"Doctor, what's wrong?" Clara asked as she tilted her head. She skipped around the console room to where the Doctor was standing. "Clever boy? What is it?"

The Doctor had been notably depressed for the last few months, ever since they saved Hila. His face seemed cold, and he barely smiled at all. No more jokes and sarcastic comments. No more "Geronimo". No more interesting adventures.

"Doctor, you've been like this for weeks! What's wrong?" She exclaimed.

The Doctor adjusted his bow tie and sat down. "It's just not the same." Clara sat next to him, trying to think of a topic to open him up. She finally thought of whom he mentioned quite too often. "Them... The ginger and the dirty blonde, what were they like?" Her eyes became warm and inviting, encouraging him to talk to her.

"Her... S-she was stubborn and witty with her words. Brave and kind. She was fantastic. He, the dirty blonde, was nice, forgiving, and playful. I always liked them, especially the ginger. I miss them, so very much..." The Doctor covered his face with his hands.

"He seems like my type." Clara murmured, before quickly getting up and running towards the center of the console room. She typed a few lines of date, place, and time, and pulled the Wibbly lever.

"How did you learn-" The Doctor started.

"While you were gone." Clara interrupted. The Tardis continued in flight, but now to a new destination.

To a certain graveyard. Where a certain ginger sacrificed herself to be with the one she loved.

The Doctor opened his eyes to be in the exact spot he was in when Amy died.

"Come along, Pond, please." He said, tears streaming down his face.

"Raggedy man," Amy said, turning around. "Good-" She was pushed by Clara and now on the ground.

"Bye Clever Boy." Clara said, and vanished. Amy and the Doctor's mind set was immediately changed. Clara and Rory had fallen in love. Amy never knew Rory. The Doctor never knew Clara. River was still there, a descendent of Clara and Rory. The angel disappeared.

"Come along, Song, Pond." And he lead them into the Tardis.