Chapter 1

"You're mine… remember that Ichigo… you belong to me and me only…"

Ichigo woke up scared. He had been having these dreams for the pass week now and it hasn't been going away. He had tried many methods of getting rid of nightmares. He tried dream catchers and even sleeping pills. But none of them worked.

"Ichigo? Nightmares again?"

It was his lover asking. Ichigo must have woken him up. Ichigo smiled at his lover.

"Yeah, but its okay now. Go back to sleep Stark."

Stark looked up at Ichigo and pulled him down into a tight hug. Ichigo snuggled in closer. Ichigo and Stark have been going steady for a few months now. At first Ichigo wasn't so sure it was going to work considering how they were both male but now he felt safer next to him and it felt right being next to him.

As Ichigo was drifting off into sleep, Stark felt like there was someone else in the room. He looked around for a bit and just shook the feeling off. He then snuggled up to Ichigo, breathing in his scent.


They both had their own separate jobs to go to. Stark was the manager of a law firm whilst Ichigo was the editor of a famous author. Even though their jobs were completely different, they had managed to meet each other with the help of their mutual friend Nel.

Ichigo was on his way to work when he felt like someone was following him. Ichigo looked over his shoulder quickly but saw nothing. He decided that he was being paranoid and should hurry and get to work before it was too late.

Throughout the whole day, Ichigo felt restless. He couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching him. He was contemplating on whether to call Stark or not but then he remembered that Stark had a very important case to work on so he would be home late every night until next week Friday.

On the way home, Ichigo took the streets where there were a lot of people. He tried to avoid all the dark alleyways as best as possible but there was one he couldn't avoid.

"Why do we live next to a park?"

Ichigo was mumbling to himself, unaware of the man that was sneaking up on him. Ichigo's phone then started to ring making him jump. It was Stark.

"Hey Stark, I thought you were really busy right now."

"I had some times on my hands and wanted to call you… is there a problem with calling my lover?"

Ichigo blushed a bit.

"No… it was just unexpected… what time are you coming home tonight? Will you be in time for dinner?"

"I'm afraid not my love… but cover some up for me for when I get home so I can eat it later… I love you Ichigo."

"I love you too Stark."

Ichigo hung up the phone. The suddenly a group of men stood in front of Ichigo.

"You sure he's the one?"

Then one of them approached Ichigo. He had striking blue hair and eyes to match them. Ichigo took a step back cautiously.

"It's him alright! Ichigo Kurosaki… matches the description to a T… it's a shame we have to give him to the boss really… so beautiful…"

Ichigo then turned around and ran off. But the bluenette caught him easily.

"Whoopsy, that was a close one… damn! You even smell nice too!"

Ichigo started to struggle. Then the bluenette gripped tighter, causing difficulty in breathing. Then another man came up and gripped the bluenette's arm.

"Let him go. Aizen-sama's orders were to bring him back unharmed."

The man who spoke had dark hair and detached eyes.

"Fuck off Ulquiorra. It's not like I'm going to kill him. He just smells so fucking good."

The man named Ulquiorra just gripped tighter making the bluenette loosen his hold on Ichigo. Ichigo took this opportunity to run but he didn't get far when a cloth was covered over his face. Ichigo then started to feel dizzy and his eyelids were heavy. It wasn't long before he fell into a slumber. Ulquiorra caught him before he fell.

"Hey, let me hold him."

Ulquiorra stared at the bluenette and chose to ignore him. He then took out his phone.

"We've got him boss. We had to sedate him but he isn't harmed."

"Good work. Bring him to me quickly. It's been a while since I last saw my Ichigo."

"Sir, I also have one more report to make."

"What is it?"

"It seems as though the boy has some connections with Stark Coyote. Before securing him, the boy was on the phone with a man called Stark."

"Interesting… thank you for informing me. Now come back quickly. And I assume that Grimmjow has been acting appropriately?"

"No need to worry sir, I have him under control."

After the phone call, they took Ichigo to a car that was already waiting for them. Grimmjow sat in the driver's seat sulking.