A few weeks after Kurt found out about Jacksons 'condition', as they've taken to naming it, Kurt decided to confront Jackson. "Jackson," Kurt says trying to convey absolute seriousness through his tone. "We should tell Dad."

"Tell dad what?" Jackson says knowing exactly what, yet trying to stall for some time. "That you broke his watch?"

"I didn't break it!" Kurt protests, distracted from his mission. "The battery died, is all."

"Oh, okay." Jackson says, his voice oozing sarcasm. "It ran out of battery the second you dropped it."

"Yes!" Kurt says, and then shakes his head. "Stop trying to distract me! You know what I'm talking about! "

"No," Jackson says, serious now. "I will not tell him."

"Jackson don't be like this," Kurt pleads. "You know dad will understand."

"Understand what? That not only did he adopt a fucked up baby that can't even say 'I love you' but that baby is also a fucking werewolf?!"

"Jackson," Kurt says, going in for a hug, but Jackson deftly avoids it. "You know he doesn't think that. He could never think that. "

"Well, I do!" Jackson snaps back, voice startlingly loud in the quiet room. "And he should too. What kind of child can't say I love you to his own dad?"

"Oh Jackson, " Kurt whispers, heart reaching out to him. He tries to initiate a hug once more, and once again Jackson rejects him.

"But I'm not his son, am I? And he's not my father. And I don't want to remind him of this fact, Kurt. That's why I can't tell him. "

This time Kurt didn't have to attempt to initiate the hug, Jackson collapsed into his arms. They stayed in that position for a while; both of them weren't crying but still sought comfort in their arms.

"Kurt!" Jackson shouts, slamming the front door in his rush. "Kurt where are you?"

"I'm right here." Kurt shouts sleepily from his bedroom. "You know it's only eight o'clock right?"

Jackson sprints to Kurt's bedroom, and stares at the bundle of blankets Kurt is currently curled up in. Rolling his eyes, he walks over to Kurt's window and opens the blinds. "Yes, its eight and you are still in bed. Sleepy head."

"What do you want?" Kurt groans, burrowing his face deeper into the bed. "It's Saturday, you bag of dicks."

"Hey, that's no way to talk to your older brother." Jackson playfully chastises. "And where did you develop that kind of language from?"

"Sebastian," Kurt mumbles. Giving up on his sleep, he blinks up at Jackson. "Why did you wake me up so early?"

"Well, I had some news," Jackson says, dragging his words out. "But I guess I can wait to tell you. Maybe it was rude to wake you up-." Jackson gets interrupted by the pillow Kurt threw at his head. "Ouch, that was mean."

"You woke me up, so spit it out."

"Okay," Jackson says, once again excited. "So you know how I run every morning? Well, today I was running in the woods... Yes, I know Burt said not to but I decided to anyways." Jackson says, not even needing to hear Kurt voice his protests as they were so close.

"Wait a second," Kurt interrupts. "Did you just call dad, Burt?"

"That's the thing Kurt!" Jackson yells, jumping on the bed. "He is Burt. I know who my dad is now!"

"What?" Kurt asks, his voice quivering and his body frozen.

"Okay, so I was taking a walk by the woods, and this random dude pops up behind me. I got scared, so I started running faster but then he sped up. He soon caught up to me, and trust me I almost died of a heart attack." Jackson says, never taking a breath. His excitement was evident in the way he was vibrating and how his words jumbled together.

"But then he started saying this nonsense about how I smelt similar and reminded him of someone. At that point I was trying to inch away, but he noticed it and pinned me to the tree. And then his eyes glowed, Kurt!" Jackson says, shaking Kurt a bit trying to get Kurt more excited about this fact. "His eyes glowed like mine does!"

"And then he started sniffing me, and asked me if I was adopted. Then he told me that I smelt like him and Clarissa." Kurt stiffened at the way Jackson said Clarissa, like he already thought of her as his mom.

"Oh," Jackson exclaims, smiling widely. "His name is Peter. Peter Hale." And this time Kurt jerked a bit, because the way Jackson said Peter was filled with more love than he ever said Burt's name.

"He told me the story about him and my mom. How they were dating, but a few months later she disappeared off the grid. Never answered his calls, or emails, or anything. He always suspected there must have been a reason for her leaving him, but he never thought I was the reason." Jackson was absolutely sparkling, Kurt observed. All of this from because of a guy he just met.

"He asked me to come have dinner with him and his family."

And that was the final blow to Kurt, and tears welled up in his. Turning his face away from Jackson, Kurt said, "Well, what are you waiting for? Shouldn't you be picking out your outfit?"

Jackson was so ecstatic that he didn't notice the crack in Kurt's voice, or the smell of salt water. "Well," Jackson says, smiling down at the back of Kurt's head. "I already know what I want to wear. I thought you would need help deciding, that's why I came straight to your room. I know how long it takes you to select an outfit." And Jackson reached out, and playfully messes Kurt's bedhead even more.

"Wait," Kurt said, peeking out from between the blankets. "You want me to come with you?"

"Of course," Jackson said, finally noticing the tears. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I thought you would want to be with your new family," Kurt says bitterly.

"No," Jackson says, grabbing Kurt's face between his hands and stares into his eyes. "You are my family. Always."

A/N: Yes, this was a short chapter after such a long wait, but I don't really know where I want to go with this? Should I add romance in this story or leave it as brotherly love? And if I add romance, which pairings? Review and tell me :). Next chapter will be the dinner with the Hale pack (none of them are dead in this story, as Derek hasn't met Kate yet) and maybe the beginning of romance depending on the votes. Also, what is your opinion on Kurt/Derek? Un-beta'd.