Disclaimer: I do not own Betrayal knows my name or any of its characters.

Rated M: Sexual themes= do not read if under 18 (partial lemon…more in future chapters) plot and storyline

Chapter 1

Yuki rolled over to a cold spot in her bed. Wait a minute, why is it so cold? Tangerine halos under her eyelids coaxed her to open them, and nearly blinded by the light she realized neither Sodom nor Luka were in the room. What happened to those two? She rolled out of the bed and headed to the place she was sure Luka would be—the balcony. And there he was topless in some black pants, completely barefoot, hair twirling around him desperately trying to chase the summer winds. Yuki giggled softly as she crept up on him, his back to her. Gently she rests her forehead on his back, inhaling his spicy aroma.

"Luka come back to bed, it's early" He didn't answer, but he reached behind him to take her arms and wrap them around his waist. She took her hands and ran them over his sculptured torso, taunting him to relax into her. His mind drifted away with the wind as he did. It was normal for Luka to not talk much, but that was only when they weren't alone.

"Luka let me see you." He obediently turned around, his silver orbs piercing her honeyed ones. She could tell something was troubling him, but she didn't want to pry too much just yet. She cupped the side of his face, letting her thumb graze over his lips, her other fingers teasing his ear. She stood on her tip toes and planted a peck on his lips, never taking her eyes off his.

"I love you" She whispered against them, loving the feel of its smoothness. Next thing she knew her lips were overtaken by her lovers and she let his passion engulf her. Oh how she loved those lips on hers, her breasts, her thighs, her knees, her sex. She could never have enough of him. When they pulled away, breathless she entwined her fingers in his and led him back to their bed, where they belonged. Luka didn't say a word as his naked beloved undressed him, flinging his pants across the room with contempt.

"Yuki don't you have plans for today?"

She giggled.

"I have plans with you" She smiled; as much as he loved spending his days in Yuki's loving arms, something didn't feel right. He no longer felt it was safe for Yuki to be in the mansion for a while. He could feel a dark force brewing and now wasn't the time for lovemaking. Now if I can put that to her gently. Yuki searched her lover's knowing eyes. She could get lost in them if she didn't try hard not to. He's keeping something from me.



"Tell me what you have been wanting to tell me."

He paused. Yuki reached her hand up to pull him down onto the bed with her. When she had him snug between her spread legs she leaned against the window. Luka's back rested flat against her mature chest. She pulled him in until his head rested next to hers and soothingly she caressed his hair. Luka allowed himself to melt into her, her skillful fingers erasing the tension in him.

"Something just doesn't feel right. We should leave"

"Where will we go?" She hummed in his ear.

"I have a place in mind, far from here but safe"

"Aren't we safe here, in the barrier? There's no way a duras can go undetected here."

"Except me"

"Well, you're not exactly undetected" She whispered seductively in his ears. Her warm breath sent chills down his spine, and the suggestive comment sent electric pulses to his groin. She giggled, playing with his navel. Luka squeezed his eyes shut, his desire increasing with every stroke of her slender fingers. The thought of Yuki inching those seductive fingers just a bit further down over to his member made his head spin. Yuki tilted her head and captured Luka's lips, distracting him as she fondled his sac. She was pleasantly greeted with a throaty moan as she smiled against him.

"Yuki..." He begged, knowing full well he should be begging her to pack her bags instead of teasing him. She pushed him down to the bed and cradled his hips, gazing lovingly at him as he playfully tried to capture one of her dangling breasts in his mouth. And just as he had there was a knock on the door. Luka groaned, both from pleasure and annoyance.

"I'll get it" She whispered breathlessly in his ear as she reached between her legs to caress his erection. Luka's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he slumped warily, pressing his head against the window, bathing his face in the light, surpassing the moans willing themselves to be free. Lazily grabbing a robe and slipping it on, she strutted to the door. Surprised as ever she gazed at Shuusei in wonder, unconsciously opening the door wider. Shuusei judged from Luka's lazy form in the bed, half covered by sheets and Yuki's improper way of putting on her robe that he'd interrupted something. Luka's death stare told all too, as well as his unruly hair.

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but Takashiro's called us in for a meeting in his office." He said as he awkwardly gazed everywhere but at the beautiful half naked couple in front of him. He was about to abruptly turn and leave when the sweet laughter of Yuki made him stop.

"You don't have to be embarrassed Shuusei. You act as if you've never been interrupted with Hotsoma."

Shuusei blushed as he managed to mumble, "Well…w-we haven't"

She grabbed his hand leading him to the bed where Luka sat, eyeing him with deadly silence, as always. She sat beside Luka, gracefully wrapping her arms around his waist. She patted for him to sit.

"I'm fine, I'll stand" Luka eyed the beautiful boy with warning and Shuusei immediately sat down.

"So what's with the sudden meeting?" Her voice sounded like honey in his ears. It rolled softly off her pink tongue and her red lips. Luka made your lips that red didn't he?

"It seems Reiga's got some trick up his sleeve. Takashiro thinks this time though he may be aiming all his attention to Luka"

"To Luka…are you sure?" True concern filled her kind eyes and Shuusei's first reaction was to comfort her—God's Light; the woman who took all their pain away.

"Don't worry Yuki; I'm sure Luka can handle this one. Takashiro believes if you two go your own way before the gang, we can easily handle whatever is on its way to the mansion.

"So a dark force is coming" Luka mumbled to himself. It was too cloudy to sense who exactly the danger was, but it is definitely an opast. Out of instinct he pulled Yuki closer to him, his grip tightening around her hips.

"So we really do need to pack our things" She said, sad her morning with Luka would seemingly come to an end.

"Is everyone leaving the mansion? Luka asked, a rarity for him. Shuusei blinked twice, surprised that Luka even verbally addressed him.

"Um…no, not if you two leave we won't"

"Well I don't want to put anyone in danger" Yuki said. Luka unwillingly allowed Yuki to untangle herself from him, instantly feeling the effects of not having her in his arms.

Shuusei watched Luka's reactions carefully. Usually emotionless and calm he really got a chance to see the softer side in the duras. He saw the love he had for Yuki and his determination to protect her. He saw the struggle it was for him to express everything he felt and to love Yuki the way he knew she needed to be loved. He empathized with Luka. He felt the same for Hotsoma, in every way. In a way, me and you, we aren't that different.

He felt Luka eyeing him as if he'd read his mind. They both watched as Yuki scrambled across the room mumbling words of worry and love for the gang as she tossed clothes in two suitcases—one small, one large. She walked back over carrying a black shirt and a pair of pants she picked up from the ground. Totally disregarding Shuusei, she crawled over the bed and straddled Luka's hips. Slowly she brought his shirt down over his naked torso. Luka covered his face with her hair, hiding the pleasure playing across his face. Yuki dressing him reminded him of her just a while ago undressing him. If only he wasn't in here.

Feeling awkward Shuusei made his way to the door, offering privacy to the two—obvious lust floating in the air. He didn't see Yuki wander her hands down to Luka's groin to tease his erection. He tried hard not to pay attention to the panting echoing off the glass windows. They…they do that with the windows open. How daring. When he reached the door he tentatively turned around and said, averting his eyes from the intimate scene before him.

"I'll tell Takashiro to schedule the meeting for later, since you two are…umm…busy."

Ignoring him, they devoured each other in a passionate dance of kisses. Out of instinct he dodged a pillow aimed for his head and glared wide eyed at Luka. Luka's hair was completely untidy, the shirt Yuki had put on him was already stretched and hanging lifelessly off his muscular frame. His usual ivory face was flushed red and annoyance and anger played in his eyes. He was struggling to take actual breathes. He was caressing her back, pulling her closer to him and father from Shuusei. His fingers swam gracefully through her auburn tresses, her legs completely straddling his hips as they both sat upright, Luka's back against the window.

"Leave" He groaned breathlessly, as Yuki decided to nibble his neck. Shuusei, slightly surprised the innocent sweet Yuki he knew had such mesmerizing seductive skills to change Luka's face a whole different hue, immediately shut the door behind him. Effectively, he'd blocked another deathly pillow throw. He chuckled to himself as he walked to Takashiro's office, replaying the scene in his head. He was content knowing that he was the only one who's seen Luka in such dire need of release.

Author Note: Will have chapter two soon. Review, don't review; you can do whatever you like.