A deafening explosion blurring my vision. A rushed force slamming against my body. A crashing sound. The Ringing in my ears muffling the voices of the crew running towards me. And this pain, this excruciating pain.

- Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

- Oh no, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening.

- Call an ambulance.

- What should we do?

- Don't move them, It could be dangerous.

- Is he breathing?

- He is still conscious.

- Sho, stay with me. Look at me Sho. You have to stay with me. Can you hear me?

- How about her, Is she ok?

- She is losing consciousness. Kyoko can you hear me. I am losing her.


Sometimes running away is not the best choice, but run away I did at the first opportunity. I knew my heart could not take another week next to him, not after he whispered those words in Setsuka's ears.

(Quote from Chapter 200: Setsu, I am bad… No matter if its love for animals or even in the heat of the moment. I shouldn't have interacted with another woman other than you. It wont happen again, so please be happy again.)

Words that would melt away any resolution left in me to lock away my heart once for all. I wanted those words to be real. I wanted them to be meant for me, the real me. But it was all an act. And as he held me in his arms, I just wanted to cry. I wanted to bury myself in his body and hold him as tightly as he held me.

Wrapped in his warm embrace I wanted to tell him how I really felt. Just then I opened my eyes and met his piercing gaze. President Takarada stood before me staring at us, or more like studying the situation.

He was definitely up to something. Deep down, I knew nothing good could come out of this, but it was an opportunity sent from the heavens and whatever it was, I would readily accept it.

Three days later:

Knock, knock. Door opens slowly as Kotonami Kanae steps in.

"Good Morning... Mogami-san?" She says tentatively.

"Moooookoooooo-san!" Replies Kyoko excitedly. Kotonami walks towards her and sits on the side of her bed as she lets out a breath of relief.

" I see you are feeling better!" She said raising one eyebrow. "Do you have any idea how worried we have been? You were unconscious for the past Three days, although there were no physical injuries to your body. The Doctors couldn't explain why you wouldn't wake up. Still you kept running high fevers and I heard you even became delirious at night. Good thing I didn't have to deal with that..."

"You took care of me?" Said Kyoko with big bright happy puppy dog eyes as she realized how this situation had brought their friendship a step closer together.

"Ugh, don't look at me with that disgusting face. It wasn't like I volunteered for it. Plus, we all took turns. She replied as she poked a finger to Kyoko's forehead to push her head back down on to the pillow In order to avoid the mushy hug Kyoko was so desperately trying to give her.

"Took turns? Who took turns?" Asked Kyoko with a puzzled look.

"As a matter of fact..." She said with a devious smile. "Yashiro-San and I took turns in the morning; however Tsuruga-san stayed with you throughout the night, for the past Three nights. I tried to cover for him but he was adamant he had to stay.

"Tsuraga-Sempai?" Kyoko's face turned bright red. She knew she had been dreaming about him the previous night, she could still remember the feel of his skin, the softness of his lips, the cool sweet taste of his mouth. Thoughts of him brought on the release of many little Kyoko devils to joy in taunting her mind. How much of this dream could have been true? How would she face him next time they met? She didn't even want to think about it. Taking a hold of her pillow and waving it around she manage to do away with the evil little things.

"What in the world are you doing?" Said Kanae. The look on her face clearly stating that she thought Kyoko had lost her mind.

"He he. Nothing... I thought I saw a fly." She replied with a sheepish grin.

"Fine, so let's cut to the chase. What were you thinking going back to film another video for Fuwa sho?"

What was I thinking indeed thought Kyoko. Still she knew exactly how she had ended up there, but that was not an explanation she could ever say out loud. The truth was that getting away from Tsuruga Ren had played a major roll in her decision but once she read the script she knew she could never decline. It was her dream and it would finally become a reality. She would be the damsel in distress, a beautiful princess, in a beautiful gown, who gets rescued by a knight in shining armor.

"I know it seems crazy, but I don't regret doing it. My other rolls were starting to get to me and truthfully I desperately needed this break. I needed something totally different that would inspire me and lift me to new levels. I knew this would be a roll that would open doors to new characters and even though I didn't want to work with Sho, I knew that my hatred for him was lacking in comparison to my love for the roll. I was so engrossed in my character that I even forgot that Sho was the Knight in shining ar..." her words died in her mouth as she realized , Fuwa Sho was standing in the doorway.