Chris Redfield wasn't at all how she'd pictured him, no, he looked much better; very tall, muscular and sculpted like a Greek statue and dark, piercing eyes that landed on her as she approached.

Sashaying towards him as he exited the jeep, Sheva extended her hand and said, "Welcome to Africa, Mr. Redfield."

He shook her gloved hand and flashed a grin that could easily melt butter. "Charmed and you must be Miss Alomar."

She nodded. "Just Sheva please and it's quite an honor to meet you, sir."

"Just call me Chris please," he said. "So you will be escorting me to our destination?"

Sheva gestured towards the busy street to their left. "Yes, I'm your partner to help keep everything civil. What with the change in government, the locals won't be pleased to see an American, BSAA or not."

Walking alongside her, Chris nodded as both of their earpieces crackled to life and another field agent began giving them a quick brief. Further along in Kijuju there was a black market deal happening and they'd be back up to Alpha Team who was already infiltrating the area. The butcher shop was where they were to meet their contact, grab their gear and receive more detailed information on their mission.

On the right side of the dirt street were a few small, downtrodden buildings that a few of the locals were within, trying to stay cool against the constant heat of the sun. The other side had a radio where many were listening intently and eying the American traipsing through their home.

As the new partners ambled down the dirt road, Sheva slowly noticed a lack in noise and cast a glance over her shoulder, stopping when she found that they were suddenly alone.

Chris paused and turned, seeing the desolate street he exchanged looks with her and shrugged. "Maybe they're all at bingo."

Smirking, Sheva started walking again, getting a slight lead on him and knowing his eyes were on her, made sure to give her hips a nonchalant thrust as she went. Arriving at the butcher shop door, she glanced at Chris, who gave her a nod and opened it, the two entering as the strong odor of raw meat infiltrated their senses.

Leaning against the next door, their contact, a burly man with a turban atop his head, said, "Ah, Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar, I've been waiting for you. Come this way." Pushing open the door, he led them into a larger room where stripped pigs' bodies hung from the ceiling. "The change in government has everyone wanting action. You two should do what you've come here for and leave as soon as possible."

"Yeah," Chris said following after the man. "They really roll out the red carpet for us, Americans."

Sheva grinned at him. She could already tell she was going to like being in his company, handsome, tall and a low, gravelly voice. When she'd read his file she had been surprised to find he wasn't married, not that thought anything would happen between the two of them, she never mixed business with pleasure. Still, flirting never hurt anybody.

The room was filled with meat, not all of it fresh, it was also full of flies and stacks of boxes and a door to the outside was just to their right. In front of them was a small table with an open suitcase that the two headed for, both feeling naked without their weapons. Two .9mm handguns sat inside, along with a few boxes of ammo, two packs and two sets of gun holsters.

After buckling her holsters over her shoulders and loading her pistol, Sheva looked at their contact and asked, "Destination coordinates?"

The Russian glanced at her with a blank expression and folded arms. "Town square is just up ahead. Alpha Team is waiting at the deal location." Giving them both a hard stare, he asked, "What do you know of Uroboros?"

Chris' brows lowered. "Mostly just rumors, something about a doomsday device."

The man scoffed. "Sounds about right, apparently it is no rumor."

Sheva shot Chris a worried expression. "You're kidding right?"

Glaring, as if he'd never made a joke in his life, he continued, "Find a man named Irving, he is our only lead." Heading for the door he called over his shoulder, "Be careful out there."

Chris took point and opened the next door, overtaking the small staircase in one step and heading off to the left where the path turned right underneath a long terrace.

"Remember," Chris said. "We're team. We stick together no matter what."

Happy he was taking the lead so she could admire the way his dark green shirt clung to his muscles, Sheva said, "Don't worry, I may not be as big as you but I can certainly handle myself." The smirk that briefly flashed onto his lips told her that some comment or other had crossed his mind, if for only that moment. "So what do you make of what he said back there?"

Eying the carcass of a dead goat, Chris stepped around it and replied, "About Uroboros? Who knows really, hopefully this is a simple deal we can help stop and find this Irving guy quickly."

Sheva moved behind Chris as he opened the next door into an empty building save for a few racks and kept her pistol firm in her hand. "And in your experience, what are the chances of that?"

Setting his hand on exit to the building he looked at her and said, "None at all."

A scream pierced the dusty silence of the back alleys they traveled and Sheva ran up the staircase in front of them and readied her gun, waiting for her partner. "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah," he confirmed cocking his own weapon and slowly pushing the rusted door open.

Entering, they found three men, one being held down while another forced a squiggling creature down his throat.

"Freeze," Chris shouted raising his gun.

The two men attacking the other jumped to their feet and sprinted out the door to their left. Exchanging glances, Chris and Sheva approached the man on the floor as he choked and gagged on whatever had just been shoved into his body.

"Sir, are you okay?" Chris asked moving towards him and touching his shoulder.

The man growled and viciously swatted at Chris' touch, after he began clutching at his throat until blood squeezed its way from the corners of his eyes and he hunched over, his struggle apparently over. Standing, the man looked up at them and rushed at them, his hands outstretched as if they were claws.

Sheva took the first shot, her bullet piercing the man's skull. She lowered her weapon as he fell. "What the hell just happened?"

"He didn't move like any zombies I've ever seen." Chris motioned towards the door the other men had exited to and started towards it.

Following closely behind, Sheva nodded, remembering the report she'd read about the Raccoon City Incident that Chris had been a part of along with numerous others and pocketed her gun into its holster as Chris examined a window on the other side of the room. She began searching through the drawers of a dresser in the corner, finding a few boxes of ammunition and putting them into the pack on the back of her waist.

"I hope you aren't afraid of heights," Chris commented as he thrust his elbow into the glass of the window. Putting his gun away, he glanced at her with a smile and jumped through the opening, turning in the air and gracefully rolling when he reached the ground. He moved out of the way and towards the path in front of him and checked the next corner to make sure no one lurked in wait.

Sheva leapt through the window, rolling when she met the ground and coming up in a Spider Man like way and giggling afterward as she approached her partner.

"Let me guess," Chris said. "Always wanted to do that?"

Sheva smiled. "How did you know?"

Starting down the next path he answered, "The first time I ever jumped out of a window, I did it too."

"So much in common," Sheva drawled taking the lead.

Chris watched her walk ahead and resisted the urge to grin, she was certainly feisty and so far she was living up to her file. A crack shot, seemingly fearless in the face of danger and not hesitant to do what was necessary.

She was different from Jill, not that that was a bad thing. If Ms. Valentine had been the one next to him she would have attempted to reason with the crazed man before stopping him permanently but that wasn't always a good thing. Sometimes it really did have to be shoot first and ask questions later.

"We need to get out of here," Sheva said when a slew of shouts began echoing from behind them. When he didn't seem to register, his face still blank, she added, "Chris, are you listening?"

"Yes," he said shaking his head slightly. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry," she snapped. "There's a place just ahead, we can escape through there."

Hurrying down the path, they arrived at a building that luckily had a large wooden bar to keep the door locked, at least for a while. Looking around the two found a few medicinal herbs and ammo boxes and in the next room was a hole they jumped down.

"Come in, Kirk," Chris said. "The locals turned hostile and we've had to put one of them down."

"Roger that," Kirk said flatly. "Your orders still stand, good luck."

Past the dripping ceiling and twittering rats was a ladder that Sheva began up first. "Does that mean HQ was expecting this?" she called.

The room the ladder led to was a without a door and empty, the two headed down the next path, jumping down a small hill, grabbing a few items they spotted as they went and into the next area, a three story building full of fruits, boxes and dressers.

"Look," Sheva said in a hushed tone. Approaching the window on the left wall, she watched as a large crowd of locals shouted at a man on a high ledge, in his hand was a megaphone. "What is going on out there?"

"Shit," Chris muttered when he saw them bring out their contact.

"You don't know what you're talking about," the Russian yelled as he struggled to free himself of his binds. "You can all go to hell."

The man with the megaphone shouted at the crowd through the megaphone, he then looked at the gigantic executioner who held an axe. The axe man had a dark cowl covering his face and brought up his blood stained weapon and chopped off the Russian's head with one clean slice.

Sheva turned away, accidentally pressing her face against Chris' chest for a second before pulling away and shaking her head.

"You okay?" Chris asked gently touching her shoulder.

"Fine but we should get out of here, that crowd doesn't look like it's had its fill of bloodshed yet."

Listening to the cheering people outside, Chris was about to suggest their next move to say out of sight when he heard the bloodthirsty crowd go silent. Glancing out the window he saw that they had all turned their attention to them and he backed away from the window. "Aw, fuckin' hell."

"I'm thinking that somehow you're used to the worst possible scenario happening," Sheva commented as the large group of locals charged at the gate that surrounded the building they were in. "Let's use the bookshelves, that'll buy us a minute and a half at least."

Chris rushed to the book shelf beside the door on the far wall and pushed it in front of it and looking at Sheva, he saw that she had just finished covering the window. "Okay, there aren't that many of them. It looks like we're going to have to shoot our way out."

"What about that behemoth?" Sheva asked referring to the executioner.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it but for now, when they break through make sure you aim for the head. We need to make sure every bullet counts."

The bookshelves began shaking as the glass of the window shattered and the door began being pounded on. Slowly the rotting wood was broken through and the angry locals bombarded the inside of the building. While Sheva covered the door as they broke inside, Chris kept his aim on those who crawled through the broken window, all unfazed by anything than a headshot. Though it seemed like more than an hour as they ran through their limited amount of ammunition, the amount of locals thinned until only the executioner remained, swinging his axe and bursting through the gate.

"What do you have left?" Chris asked as he reloaded his last ten shots.

Wiping sweat from her brow, Sheva replied, "Six."

"Kirk, we're having some troubles here, we're pinned down with barely anything ammo to work with and the only way out is blocked by a gate."

"Sit tight you two," he said through their earpieces. "I'm on my way, ETA is five minutes."

Sheva glanced at Chris. "What do we do till then?"

Chris watched as the axe man raised his weapon to tear it through the building wall. "Run like hell."

The jagged axe ripped into the wall, breaking it away like it was a piece of paper and as he recovered and pulled the heavy weapon back onto his shoulder, Chris and Sheva dashed past him and into the next area.

Sheva looked around, the two buildings had too many windows and while she saw a few items in both that would be useful it wasn't going to help at the moment. Their last attacker was making his way towards them, his large frame overtaking the gap that stood between them quickly.

"Hey, Sheva, come take a look at this," Chris called.

Turning around she saw that Chris was a few feet away in the further right corner behind a few fruit stands. Running towards him she said, "This probably isn't the best time to be sightseeing…oh my." On a table was a suitcase with a TMP inside that she snatched. "This is lovely."

"I agree," Chris said though his eyes lingered on her for a quick moment. "This might just help us turn the odds."

Sheva turned and unloaded the entire clip of her new toy into the assailant and a smile curved her lips when he fell to her knees just as the magazine was spent. Reloading with the extra clip that had been underneath the automatic weapon, she noticed Chris rush past her and her mouth dropped open when he threw an uppercut straight into the man's head, sending him flailing backwards.

"Holy hell," she mumbled as he returned to her side. "Impressive," she blurted.

"Alright you two," came Kirk's voice. "Find some cover."

Not needing to be told twice, Chris and Sheva exchanged relieved glances and ducked behind into one of the buildings and knelt into corners. The explosion that rang out a second later was followed by the loud sound of bangs as the gate that blocked their exit flew this way and that way. When the noise quieted they headed back out, finding that their way was clear and the last hostile was nowhere to be found.

"Great job, Kirk," Sheva said pulling out a belt from her pack.

Chris watched her buckle her TMP to her hip. "Thanks a lot, Kirk, we owe you one."

"Thank me later, it's almost time for Alpha Team to head in, you two need to hurry to the coordinates."

"Roger that," Sheva said.

"See you there and good luck, Kirk out."

"That was very different," Sheva said as the two salvaged the items they could use from the area.

Following the path now opened by the gate that wrapped around the rumble of a destroyed structure, they found a large door and pushed them open.

"DeChant here," the leader of Alpha Team said, his voice crackling with gunshots. "Kirk, our route is blocked."

Continuing along, they came across a local woman kneeling over a body and as they neared, she turned and lunged for Chris who put her down before she got too close. A moment later Alpha Team's captain came back onto the comm though whatever he was trying to saw ended up jumbled among thick static.

"Alpha Team," Kirk yelled. "What is your status?"

When more static came through, Sheva said, "Alpha Team, come in. Do you read?" She looked at Chris who motioned for them to continue.

In their path was a locked door so they backtracked to the area just past the dead woman, there they found a broken ladder.

"Toss me," Sheva said looking up at the connecting rooftops. "Maybe there's some way to open from up there somewhere."

Chris nodded and laced his fingers together and held them out. "Be careful."

Steadying herself on his shoulders, their eyes met and hoping he couldn't see her blushing, she placed her foot onto his hands. "The same to you."

Grinning boyishly, Chris threw her up, hearing the thump above him he looked and saw her jogging across the planks that connected the roves and heard a door open. A minute or so later he saw her on the other side of the door and advanced towards it as she undid the locks.

"That was quick."

"I'm pretty good on my feet and off them," she commented with a smirk as she pulled the door open. "Come on, we have to be close."

Not bothering to hide the grin playing on his lips, Chris followed after her to another door. There were two buildings in the next area, one up a flight of stairs and one to their immediate left.

Chris tried to open the closer building and shook his head. "The damn thing is locked."

"Wait," Sheva said pulling out a key from her back pocket. "I found a key up there, maybe it'll work." She inserted it and the door opened instantly. "Voila."

Entering first, Chris' eyes lit up at what he saw on the far wall, strapped to it was an M9 shotgun that he quickly picked up.

Sheva saw a box of shells on the desk to the left and held them out to him. "Here's something to have more fun with."

Chris turned to her, holding her gaze for a moment before accepting the box and loading the gun. "You get your toy and I get mine. Why in the world do people have these things lying around?"

"You Americans are allowed to own guns, aren't you?" she asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"I can't imagine going into someone's home and finding one of these babies though."

She shrugged. "Come on, let's check out-"

A piercing screech interrupted her and the two rushed outside and looked to the next building. A blonde woman in a thin gown was reaching towards them from the balcony, yelling for help. It couldn't have been more than a millisecond when a man came from behind her, grabbed her and hauled her back inside.

Exchanging looks, Chris and Sheva ran to the building, their guns locked and loaded and they kicked the door open.