Taito ground his teeth together as he continued to watch his master talk to the stranger she had just met in the grocery store. They were talking like they had known each other for years. The slight blush on his master's face was apparent for all to see that she was enjoying the attention.

Taito didn't understand! He treated her like this everyday! His master never blushed as adorably for him as she was now for this random person she had just met!

Zeito squeezed Taito's shoulder tighter trying to keep him within reality, but it wasn't working...

"Hey. Do you own any Vocaloids?" The stranger asked. "I just bought one a while ago. They're great aren't they?"

"Um...well" The Master looked around trying to think of words to form her sentence "I own a couple of Kaito models"

"Oh wow! Kaito?!" The stranger asked in disbelief. "I heard there's a famous artist who lives around here who owns Kaito models! I think their surname was "Shion"? That can't be you, could it?"

The master giggled.



"Y-yeah. That's me" she said shyly.

"No way! Hey...I don't suppose you'd be willing to go out to dinner with me would you?"

Something in Taito snapped at that and he lunged not even waiting to hear his master's response. However, Zeito had been waiting for this action and already had Taito's scarf in a vice grip. Taito was yanked back as quickly as he had lunged.

Before Master's nice time with the stranger could be ruined Zeito put his hand over Taito's mouth and pulled him around the corner of the aisle the two had been standing by.

The two struggled in the canned soup section for a good couple of seconds, before Taito rounded his anger on Zeito, just like he did every time this happened.

Zeito was slammed into the shelves knocking heavy cans of soup everywhere and scaring a few people out of the aisle.

Zeito went to reach in his pocket for his yo-yos but Taito had been waiting for this action.

Zeito looked down for a split second to reach into his pocket. The moment he looked up, he was smashed in the face with a heavy can of soup. Zeito smashed back into the shelf he had just recovered from. Soup rained down upon him as Zeito hit the ground.

However, like Taito, Zeito had danced this dance. He always knew what Taito did when he thought he had the upper hand.

Zeito put his hands over his head and executed a flawless back flip as Taito just missed him with his infamous icepick.

The sight, if witnessed, was a sight to behold. The two ran through the super market, scaring the people they ran past and into. Taito was screaming in rage making slash after slash at Zeito with his icepick as Zeito just dodged his ministration.

Zeito jumped out of the way of Taito and the crazed yandere smashed into a shelf so hard that the shelf began to teeter and tip.

The moment the customers of the super market heard the smashes and crashes of the grocery shelves turning into dominoes, the whole store was in chaos. Screaming and panicked customers began to run this way and that.

The glass doors that held Kaito's favorite ice cream were shattered open as Zeito was tackled by Taito. Glass flew this way and that, but they merely provided more weapons for Taito.

Picking up a rather long and jagged piece that landed near his hand, Taito proceeded to try and stab Zeito's face. Zeito moved his head out of the way just in time before pushing Taito off of him and into the cereal box shelf.

Zeito was forced to dodge another stab attempt from Taito's icepick before he took off running. Taito snarled and grabbed a knife as the two ran past the kitchen supplies.

Zeito gasped at the sharp pain. He tripped over his own feet as he skid to the floor with the knife Taito had thrown embedded in his back.

Zeito looked up glancing around the store for cover.

The store was a mess, and he could see a few fires burning from things the knocked over shelves had hit. The few people that were still in the store was desperately running out.

Zeito choked as he was picked up by his scarf. Taito screamed in rage as he swung Zeito around and around picking up momentum before he finally hurled his brother towards the glass doors of the entrance.

A few people standing outside the store wondering why everyone was running out all screamed as the already bloodied Vocaloid came smashing though the front doors.

Zeito skid out the front entrance and nearly as far as the parking lot.

Another scream of anger and Taito was on top of Zeito. Taito's icepick gleamed in the sun momentarily before it was brought down to claim the blood it had been thirsting for all day.

Zeito's eyes widened, his mouth opened, his back even arched in pain, but no sound came from his mouth as the icepick embedded itself into his shoulder. Taito's eyes only glowed brighter and his insane smile widened.

The icepick was pulled out only to be brought down once again this time in the opposite arm.

"COME ON ZEITO!" Taito screamed as his brother's blood splattered onto his face,

"SCREAM! I KNOW YOU CAN!" Taito stabbed again and again making sure not to hit anything vital so Zeito could feel everything.

Zeito struggled, trying to get away from the icepick's point, but Taito had him pinned to the ground securely.


Zeito closed his eyes waiting for the pain to stop. He knew Taito wasn't aiming for his vitals. Taito was sadistic like that. It's why the icepick was so perfect for him. Unfortunately for Taito, Zeito was used to pain, and not afraid of death and thus, no sound escaped his lips.

Things became still momentarily and Zeito wondered if Taito had gotten bored.

Something warm hit Zeito's cheek bringing him back to reality. Zeito blinked and felt the substance on his cheek was liquid. His eyes wandered up to the purple Shion still sitting atop him.

"Why..." Taito asked as tears streamed down his cheeks and continued to hit Zeito.

"Why don't you ever fight back?!"

Zeito gasped one final time as the icepick was roughly pulled out of his shoulder.

"I'm always hurting you." Taito croaked out as his red eyes slowly dulled back to purple.

"You always fight me, but you never hurt me!"

Taito grabbed Zeito's bloody coat and brought Zeito to eye level with him.

"I know you know how to fight" Taito whimpered "So why haven't you just killed me yet?"

Zeito watched in disbelief as Taito just held him and cried. Taito was always the strong and silent type very similar to Zeito, It was rare to see Taito in such a vulnerable state.

It hurt to move any part of his body, and his entire nervous system screamed in protest as Zeito brought a hand up and placed it atop Taito's head.

"We're brothers..." he managed to say weakly.

This only made Taito's eyes tear up even more. He grabbed Zeito's chest and began to scream. Zeito didn't know what else to do but hold him.

"WHY DOESN'T SHE LOVE ME, ZEITO?!" Taito screamed into Zeito's chest.


For some reason Taito's crying face made Zeito smile. His face was covered with makeup and blood but he still managed to smile.

Zeito opened his mouth to speak.


Zeito's head snapped up before he could say anything. The were surrounded by police cars, and...EID vans? Looks like their ruckus had caught some unwanted attention.

"OFF THE GROUND AND RAISE YOURS ARMS SLOWLY ABOVE YOUR HEAD" a police officer yelled at them through a megaphone. Zeito looked around, they had dozen's of guns trained on them. If they were to make any sudden movements. They were dead.

"Let them take me" Taito continued to sob into Zeito's chest. "Better yet. Let them shoot me."

Zeito growled and stood up much to Taito's surprise.

Despite the blood that ran from all his wounds, Zeito had just stood up with Taito under his arm.


But Zeito had already taken off.

The air was filled with the sound of gunshots as Taito screamed at Zeito to leave him behind.


"OMG! I KNOW!" The Master screamed into the phone later that day. "NO! I WAS ACTUALLY AT THAT STORE WHEN IT HAPPENED!"

She said turning back to the TV watching the live news broadcast.

"Yeah! I was shopping with Zeito and Taito when I suddenly heard crashing. Luckily we got out. But can you believe it?! They say it was two errant vocaloids. They were never caught!"

Taito listened to his master rant and rave over the phone like there was no tomorrow.

"No. Zeito, Taito and I are okay. We all got out in time and met back at my place. I hope they catch them! Errants are so rare, it's scary to think there are some around here!"

Taito smiled. He wondered if this had finally been his last dance with Zeito. He looked over at Zeito standing in the corner just as Zeito looked over to him.

Taito just winked to which resulted in the smallest of smiles from Zeito.