Where'd ya get that?"

"Rogue Squadron."

"What'd they find now?"

Having finished reading she looked up at him. "This," she offered him the pad.

Han read and reread the words on the screen. He glanced up at her. "Did they write this?"

"No. I looked. There's more, a lot more."

"Is it all like this?"

"Not all of it, some of it though. There are actual stories and then there's this…they call it 'fanfiction'," she said the word as though it was the name of a dangerous animal.

"It's like they were actually there…" he shuddered.

"There's some rather…interesting things on here…General. If we're not careful some people may find us out, some people we may not want to know about these things."

"I think we need to have a talk with the Rogue Squadron."

"This doesn't go beyond any of us. Not a word. Understood?" Leia was being very clear.

"Just one question?" It was Wes.

"What, Janson?"

"Do we have to stop reading it?"

"I don't want to hear that someone's caught you reading it."

"Yes, ma'am."

Leia looked to Han and saw the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Very well," she said. "Good night."

"Good night!" They all called.

When they were gone Wes turned back to the group. "So," he said. "What do you say we read some more?"
