Here is the StiCy ending, guys! I hope you enjoy! This was originally supposed to be used as a NaLu one, but then I got it all wrong in the flashback part, so it became StiCy! I changed it a bit so it would fit more though. It's now a happy ending! :D Again, I'd like to thank CrimsonNaomi for helping me thought of this 2-ending thing! :D

~~~~~ Turning Point Ending 2 (StiCy) ~~~~~

Well, today's the big day, and the whole guild is coming. So now, I am wearing this black suit, which Erza said was 'appropriate' for the event. Yeah, right. I guess appropriate means uncomfortable. Why can't we just where our normal outfits?!

The music starts and I am getting excited. Lucy is about to is about to enter. Sting stands there, beside Rogue, waiting patiently for her to come. Why, you ask, am I not nervous? Why am I happy she's getting married to him? Why am I happy for you? Let's check it out...


I knocked on the door of the brides' room. Levy and the other girls were out, so Lucy was the only one inside. From there, I heard a quiet, "Come in." And found the door unlocked. I opened it slowly and peeked inside. Lucy, already in her dress, was just checking herself in the mirror—as if she isn't beautiful enough, I thought with a smiled. She was always the self-cautious Lucy.

Lucy turned and got surprised. She smiled and stood up. "Natsu." She greeted, and hugged me—and I was sure I would melt. She finally let go, and asked, "Are you coming to give me a good luck?"

"Um... Yeah, I guess..." I replied. I actually don't know WHY I went here in the first place. I was trying to AVOID her, not make her SEE me. A total failure, Natsu—really. Then instincts kicked in. "Actually, Lucy. I really just... I really am happy you found the right guy for you Lucy. Sting is a... A... G-Gr... Gre... Grea... He's a great man."

Lucy giggled. She rolled her eyes at me, but still smiling. "You can never say he's a great man, can you?" She asked, and punched my arm playfully. "Well, I guess that makes you Natsu. I ove the way you do that." Love.

"Anyway," I said, brushing off that thought. "He's not that a great man since I am way better, but he's a little bit of a great man, so he's a passing great man—if that was possible. You two make a... PERFECT couple, you know? He loved you so much and I believe he would take care of you really great. At least, I'll make SURE he is."

Lucy laughed. "Natsu, I hope you won't end up killing my fiancé." She said. "Continue,"

"The point is Lucy, and I promise I won't object to your marriage to him, is that... I just wanted to tell you that... That I still love you." I finally said, her eyes widened. But before she could speak, I continued. "I know that... That you may not accept me. I accepted that already."—not—"I want you to be with the man you love and I want you to be happy. Really, I do. I just needed to get things fresh. Please just don't deny me..."

For a surprise, Lucy smiled. "Of course not, Natsu. I would never deny you. I already forgot what wrong you did to me. You were—and still are—the best friend I have ever had. You're even closer to me than Sting." I wanted to fly up to heaven and laugh at the face of that White Dragon Slayer. "It still means a lot to me—despite the fact that I'm getting married in a few hours—that I still mean a lot to you. And after this, I hope we could rebuild what we had before—as best friends. I hope you're okay with that."

I made a huge grin on my face. "I am more than okay! For a minute there, I thought we were, like, not going to be close again! I don't care anymore if you don't love me! At least you LIKE me!" I said and hugged her, twirling her around.

Lucy giggled. "Natsu, I DO love you! I love you as the best friend I ever had. More than Sting, but not really at what Sting and me have." She said, hugging me back.

I finally stopped twirling her, still grinning widely, and looked at her in the eye. "I'm glad you accepted me, Lucy. Even if I DID sort of not kept your faith on me before. At least you're okay with that."

Lucy nodded, and gave me a smile she only gave me. Not Sting, not Gray or anyone else—just me. "It was a huge misunderstanding, Natsu. I am the one who should say sorry." She did puppy dog eyes and hugged me again. "Forgive me?" She asked, in a hard-to-resist and cute voice.

I rolled my eyes. "What do you think, Luce?"

"I'm glad things are back to normal, Natsu... I really started to worry you hate me! I missed you... You never talked to me anymore!" She said, still hugging me, her grip getting tighter.

"Lucy, look at me." I said, and she faced me. She was close to tears. "Don't cry. It would ruin the make-up." I said in a serious tone, but my mouth was quirking upwards.

Lucy let go and punched me. I ended up laughing. "Natsu!" (Just had the urge to comment on that... WAY to ruin the emotional scene Natsu! -_- HAHA, LOL! XD)

"What? It's true!" I said. "But, really—I would never hate you! I'll die first before I think of that! And when will I die? NEVER! NATSU DRAGNEEL WILL LIVE FOREVER!"

Lucy kissed me on the cheek, and my face went all red. "Thanks, Natsu." She said.

My face still red, I stuttered, "N-No problem, L-Luce. A-Anyway, I have t-to go n-now... The w-wedding would s-start any m-minute!" I said and dashed out the door, saying, "Bye, Lucy! Good Luck!"

End of Flashback

So I guess Lucy isn't really the right one for me. I could still meet other people. As long as I have her on my side, nothing's impossible.

I suddenly hear the doors open and turned to see Lucy—as beautiful as ever—walking down the aisle. She turned to me and winked, and I grinned back. She joined Sting and the ceremony began.

Some words later, the priest asked, "Are there any objections?"

Lisanna stood up, but I didn't show any worry. "I—"I cut her off, grinning. The crowd gasped, but I ignored them.

"I object that that question is appropriate for this wedding, sir. Obviously, everyone's in favour." I said, and I saw the guild members smiling at my words. They already knew that I have finally accepted Sting. Well, sort of.


"NATSU! GET BACK HERE!" Sting yelled, chasing me.

I looked back at him and stuck out a tongue. "Why would I listen to you, jerk face? You were in my way!"


Erza sighed at us. "Some things will never change, do they?"

Gray smiled. "Nope—no they do not."

"Why are you here?! I thought you were taking care of Lucy's child!" Erza yelled, glaring daggers at Gray. Yep, that's right. Few years later, Lucy gave birth to hers and Stings child.

"AYE!" Gray replied, scattering for the guild door.

Some things don't change indeed. But some things changed into the better. Sabertooth and Fairy Tail haven't gotten a conflict since. Well... Except for Sting and me... ;)

Wow... Only 2 chapters of StiCy and I wanted to cry. The story seems longer... I am so awesome! XD HAHA! XD LOL Anyway, this is the end! Thanks you for the reviews and support guys! :D Absolutely LOVE you guys!