The One and Only

Skipped Beat

It was no use. He would not be able to sleep. Once, twice, three times he pressed his hands to his face, and ran them through his hair trying to clear the images from his head, but it was futile. He pushed himself off the bed and made his way to the bathroom; he leaned on the sink and began to splash water on his face, then stared at himself in the mirror, his thoughts once again, were drifting to the previous night.

She had been running a fever again; the nurse came in and gave her yet another dose of Motrin to keep her temperature down. She checked her vitals and took her blood pressure, then after making some quick notations on her chart, she quietly left the room.

Still her fever had been so high that Kyoko kept mumble ling in her sleep words that where barely audible. Ren could not avoid feeling helpless. He wanted to make her feel better but there was not much he could do. Sitting on the side of her bed he reached his hand out and touched her forehead, then brought his hand to his own. She was still running a fever.

In the darkness of the room, trying to be as quiet as possible he made his way to the bathroom and prepared a basin with water. He turned on the light and as he stepped out, he slightly closed the bathroom door allowing enough light to drift in to the room so he could move around quietly.

Grabbing a small towel from the table, he walked back towards the bed and set the basin on a near side table. He rolled up his sleeves and then turned towards Kyoko. Carefully he pulled back the covers and rolled up her shirt sleeves, and pajama pants up to her knees. Then praying to the heavens that she would not wake and misunderstand the situation, he undid the first and last two buttons of her shirt and then pushed them open.

His face flushed bright red at the sight of her skin. God she was beautiful. He stopped moving. What was he thinking at a time like this? He was here to help out not to let his mind wonder into some secret desire of his. He took a deep breath and manage to get his mind to relax, then went back to the table, grabbed the towel and dropped it in the basin allowing it to soak for a few seconds.

Slightly draining the excess water he took the wet towel and softly pressed it against her forehead, cheeks and around the neck. A drip of water from the towel rolled down her neck, to her chest and in between her breast, and he cursed the moment he had decided to leave the light on when he left the bathroom. The water glistening in between her milky white skin and against his better judgment demanded his full attention and called on to his deepest desires. This task would prove to be harder than he had anticipated. Clearing his throat he tore his eyes away from her chest and took a few seconds to compose himself. He originally had intended to moisten her belly as well, but after what he had just seen, he knew that he didn't have the confidence or the strength to control his thoughts or even worse, his actions.

Pushing her shirt close he turned toward the basin. Wetting it once more he worked on her arms and legs. He set the towel down and pulling she sheets over her body, he brought his hand to her forehead once again. The cold press seemed to have brought her temperature down. She had finally quite down and fallen to a deep sleep. He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and let out a sigh of relief. He stared at her sleeping face and felt a deep satisfaction that he had finally been able to help her get some sleep.

Wetting the towel one last time he folded it carefully and pressed it against her forehead leaving it there. Being extra careful not to wake her he sat back down on the visitor's chair and leaned his head back. It was a nice reclining chair in which he was forced to sleep for the past three nights. He was exhausted but couldn't bare the thought of leaving her.

It was a good thing LME had intervened and had her admitted to this private hospital where only the rich and famous had access, otherwise he would not have been able to stay with her and still keep the media from making a big spectacle of the whole situation.

Still he was worried about his roll as Cain Heel, never in his life had he come off to the staff as irresponsible and as unprofessional as this, this type of action was against every single one of his principles and although his character gave leeway to be as careless, inconsiderate, unprofessional and as irresponsible as he may want to be, he still felt uncomfortable with the situation and felt bad that they had to delay filming for that whole week. He would definitely make it a point to apologize to the director as soon as possible and work harder to make up for the delay as an indirect apology to the staff.

He could still remember their faces as his character Cain Heel took Setsuka in his arms. They were utterly shocked at their open display of affection. He remembered how Setsuka had relaxed in his arms, it felt so natural, it felt like home. A place where they both belong. He also remembered the way his heart sank as she pulled away and he was able to read in her eyes how scared she was. And the fact is, he was scared too, not because president Takarada was there watching them, but because they both knew one day this characters too would come to an end and they would both be left feeling lonely and empty inside.

She looked up into his eyes and gave him a smile. One that said everything will be alright; we will work this out somehow. Then giving him a kiss on the cheek, she walked away. Lost in his thoughts, he couldn't remember when he finally fell asleep, but the way he had woken up he would never forget.

"Hmmmm, what a beautiful sight!" Said Kyoko as she climbed on his lap and straddled him, pressing her bottom on his hip, and then slowly running her hands through his hair. He opened his eyes softly and for a moment stared back at her. Was this a dream? He closed his eyes again. "How can you sleep so soundly, when my heart is so restless over you?" She said softly. Tentatively he opened his eyes again, still dazed from his sleep he reached up to touch her face. Is she real? Slowly he touched his hand to her cheek caressing down her neck and arm. She felt so real under his touch. "Do you know what is like to have you so close, but to know I could lose you at any moment?" She said leaning into him and kissing his temple. His heart skipped a beat and his breath caught in his mouth, he didn't dare to move afraid she would suddenly disappear. "Do you know how angry I felt to see that girl get so close to you and that you had given her attention that should only be mine?" She whispered in his ear as she ran her hands down his chest and found her way underneath his shirt. Her warm touch against his skin sent shivers through his body as butterflies settled in his stomach. "Do you know how much I crave the feel of your skin against mine?" She whispered. Her breath soft on his skin, her lips just centimeters from his. Unconsciously he lifted his head closing the gap between them and touching his lips to hers. First a soft kiss, then another one, by the time he realize what he was doing, it was too late, he knew he couldn't stop. The taste of her lips was maddening and the feel of her breast pressed against his chest was more than he could bear. He brought his hand up to cup her head and kissed her deeply. Soon a moan of pleasure escaped her mouth as she pulled away and he groaned at her absence and leaned back against the chair. "I want you to be mine and only mine" She said as she kissed his neck. "Promise me." She pleaded. Silence. "Promise me" She said once more. "I have always been yours, and only yours will I ever be." He replied kissing her shoulder. She rested her head on his shoulder her body relaxing over his and as she fell back into a deep sleep she whispered. "I love you, Cain"

Authors Notes: Thanks to everyone for their support and for your thoughts and ideas to make a better chapter. Cana99 I tried my best at making this chapter a bit longer, I know this chapter is not that much longer in comparison to the others, but I hope the action makes up for the length.

As for the direction of this fiction, to be truly honest I am not sure myself as to where it will lead, I am a big Ren fan, however I think Shotaro plays a big part in Kyoko's past that cannot be underestimated. Guest 5/10/13 and kitty.0 I also feel bad for Sho. I know we all make sense of peoples actions differently but I believe that Shotarou himself has never understood what he really wants or needs in his life and therefore I feel underneath his ignorance and arrogance he is deeply misunderstood.