A long time has past since the departure of the Smashers and All-Stars returning to their respective dimensions and universes.

During that time Master Hand has put a lot of his time and effort preparing for the next tournament in the Smash Universe.

Master Hand was in the Meeting Room, tapping his giant fingers on a huge holographic-screen. He was strongly focused on which stages, weapons and most importantly, which fighters throughout the vast universes could be potential future Smashers.

Just then Crazy Hand came floating in the room ready for his daily visit with his brother.

"Hello brother, busy again are we," The Ancient Destroyer stated not questioned.

Master Hand lowered his fingers and faced his brother.

"Hello Crazy Hand, yes I indeed, my fingers have been full with the upcoming tournament that will take place very soon. But what about your own preparations in the other dimension?"

With The Ancient Destroyer's personality disorder under control and with no deity of subspace in either dimension. Both Master and Crazy Hand became the deity's of the two dimensions. Master Hand the subspace deity in the Smash Universe and Crazy Hand the subspace deity in the All-Stars Universe.

But The Ancient Creator wasn't the only one preparing a tournament for his fighters. Crazy Hand was also going to host his first tournament for the All-Stars. Although, despite organizing it, Crazy Hand wasn't sure when he should confirm his first tournament.

Just like Master Hand with the Smashers, Crazy Hand watches over the All-Stars. But both brothers look out for any fighters that are more willing to be a part of their groups.

"It's going along quite well. With help from the Whibbles, we managed to create stages from areas based on two of the fighters home instead of just one,"

"That's a brilliant idea Crazy Hand, I wish I thought of that. Oh well, I won't take it from you,"

Master Hand intrigued with his brothers ideas before continuing.

"I'd like to show you, the three newcomers that already confirmed to enter, the next tournament,"

Master Hand faced the holo-screen tapped on it and showed images of the tree new fighters.

"This young lad here is named Villager. That's his actual name. I did a little background search on him. Apparently before, he moved into Smashville and becoming it's mayor, he lived with his parents in the suburbs,"

"Villager's mother was the main parent providing the most for their family and drives to work in the city,"

But that doesn't mean Villager's father doesn't contribute to help his family. It's quite the actually quite opposite. When Villager was born, his father was the one who mostly raised him while still contributing his profession as a Lumberjack and also quite the handyman for the residents in his home-town,

However, Villager's father was one of those people who strongly believed about the Apocalyptic future that the world will run out electricity. So when he believed Villager was old enough, his father taught him how to grow trees and bushes, how to use a fishing-rod and net and where to find edible resources for food. And most of all, how to use an axe to fight off offenders who tried to steal their food or pose as a threat to their family if they ever enter that future,

Villager doesn't strongly believes in the future with no electricity as his father predicts. But with his father's training, Villager is indeed a talented survivor and fighter. Despite this, Villager wanted to see the world, so he left his parents and came across Smashville and the residents made him their mayor. I thought the other young Smashers would like to see him,"

When Master Hand was done informing his brother about Villager he pointed to a short blue android on the screen.

"This is Mega-Man, don't let appearance fool you. Mega-Man had different variety of weapons and move-sets. I'm certain the other Smashers would adore challenging him, his fighting style is truly unpredictable. Firearm wise, he will definitely give Samus a run for her money,"

The Ancient Creator than tapped on the image of a manikin-like woman in yoga clothes and scrolled left and an image of manikin-like man also wearing yoga clothes and looked strikingly similar to the woman.

"These are the Wii Fit Trainers, the are twins,"

"I bet Popo and Nana would love to meet them. Having a boy and girl twin participate together as a team," Piped in Crazy Hand.

"Not quite brother, After receiving a lot of requests from the Smashers asking for a trainer to work out their body for their own health, I decided to give them one while another will become a Smasher. Due to needing more females, the lady fitness trainer will be a Smasher while her brother will be every Smashers fitness trainer,"

"He didn't want to be a Smasher?" Questioned Crazy Hand, it's rare for anyone to turn down an offer to become a Smasher and represent their universe.

"Apparently, in his response he claimed he was more of teacher while his sister was more enthusiastic to use her personal fitness training as a fighting style,"

Master Hand shrunk down the images and waved his fingers to make the holo-screen disappear and faced his brother once more,"

"But tell me, have you encountered any other fighters that you would like to be part of the 'All-Stars?"

When all the fighters have returned to their homes, Crazy Hand officially called the visitors from the other dimension 'All-Stars' so he and Master Hand would no which groups of fighters they were referring to when they talked about them.

"Well as I was scrolling through universes for new All-stars I encountered this person named Dart. Apparently he and mostly everyone in his universe are Dragoons, meaning Knight of the Dragon. The essence of a dragon's soul was given to each dragoon in the form of their Dragoon spirits. And they all have these amazing magical abilities, but I haven't been entirely focused on looking for newcomers," Honestly answered Crazy Hand.

"Oh, if you haven't been looking for many new All-Stars when your not creating new stages, what have you and the Whibbles been doing?"

"We've been watching the All-Stars continue their lives,"

The Ancient Destroyer stated before he explained what some of the All-Stars were doing in their lives.

"Heihachi and the fighters in his universe hosted a tag tournament, which was engaging to watch,"

"Oh yes, I've seen that as well, since his universe is now connected to this dimension, I've been keeping an eye on him," Interrupted Master Hand.

"Ratchet and Clank had won a battle against strange, but yet powerful beings named Nethers from the Netherverse. And trust me brother, from what I've seen Ratchet and Clank been through, you do not want to accidentally travel to the Netherverse,"

"Sly Cooper's friend Bentley discovered that Sly's family journal, 'The Thievius Raccoonus, that records all of the Cooper family line's successes in thieving and abilities they've learnt to past down to each generation,' What was written inside, have started to fade. So Sly and his friends have gone back in time to help his ancestors.

"But unfortunately a skunk Cyrille Le Paradox, who apparently his whole family bloodline have been rivals with Sly's. After their duel Sly, fell off the ship during time-travelling. On the bright side, Cyrille was put behind bars in Sly's time, but neither of Sly's friends or lover knows which time-period he's in to get him, but I know he's stuck in Egypt,"

"And lastly Kratos finally manages to kill Zeus in Olympus. Even when Zeus's spirit tried to drain Kratos of his willpower and anger, replacing instead fills him with fear and a sense of loss whilst throwing Kratos on the verge of death.

But with the help of Pandora living side of him, Kratos manages to over power Zeus and vanquish his spirit once and for all.

Unfortunately, Athena then killed Kratos because she thought he was lying when Kratos handed her Pandora's Box and it revealed to be empty. And with energy Kratos had left he dragged his body off a cliff off Olympus and I've lost all visual ever since,"

Crazy Hand sadly explained.

"Well with Zeus, we can enter the realm of the dead in his universe like I do with Ganondorf to participate in the tournament and I'm sure you'll find Kratos by the time you want to wish to host your tournament," Master Hand tried to assure.

"I know that brother, Kratos is far too stubborn to die. That's not my problem,"

"Then what is own your mind?" Questioned the Ancient Creator.

"It's just that, I watch over the All-Stars, but yet I can't help them if they encounter danger in their homes,"

Master Hand gave a sigh in remorse, he understood what his brother was going through as he experienced the same ordeal with the Smashers when they return to their homes.

"Crazy Hand…I know what your going through, I've been through…No. Still go through everyday with the Smashers when they go back to their universes.

I've seen countless times when Mario challenges Bowser, or when Link goes into infinite number of dungeons to obtain the power to defeat Ganondorf.

There had been so many times where I wanted to step in and help them, but brother you and I know both vowed we would not interrupt in there lives, unless they would like to come into this universe to participate in the tournament or just to interact with each other,"

The Ancient Destroyer looked downcast

"I know, but it's just so hard,"

"I understand, but we need to let them become the heroes and even the villains they were destined to be in their universes. We are only their relief if they want to take a break from their paths,"

Crazy Hand thought for a moment before facing up to his brother.

"Okay brother, I'll try to keep that in mind when I watch over them,"

The Ancient Creator waved his fingers again and brought up the holo-screen. He made a few taps and brought up profile images of all the past Smashers, the three newcomers and on the other half of the image were images of the All-Stars.

"With all these fighters and those who have yet to be discovered. What fate will come to them and the universes that we will come across?"

Well that's it's, It's officially finished. I've could've done better for the ending, but I coun'nt think of one.

I know about Rosalina and Luma, Little Mac and Greninja but I was originally going to use the first 3 newcomers for my fanfic anyway.

I sorta hate how people just assume Villager is just a psychopath child so I just gave him a little backstory on his character and fighting style

Some of you have been asking about a sequel, I would be lying saying I haven't been considering it, but maybe SSB4 will inspire me to make one after I played it.

I have been considering making short fanfics regarding to the Smashers and All-Stars dealing with the aftermath relating to this fanifc, but tell me what you think before I start.

I won't press complete on this fanfic yet, until I finish fixing this fanfic with the the grammer, the spelling, the missing words and I few more edits (nothing too drastic that'll change the story) so feel free to shout out if I need to something relating to this

Right now I'm going back to deviantart and continue making SSB4 requests, so until next time