Prologue: The Beginning of a Romance

"Come on Katie, relax! Have fun!" Travis practically shouted at the girl.

The both were in the strawberry fields. Katie was picking strawberries, Travis was arguing with her. If anyone asked, Katie would claim that she was working, as she did everyday. Truthfully, she had come to the field an hour early to meet a special son of Hermes. Travis, on the other hand, would claim that he was just walking by and, when he saw how Katie was continuously working, he had to explain to her the meaning of "fun". Truthfully, that whole morning, Travis had been travelling around Camp Half Blood, waiting for her to appear in the fields.

Still, despite this, the two did not know of their love for eachother. Katie turned her love to anger. She convinced herself that she hated the boy, avoiding the truth. Travis, on the other hand, ignored the tingling he felt. He replaced the lonely feeling with the fact that he had gone out with every girl in Camp. Every girl except for Katie.

"Travis! Gardening is fun," Katie responded, picking some strawberries.

"You do realize the definition of fun is not to 'be boring'," Travis countered back.

"Gardening is not boring!" Katie said offended. Travis could tell that Katie was trying to talk to him as little as possible.

"Sure...," Travis replied sarcastically. This was what made Katie pay attention to the boy. Katie never liked losing in an argument, even one as stupid as this one.

"Well, at least I am not the stupid one," Katie replied. Travis smiled a crooked smile, the battle was on.

"Stupid?" Travis said, dramatically putting a hand over his heart. "That hurt Katie."

"It was meant to hurt," Katie responded back. By this time, she had picked half of a basket of strawberries.

"How am I stupid?" Travis asked, keeping the argument going.

"First of all, wearing only shoes, no socks in the fields. You do know that there are thorns around. Or is that too big of an idea for your little brain to process," Katie said the last sentence as if she was talking to a baby, deliberately trying to annoy Travis.

"You do not know!" Travis said, adding a fake gasp. By this time, Katie had filled up the full basket with strawberries and had got up to leave. Travis followed her, still talking, still arguing.

"Know what?" Katie said. It was at this point that she rolled her eyes.

"About 'No Socks Day'," Travis replied as if he was the smartest person on Earth.

"How about renaming it, 'A Fake Holiday Travis Made Up'," Katie said, proud of her response.

"I'm not lying. You can go search it up yourself," Travis said, whining like a 5 year old would.

"Whatever. Bye Travis," Katie said. She had put the basket of strawberries into the Big House and was tired of arguing, especially now, when she had gotten the last word.

Travis just shrugged and left. Katie found herself, instead of going to her own cabin, going to the Athena cabin. She asked for a book and read a part of it. Sure enough, under May 8, the day it was, there was the title 'No Socks Day'. Katie just smiled and left the cabin.

When Travis looked at Katie at dinner, he saw that she had no socks on her feet, only shoes. Travis smiled. Katie had actually taken his words seriously, even though she had disregarded them earlier. He was one step closer to getting her to be his girlfriend. One step closer to completing his ultimate goal of dating every girl in Camp Half Blood.

Aphrodite looked down on the two. Being the goddess of love, she could see the drama between them. She knew of their hidden feelings towards one another. However, the most important thought in the goddess's head was her plan on how to bring the two together. And, as Aphrodite had decided then, she would make it their with the days of the month, the special days that Travis always followed.

Okay... I know this is not my best writing, but I was trying to set up the scene for the rest of the story.

Please review! It is your reviews that keep me writing.

This story is going to be scheduled according to the date it currently is. I've planned everything out. This story WILL be multi-chaptered, by the way.

I was trying to be original... How do you guys think?

DISCLAIMER: Riordon owns everything from the books, including Travis and Katie.