A/N: Hey, last chapter is here. I started this fic in 2013 during my anime phase, lmao. I still watch some. I hope you like it. If you do, please comment. Or if you don't like it. Honestly, any feedback is welcomed, but if its negativ, keep it in a constructive kind of way. Constructive critisism~. Thank you for reading this. All of you. I actually came into contact with my old BETA, thats fun, yeah. So, sorry for my grammatical errors and so on.

Update: I want to thank RandomAwesomePersonWho'sAGuest for telling me about my mistakes :) Appreciate it !



Inui Sadaharu grabbed after his glasses which were placed neatly on his nightstand. His eyes were***. Just the day before, he had returned home from the trip. He had to admit that he had enjoyed the training. It had been a good time to update his notes on each individual. Even Akutsu Jin. He doubted that he'd ever get to play against him, but it was good so that he could impress the others when the time came that someone he knew would play against him.

He sat up on his bed and glanced over at the duffle bag which he had thrown to the corner of his room. A dirty, white t-shirt was half inside the bag. Odd. Usually his mom took his dirty clothes. Now. It was just there. It didn't matter how much data he had, his mom was always one step ahead, ready to surprise him.

The night before, he had a arrived late. He had been the last Ryuzaki had let off. He was 58 per cent sure that she had forgotten that he had been there. Now that he thought of it, he was pretty sure that the minivan had been parked outside her house for some hours…

Anyways, how they had gotten home was quite the story. Akutsu had biked a couple of miles back to the nearest gas station. While they had waited, they had practiced their swings. Or, the others had, he had been out looking for ingredients. A very fascinating type of spider had been crawling on one of the tallest trees.

An older man had come up and tried fixing their old vehicle, but it had been busted. He offered them an old minivan he had standing while he could fix their old one. Ryuzaki had accepted. "It's school property," she had said smiling wide.

It was amazing how they all had fit inside the van. At least he didn't have to sit in anyone's lap. On the other hand, Kirihara had been sitting in his lap and pushing his glasses almost into his eyes. When they had manhandled Kirihara out of the van, the small child had accidentally hit his head in the ceiling. Hopefully that didn't hurt… too much.

He stretched his arms over his head and yawned loudly. The numbers on his digital clock were blinking red. Oh. OH. Yeah. He was running late. He grabbed after his phone. 5 messages. 3 of them from Kaidoh. No. Wait. 2 of them from Kaidoh. The 3rd one was from Kikumaru from Kaidoh's phone. One was from his mom, telling him that his lunch was in the fridge. The last one was from Renji.

"From my perspective, which is the only perspective that is a good one, this is a dumb idea," Marui said seriously with a touch of carefree. He had a carton of cupcakes in his bag ready to be eaten.

Niou and Akaya shared an unimpressed look.

"No one asked you to come with," Niou replied rather dryly.

They were sitting at a couple of benches by the courts. Which courts? Seigaku's tennis courts. Sanada had not given them permission to leave, so they had snuck off. It was only morning training, and there wasn't any real school today either, so, yeah.

In Akaya's opinion, every person playing there were doing a bad job. No one was better that bucho at all. Now, Yukimura-bucho was the best player, except from himself, so it was hard to evaluate the other players fairly, but still, they all sucked. And where was creepy glasses guy?

The guy couldn't die if he wasn't there to get killed by Niou-senpai. Nevermind. He glanced up at Niou who was looking at his phone with mild interest.

"Niou-senpai," Akaya whispered.

"Huh… I mean puri?" He looked down at Akaya who was pointing over to the gate. He glanced up to where Akaya was pointing.

If this had been a movie, everything would have become quiet now. Someone stepped inside the gate to the courts. Now someone would have had a close-up of the guy's giant foot. A really dope western soundtrack would have started playing as the camera would start filming upwards towards the bad guy's face. And it would have probably been really cool if the guy had been wearing some dark jeans, maybe a poncho, a cowboy hat and maybe been biting on a straw.

Creepy glasses guy was standing there instead of anyone. It would have been cooler if anyone else had been standing there. Even that one guy with one eyebrow and two years of tennis experience. What was his name? Horio? No, Mario. It was Mario, he was sure of it.

Inui Sadaharu pushed down his hair. Dusted of some imaginary dust. Fixed his uniform and pushed his glasses up. Real smooth.

"Awaaahhh Inui!" Kikumaru shouted running over to Inui while waving his hands up and down. Flailing. Like a penguin wanting to fly, just that penguins can't. Yeah, Akaya had been really sad when he found out that penguins couldn't fly.

"Eiji!" The guy with really weird hair said while running after his teammate. Also known as Oishi.

Kikumaru Eiji was grabbing onto Inui's hand while babbling and pointing towards the yellow clad enemies sitting at the bench chilling.

Inui nodded at every word. Oishi tried to get Kikumaru to let go. Tezuka came walking slowly up to Inui with the other regulars in tow.

The Rikkaidai members watched them discuss. After a couple of minutes Inui walked over to them.

Niou pushed himself of the bench. Marui grabbed after the cupcakes in his bag. This was the main reason he had brought the cupcakes. They were better than popcorn and it didn't make too much noise, so that he could hear what was going on while he ate.

"Here at last ey," Niou said and smirked. He crossed his arms in a casual matter and arched his head a little back. Kind of like Atobe, but cooler. A few strands of his hair fell in front of his eyes, but he didn't care. "Puri."

"I've heard that you have come here for a duel," Inui said and sounded emotionless. Like, Akaya looked panicked at Niou. Creepy glasses guy was out-cooling Niou-senpai! How?! Niou was almost the coolest guy in the world, second to the terminator! How?

Niou's stand didn't falter. He sniffed, but like in a cool way. A small smile what at his lips.

Akaya took a small leap of the bench. Aww. And stood to his full size, which wasn't much. A determined expression was on his face as he pointed up at Inui who was much taller from the ground. Why didn't he just stand on the bench? He was such an idiot. "We… We… Niou is here to duel you to-," Akaya stuttered.

"To the death," Inui finished his sentence.

A loud gasp came from the small boy. No, not again. Inui was using his magic to figure o-.

Inui chuckled. "Hah… I'm not using magic," he said. "Just simple data."

"B-," Akaya sputtered.

"But how? We haven't talked since the trip," Inui interrupted. That was the exact words Akaya was going to use. His heart was in his throat. He felt panicked, sweaty, his eyes were stinging with tears. "Simple, I studied you the whole trip."

Marui started coughing because he had swallowed wrong. No one cared. All eyes were on Niou, Akaya and Inui. Everyone had stopped practicing.

"We're here for the antidote," Niou said before anyone could say anything. He really wanted to be finished with this, and get Akaya back to normal. Honestly. It was so much more fun to tease Akaya, when Akaya was normal. Or, the closest thing to a normal being. "And if you don't give it to us willingly, I will duel you for it," he said sternly. "To the death," he finished before Akaya could say it.

Kaidoh Kaoru hissed. He had his arms crossed. "This is dumb," he said as he looked from his senpai to Niou.

"You're dumb!" Akaya shouted back at him.

"What did you say?!" Kaidoh bit back annoyed.

"I second that!" Momo said smiling.

"You want to fight?" Kaidoh asked and huffed.

"Calm down," Fuji said with his off putting smile. Every time he smiled, someone probably died somewhere. "We can solve this peacefully."

"Are you kidding me? Puri?" Niou asked in confusion. "Honestly?" He took a step forward. Really pissed off. Akaya had never seen him like that before. "My kohai is a five year old child, literally! This-." He pointed towards Inui. "This guy gave him some juice and hasn't even bothered to mix an antidote for him yet! It's been ages! And you want me to end this peacefully? No, fuck no!" He looked over to a freshman who was polishing his racket and grabbed it. "I'm going to duel you Inui Sadaharu, pupina. And I'm going to beat you, and you'll fix Akaya."

Tezuka sighed. He stepped in-between Inui and Niou. "There will be no duel."

"Puri, there is going to be a duel," Niou bit back.

"No. There is not going to be any duel. No duel. Inui, you mix the antidote, and we will wait here until you get it," Tezuka ordered like the top-dog he was.

"This is some bs," Niou muttered and rested the racket on his shoulder.

Inui Sadaharu hurried over to the clubhouse. An awkward silence filled the courts. No one said anything. Akaya was too busy staring wide eyed at his senpai to actually say anything. Half a minute later, Inui came running back with a bottle with something purple in.

He coughed into his right hand and awkwardly pushed his glasses up. "I found this… an antidote…"

"You are meaning to tell me that you had it the whole time?" Niou asked dumbstruck.

Inui scratched the back of his head. "Even I make mistakes 0,1 per cent of the times…"

Akaya stared at himself in the mirror at the Rikkaidai clubhouse. He was back to normal. His hair was the same as always. His green, not baby-eyes, alright. He had checked everywhere that he was back to normal, everywhere. Not cool. Yeah. He was back to normal. Inui had given him the drink which ha d made him pass out, and now here he was. He hadn't really thanked Niou-senpai yet. None of his other teammates except Yanagi, Niou, Marui and Jackal had seen him back to normal yet.

Oh, he was going to scare the living shit out of Sanada!