Final chapter! Gods, I feel so happy but so sad at the same time. I've grown so fond of this fanfiction. After such a long time of lack of inspiration and a rotting rut this darn thing actually got me back to writing and this is the first fanfiction I complete in long years. I'm so glad and so proud of this work but I am pretty sad to have finished it. And I am so sorry for taking so long on editing this last chapter. I personally thought that if it didn't cause me to cry then it wouldn't be any good.

This question did pop up so here's the answer. No, as of right now there is no sequel to this story. None. However, an idea popped up once while reading the kid Loki story arc of "Journey Into Mystery" and I kind of thought to myself as I was reading through other fanfictions that this fandom is really full of drama and too much sadness so an idea sort of made itself present to level the playing field.

I am in the process of working on an indirect sequel for Atonement. Something cute and light and not as long as Atonement is. It's also an excuse to try, emphasis on try, to give comedy a go. Never written anything too comical so it's worth a shot.

Side note!

No, Loki is NOT aware of what Odin had done in the end. If an idea for a direct sequel does pop up I will work that angle in and have both come to terms with what happened in the Thor and Avengers films. Who knows, maybe inspiration will strike me down after watching Thor 2: The Dark World.

Anyways, thanks to everyone who read, favorited, commented and liked this silly ol' thing! You guys are amazing and kept my spirits up to finish this!

Chapter 24:
All Around Me Are Familiar Faces

"Brother!" Thor bellowed while placing both cupped hands on either side of his mouth. As he lowered his hands and scanned the area his own echo responded yet Thor continued, "Brotheeeer!"

The crater was dangerous to trek in. Buildings, roads, glass, steel, gravel and massive boulders were scattered about. There were busted pipes shooting water in all directions and electrical wires everywhere else. Dust and dirt still floating down to the ground made finding his feet in front of him impossible. Thor remained silent for a few minutes, hoping to hear something—anything that would let him know where to find his brother.

The wind was unusually loud, the rushing water from the pipes, the thunder above, the patter of the rain and rocks sliding off each other suddenly became too loud and yet at a distance Thor could hear several voices calling out his brother's name. He could not see them but he heard them, he focused on the voices, focused on the task at hand and tried as hard as he could to fill himself with that never extinguishing bravery he was known for. Thor snapped out of his trance and continued to walk. It could have been said that he was collected even calm but the truth was that underneath his very flesh there was a cold and gruesome panic boiling. Thor tried to contain the rising fear and panic but it was beginning to reflect in his quick steps, frantic breathing and his eyes. They were slightly glazed but he tried his best to hold back any tears even if his own body betrayed him. Thor wondered why he could not hear any pleas for help or screaming or even pained groans. As terrible as it sounded he would have preferred to hear that over the silence for the silence stood for something terrible.

"Brother! Where are you?!" Thor called out once more to the wind; he had not expected an answer though he wished for one.

As Thor walked on he kept his eyes ahead but came to a sudden stop when he kicked something that made a metallic clank. Thor's eyes lowered to rest upon a familiar shiny object. The thunderer knelt down and picked up Loki's helmet. As he rose he examined the helmet, it was misshapen, dents covered most of it and the right horn had actually been torn off while the left one had been flattened against the top. Thor closed his eyes and tried to gather himself, "This does not mean anything." He told himself repeatedly. Thor exhaled as the pattering of the rain lightened, though not by much. He needed to continue onwards, remaining still would have been foolish. Thor placed a hand behind the helmet and set it down beside him and took a deep breath to keep himself calm as he rose.

Thor curled his fingers against his palms and continued to walk. The rain helped in settling the dust in the air and the flashes of lightning shun brightly, it helped to see more clearly. He carefully slid down a wall and landed on several rocks. As he cleared the field of jagged rocks he found a boulder big enough to have been taller and wider than the Hulk. Without a second thought the thunderer climbed the boulder and stood tall. The 360 degree view had been a good call. In the distance Thor's attention had been snatched by something waving in the wind, what Thor thought was an arm waving turned out to be some fabric pinned under a pile of rocks. He focused his vision on the flailing material and suddenly froze as he felt his lungs trying to inhale but as much as he did no air seemed to flow in, he felt as if a giant had punched him on the chest. Thor began to gasp as his eyelids parted quickly and his blue eyes glazed over.

"Brother!" Thor jolted suddenly and jumped down to the ground, he ran as fast as he could towards the fabric. He knew what it was, he could see the green color as it waved idly and it only meant one thing. He found him.

His heart was beating in his ears and his sore body ached but he ran as fast as he could. Once he was next to the pile of rocks pinning the fabric down Thor knelt on the ground and grabbed the fabric. Despite the mud he could just barely make out the dark green color of Loki's cape as Thor grasped it firmly in his hands and his wild and wide eyes passed over it. He pulled it up and to his horror saw a hand protruding from the rocks and as a knee jerk reaction Thor grabbed the rocks around the hand and tossed them aside. Thanking the universe he found some sense of relief when he could see the hand was still attached to an arm. Thor did not stop digging though; he continued to feverishly throw rock after rock, never stopping for a moment, not even to remove the pieces of glass that had thrust into his hands as he carelessly dug.

"Brother…" Thor repeated in a whisper as he looked upon the still body of his brother. He carefully turned Loki around and clenched his teeth as his tearful eyes passed over him. There were gashes, bite marks and bruises of all shapes and sizes on his body, the armor was torn in several places but what scared the god of thunder was the amount of blood. Thor dealt with wounds depending on what they were. If it was a bleeding wound he would simply press either cloth or a hand on it, if it was a battered muscle or bone he would just let it be until someone with actual healing knowledge would handle it. If under normal circumstances he had not even the slightest clue of how to handle the situation now that he was in a full state of panic made it worse. Thor leaned his upper body over his brother and sheepishly hovered his right hand over Loki's chest. After a few seconds Thor gently placed it on his chest and let out a stifled shuddering laugh as he felt Loki's chest rising and falling indicating that he was still alive though his eyes were still closed.

The thunderer was at a loss, he had no idea how to help his brother and the desperation to at least see that his brother was awake made him shiver because it was a rumored belief that if the injured person was awake until they could be healed they would make it. The lack of movement was unnerving and it made it worse for Thor. He shifted his glazed eyes from his brother and moved his head upwards lazily watching the raindrops fall. Thor was never one to ask for help, the very idea of it was almost heresy. He was Thor, the god of thunder, prince to Asgard's throne, mighty Avenger, the most powerful warrior any realm has ever seen; he was the answer to prayers and for the first time in long centuries so afraid he had not even noticed when he had begun to shiver. As he withdrew a shuddering breath he closed his eyes and while placing both hands on the sides of his brother's face he opened his eyes and slowly lowered his face to gaze upon his brother's closed eyes.

Thor began to shiver more, this time gritting his teeth so hard his jaw momentarily clenched shut. As his breathing quickened he softly passed his right thumb over Loki's cheek and closed his eyes once more, this time inhaling as much air as he possibly could.


The shout for help left Thor exposed, admitting he needed help meant his brother was seriously injured or worse. He was seriously injured but Thor would not be able to do anything for him except to keep him safe from further harm. As a shuddering breath left Thor's gaping mouth he gently placed his hands on either side of his brother's face and rested his forehead on Loki's.

"Please wake up, little brother." Thor begged as constrained tears had their way and crawled down his face and ragged sniffles let their presence be known whenever Thor inhaled. "Wake up…" he repeated as a stifled sob escaped him as he buried his face in Loki's hair where he continued to sob.


Thor's eyes opened wide and quickly at the sound of his name. He lifted his upper body and looked down and a ragged gasp was all he could muster as he looked down at his brother's tired green eyes.

"Loki! You're all right! I feared I had lost you!" Thor said as he cupped Loki's face and tried to restrain his tears and calm his shivering though it was futile.

Loki took a ragged deep breath which was more of a wheezing sound and he was glad Thor had not noticed it since he already saw his older brother's panicking state and wished to cause no further panic. "Not…yet."

"Don't say that! You will be fine. Iron Man, Dr. Banner and Ant-Man will be here soon and you will be made better." Thor reassured with a hopeful tone in his voice. "Brother, we must find the others. Can you stand?"

"I…I don't think I can, Thor…" Loki exhaled.

"Please, you have to try."

Loki could barely even speak let alone breathe, standing was out of the question but he needed to. He felt he needed to at least try because not doing so meant he was giving up. He slowly placed his shaking hands on the ground and achingly pushed himself up to a sitting position. He had never felt so much pain before. Thor helped Loki up, holding him as he slowly and miraculously stood on his own two feet. As soon as he found his footing Thor smiled, however, Loki lifted his left foot and a jolt of pain overcame him and he fell back but Thor reacted quickly and before Loki hit the ground Thor had hooked his arms under Loki's to catch him from behind. Thor gently lowered himself while carefully holding his brother and sat on the ground. He stretched out his legs and slightly spread them to sit his brother between them so that he could rest his upper body against Thor's frame. Thor sighed deeply as he wrapped his arms around Loki and rested his head on Loki's right shoulder.

The two brothers remained still and quiet eventually synchronizing their breathing. Eventually Thor fixated his eyes on the dark red stain on Loki's lower abdomen. He stretched an arm and placed it where the pooling blood was falling but Loki gasped sharply. When Thor retracted his hand he stared at the blood and then down at his brother. Absolute panic had taken over the thunderer. Thor tried to stay as strong as he possibly could but he could not hold himself together. He lowered face and clenched his teeth but a stuttering sob escaped him.

"I am so sorry, brother." Thor opened his eyes and looked at his brother as he sniffled.

"There is nothing to be apologetic for, Loki, this—"

"Was my own doing…and I finally paid for it…"

"No! You are stronger than that—it'll be all right, brother, I swear it."

"Thor?! Loki?!" Both looked up at the sound of the familiar voice. Natasha ran as fast as she could towards the Asgardians. She quickly knelt beside Loki and looked him over, signals and flares set off in her head as she saw the blood pooling quickly underneath Loki. With cat like reflexes Natasha grabbed Thor's cape and ripped off a large piece of it and pressed it against the stab wound. It caused Loki to flinch and gasp but Natasha continued to do so to prevent more blood loss.

One by one each member arrived; even Steve who had been handed a crutch had somehow made his way into the crater. As soon as Hank found his way through the group he took over aiding as much as he could. Tony just stared; his glazed eyes gave away what his mind tried so desperately to hold at bay. He turned to Steve but once his eyes locked with the captain's he closed his eyes and walked towards him. Without a word he snatched the communicator from Steve and walked away from the group. At a safe enough distance Tony placed the device in his ear and opened his eyes.

"Nick…" There was a long silent pause as Tony gathered his words but there was not much to say that had not already been known.

"A team has already been dispatched. They're on their way."

As soon as the connection was broken Tony took a deep breath and walked back to the group to see if there was anything else he could do though in better hands Loki could not have been. When Tony returned the first person he looked at was Natasha. He tried to get a reading but it was a blank slate and difficult to decipher. Hank kept the torn piece of cloth pressed on the wound but it did little to stop the bleeding. Tony's eyes diverted to the side as he saw the other Asgardians making their way to the group, their faces were no better than Steve's much less Jan's tear soaked face. She had knelt near Loki's left side and smoothly brushed his hair back while comforting him. Sif took her place next to Thor and sat on her knees. She kept her hands on her knees while looking over the sorcerer. She gently placed a hand on his and wrapped her fingers between his while placing her other hand on Thor's right shoulder.

There had been much hate between the warrior and the sorcerer but in that moment her eyes held something but neither knew what it was, even as tears slid down her cheeks. The rest of the group sat around the brothers, some provided aid while the rest offered comfort and reassurance. So much had changed in a year and several months.

"Thor, remember to…return the crystals..." Loki whispered as he closed his eyes for a moment but then opened them again.

"Loki, you held onto one of the crystals. You will be fine, brother!" Thor boasted loudly as his smile and hope returned to him.

Before anyone else could also smile Loki shook his head as he closed his eyes again, it was now frequent. When he opened his eyes he inhaled and said, "I gave it to you…"

"What?" As quickly as the smile had appeared it had disappeared and whatever glimmer of hope had gone into Thor it had also been extinguished.

"When you…you made that bargain with…Karnilla…I snuck the crystal into one of your pockets…" Loki stopped for a moment to catch his breath but continued, "As soon as I grabbed you to pull you back." Thor was about to protest but before he could do so Loki went on to explain himself. "I was not…going to allow…any harm to befall you."

Thor began to search every pocket and as soon as he found the crystal his eyes went wide with terror and the tears began to fall again. In a swift motion Thor took the crystal and pressed it against Loki's chest and said, "It may still work!"

"It's too late…" Loki responded in a whisper.

Thor let go of the crystal and as it fell to the side he began to sob again as he wrapped his massive arms around Loki and held him close in a hug. Loki used what little energy he had left and returned the hug. At the sound of Thor's sobbing Loki began to weep as well, everyone near the brothers followed suit.

"Remember to return the crystals…but please take great care…Hela may be…apprehensive…at first. Watch your back."

Thor drew in a shuddering breath and retorted, "But why do I have to watch my back? You're going to be there with me."

Loki smiled a little as he said, "And I always will be, brother mine."

"Don't…" Thor begged between sobs as he tightened his hug, "Please…" Thor could feel as Loki's chest barely moved. "I love you, brother." Thor gasped as he shut his eyes and placed his forehead on Loki's shoulder.

"I love you too." Loki responded as tears fell down his cheeks. As he slowly exhaled he closed his eyes and Thor could no longer feel his chest move so he quickly lifted his head and frantically placed his hands on his brother's chest.

"Brother? Brother?!" Thor shrieked while heaving and puffing.

Hank moved quickly. He grabbed Loki's left arm and checked his pulse but it was no longer there. No words were needed, the man simply lowered his gaze and gently placed a hand on Loki's head. Tony had to jerk his head sideways and shut his eyes when he saw Jan begin to weep after placing her forehead on Loki's left shoulder and wrapping her arms around his arm. Hank simply placed a hand on her back as he kept his head down and kept his other hand on Loki's head. Clint lowered his head and covered his eyes with one hand while throwing the other arm around Natasha who silently cried while refusing to open her eyes. Steve had mimicked Clint's reaction and covered his eyes with one hand while holding on to the crutch with the other. T'Challa had removed his mask and stood perfectly still while hanging his head. The massive Hulk remained quiet and still as he kept staring at the lifeless body of the trickster in Thor's arms. The Asgardians warriors stood up and backed away, even they could no longer keep their eyes dry.

Thor wrapped his left arm around Loki and tightly grasped the tunic's collar with his right while hanging his head on Loki's right shoulder. The god hollered and bellowed and screamed. As the hollering grew louder it fused with his sobbing and it made a terrible sound. Tony let out a shuddering gasp as he opened his eyes and a few feet away stood Fury with a medical team right behind him. Tony shook his head and Fury understood. The director nodded as he stood by and waited. Hill was at his side and as soon as she heard Thor's hollering her stoic expression melted and she lowered her gaze. The sobbing hollering went on and on and on.

The rain had yet to cease and yet no one had moved, each individual expressed their own sorrow their own way and let Thor express it his own way. Eventually the thunder god quieted his hollering and remained still while holding on to his brother's body as he whispered to his brother. Thor kept his eyes closed even when he heard footsteps near him; he figured someone was going to pry his deceased brother from his hands. He would not protest because he himself refused to move even as he felt Loki growing colder.

Suddenly Thor's eyes went wide and as tears leaked out he narrowed his eyes as rage overcame the thunderer. He slowly lifted his head as he let go of Loki's collar and reached for Mjolnir which rested next to Thor. As he grasped the handle tightly he began to seethe and flare as he laid eyes on Odin. The god king knelt on one knee next to Loki's body while placing his hand on the trickster's right knee.

"Oh, my son…" Odin murmured as he closed his eye.

"Son? Wait, you're—" Tony stammered as he turned around and saw other Asgardians near the brothers. He quickly went into action and powered up his palms while aiming them at the unknown Asgardian. The rest of the team and SHIELD followed suit. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three quickly jumped up and placed themselves between Odin and the Midgardians.

"You gave up the right to call him your son when you disowned him. You do not ever get to call him that! Thor barked back as he aimed Mjolnir at his father.

"No matter what choices you make, both of you, you will always be my sons." Odin answered as he kept his eye on Loki's lifeless body. Disbelief and sorrow threatened to break Odin's hold on the situation but the deity kept his composure as firm as possible though the desire to reach up and hold his sons in a hug was overwhelming.

"No." Thor replied. "His death lies at your feet; his blood is in your hands."

"And your death…would have landed at his."

"It doesn't matter! Thor shrieked as he smashed Mjolnir on the ground beside himself. "I didn't send him away, I stayed with him! Through the pain and hatred and I—we—did what no one else would! It doesn't matter, you coward!" Thor sputtered as he heaved. He looked down and saw Odin's hand still on Loki's knee and a wave of fury and rage enveloped him as he gritted his teeth and snarled, "Don't touch him."

"You heard him!" Tony shouted. "Get away from them!"

Odin rose to his feet and looked at the mortals who firmly stood behind him and eagerly defended his two sons. Their eyes were red and watery, their bodies were battle worn but they still lived and it was all thanks to Loki who lay lifeless at his feet. Even Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were alive and well thanks to his youngest son.

"I cannot undo what has transpired here," Odin began as he turned to face Thor, "But I have recently come to be owed a favor and when a king calls upon a debt, no matter who the debtor is, it will be answered swiftly and quickly."

Thor slightly lowered Mjolnir out of curiosity though he kept his defenses up. To Heimdall's right a rip slowly opened and while everyone in the area kept a steady eye on the new development a figured walked through. A woman stepped through. She was tall and pale as morning light. Her long silky hair and thin revealing clothing swayed gently in the wind. Had it not been for her intimidating presence and the fact that half of her body was rotted she could have easily ensnared anyone who laid eyes on her. The woman stood next to Odin and looked at Thor while smiling mischievously.

"I do believe you summoned me, my liege."

"I named the thief who robbed you of your possessions. My sons retrieved said items with the help of these mortals and my eldest shall return them promptly." Odin responded.

"And now I return to you that which you have lost. As per our agreement." Hela answered as she looked to Odin and then back at Thor.

Thor blinked in disbelief; Odin had worked behind the scenes and twisted everything in their favor. Hela smoothly dropped on one knee next to the brothers and placed one hand on Loki's lower jaw and opened his mouth while she pointed her index finger directly into it with the other hand. Thor jerked his head between Loki and Hela and watched cautiously. A trail of light from the tip of her finger swiftly flowed into his mouth until her hands stopped glowing. Hela sighed and closed his mouth and took a few steps back. Thor looked down at his brother's lifeless body and his eyes went wide with shock as he saw Loki's chest rising and falling again. Thor turned to Odin and then at Hela and laughter blurted from him as he placed his left hand on Loki's chest.

The rest of the Avengers lowered their weapons and ran towards Thor. Bruce had returned to his meek form and placed two fingers on Loki's wrist. A smile formed on his face as he felt a steady pulse. "He's alive!"

"Word of caution, mortals." Hela announced. The team looked to her and she continued, "This was a one-time deal. He is still in a very delicate state, if he should die, you lose him forever."

Bruce called Fury and the medical team over and while they carefully tended to him Thor stood up and walked up to his father. Odin simply smiled and placed a hand on his son's shoulder. The gesture and their expressions alone were enough to nullify the need for words. Odin then looked as they tended to Loki and his smile grew. "If he ever chooses to return home he is welcome to do so." Thor chuckled as he realized what his father was saying, he turned to Sif, Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg and they returned the smile but turned his eyes back to his father. "I am proud of both of you."

As Hela set one foot into the rip she turned around and said, "By the way, very good bluff, Odinson." Thor, the warriors, Odin and Heimdall turned to face her and she added, "I may be willing to do anything to gain your soul for my realm but…forgiveness and mercy is out of the question. Hmmm, though after your brother's display I would have gladly kept him in my realm. Pity." With that Hela crossed the rip and closed it behind her.

Odin opened another rip, this one leading back to Asgard, and motioned for the Warriors Three and Sif to head through and they did without question. They gave Thor a hearty farewell and stepped through, Heimdall followed close but before repeating the action Odin looked to his son once more and with a wide smile said, "I might not have been present, son, but I lived through the same pain and hatred but I find great joy in the final results." With those final words the one eyed god king of Asgard returned.

10 months later:

"You dare think to defeat me, Doctor Doom? Fools!" Victor Von Doom placed both fisted hands at his hips and cackled as he looked down on the Avengers. As he floated above the street a dozen of his robots circled the Avengers and while they were more than capable of handling the situation under normal circumstances it seemed that Doom had upgraded his machines' hardware and they proved to be a bit taxing. Doctor Doom had fancied himself a rematch with the Avengers after they had foiled his plans a month ago when he came to California but he had prepared himself properly to face each member of Earth's mightiest heroes.

"Destroy them!" Doctor Doom commanded with a booming voice.

Down on the street the Avengers braced themselves for the coming attack, which unfortunately for Doctor Doom, never came. One by one the robots exploded and as soon as the smoke cleared Doctor Doom saw a man hovering above the Avengers. He wore strange black armor with gold details, a long dark green cape and a helmet with curved horns. A bright green light shun from his left hand while his right hand held a silver trident. Green energy sparked and crackled from his arms as his glowing eyes targeted the Latverian menace.

It was not the existence he had been raised to expect, he wore no crown and had no kingdom under him. He was no hero, there would be no songs or epic poems depicting him, his home was not the great golden halls where gods roamed and he was more than sure Valhalla's doors would not permit him entry. Despite all of this he found he was fine with this. He existed as himself, he was not expected to be any other way than himself and those he held dear accepted him as such. He could walk tall without fear of whispers of malcontent; he could express himself without smudging his true self, there were no assumptions as to how he really felt or of his actions. Best of all he was embraced equally and dearly.

As a mortal once told him: everyone, even gods, deserve a chance to tell their story and correct their mistake and nobody, however powerful or small, could be denied a second chance to fly as free as he chose and this was his choice. To exist as he chose and every so often when the mighty forces of Midgard were faced with a peril too great for them, when a peril that threatened their very lives loomed over them like a deadly shade an even greater shade rose above to aid. He was that shade.

"If I were you," Loki hissed as a mischievous smile formed on his face, "I wouldn't do that."