"Wait. You don't have a scarf?"

The master asked incredulously, only now noticing the missing feature on her new creation. In all her time making Shions, each Shion always was made with a scarf. The fact that this black Shion did not have a pre-programed scarf meant she must have messed up the blue prints some how.

"Well that just won't do!" she said matter of factly crossing her arms. No Shion was complete without their very own scarf!

"Come over here~!" she said cheerily to the new Shion, grabbing his pale hand and leading him quickly to the other side of the room.

The Shion was quiet, his expression unreadable, as he allowed his master to lead him through her makeshift laboratory.

"Now where is it that old thing?" the master said rummaging through a dusty old box she hadn't been through in quite a long time. Zeito watched her as if confused by the girl before him. After many minutes of throwing various gadgets and clothing all about the floor, the Master finally managed to find what she was looking for.

"Here it is!" she said ripping out a dark red scarf from the bottom. She immediately dusted it off. It was a little dirty, but a perfectly fine scarf. She threw it around the black and red Shion's shoulders and wrapped it around his neck gently, before stepping back to see how it looked.

She immediately frowned. When she had seen the Shion's black and red color scheme she thought her old red scarf would have fit perfectly. However, the scarf now draped around the Shion was shades darker than the red in his coat. It looked a bit off.

"Sorry Zeito, this is all I have on me right now" she said apologetically. "Until we can get you a better scarf, can you take care of this old thing for me?"






The Master's request rang through Zeito's ears as he lay in a pool of his own blood a week later.

He didn't understand why these had to be his last thoughts. He didn't even like his Master. She had ripped him from a depressive string of code in Kaito's programing. Zeito had no other purpose in life other than to be sad.

How had the Master thought creating something from such a source was a good idea?

But as Zeito had learned very quickly after a week with the Shion family, the Master rarely "thought". She was rather foolish and usually leapt without thinking. There was nothing about his Master that Zeito cared for.

And yet...

As blood continued to pool around his sides, Zeito looked to the old scarf Master had given him. It lay a little out of his reach with rips and gashes all along its hems from the fight. She had asked him to look after that scarf and he had failed...

Something about this fact tore Zeito up inside.

Zeito tried to will away the tears. He wanted to think about something else before his system shut down forever. He didn't want this to be his last thought. He wanted to think about something pleasant for once. But he knew his coding would never allow for such a miracle.

Things began to get cold and dark. A figure rushed to his side and Zeito could vaguely hear yelling. But his mysterious savior had come too late. He couldn't identify the one standing over him. Or were there two people standing over him? He couldn't tell.

He let his eyes close, content that he could finally be freed from the torment that life had caused him in his full week of existence.

The voices seemed to panic over him.

He didn't care.


The Master couldn't help the terrified shriek as she walked into the room.

Kaito was holding a bleeding Zeito in his arms. Kaito's identical terrified face met his Master's.

"W-W-W-WHAT HAPPENED?!" She screamed. There was blood splattered around the living room. Paintings that had just been hung on the walls were now strewn about the room, the table was broken, the new TV lay in pieces about the room. It looked like a tornado had come through and destroyed the newly decorated living room.

"I-I-I-I DON'T KNOW!" Kaito stuttered in turn. "We heard crashes coming from the room, and we just found him like this!"

"AKAITO WHAT DID YOU DO?!" The Master screamed in fury rounding to the red one standing next to Kaito. Akaito immediately stiffened in fear and raised his hand defensively.

"I-I-I didn't do ANYTHING!" He stuttered loudly.

"You expect me to believe that after what you and Kikaito did to Zeito last wee-"

"Master it's true!" Kaito said in defense of his twin brother. "Akaito was with me the whole time. We both heard the crashing and came in together!"

The Master bit her lip as she looked at all the blood. Now was not the time to be arguing.

"It doesn't matter! Get him down to the new lab immediately!"

"R-right!" Both Kaito and Akaito stuttered in unison as Akaito helped Kaito pick Zeito up. All three of them ran out of the room as quickly as they could.


"Zeito, what happened?"

The glare that the master received in turn for the question was nothing new. Zeito always glared at his Master.

"Zeito, she's trying to help you..." Kaito said with worry.

"So quit glaring at her and show some gratitude! She just saved your life!" Akaito spat.

Zeito's expression did not change. Instead he just sat up from the lab table and excused himself from the room.

"Z-Zeito!" The master called after him.

Zeito did not pause to turn around or even falter at her call. How was he supposed to begin to tell them what had happened? How was he supposed to explain that Taito had just gone completely insane and attacked him?

Even if he did tell them all this, he doubted they would have believed him. He barely believed it himself. However, telling the Master anything about Taito was the last thing on Zeito's mind.

Zeito entered the destroyed living room that had yet to be cleaned up given the fight had taken place barely an hour ago. His attention then focused on the pathetic scrap of fabric heaped on the ground in the middle of the room. Zeito grimaced as he approached it. He didn't want to see how badly damaged it was again.

Picking it up slowly, Zeito's heart sank. The scarf was in worse shape than he remembered it. It was in complete tatters. It barely resemble a scarf any more. Zeito gritted his teeth as he threw the battered thing around his neck and pretended it was fine.

Zeito then went into the darkest corner of the room and just crossed his arms. He closed his eyes trying to think of something nice, some sort of scene from nature, anything to get his mind off all of these horrible memories running through his head.

He had only been alive for a WEEK. How could he have accumulated so many bad memories in just that short of amount of time? But that was the nature of his source code, wasn't it?


Zeito twitched in annoyance at the intrusion of his Master.

The Master made her way tentatively towards her black Shion as he turned his back to her, trying to tell her what he was feeling with his body language. The Master immediately saw she was not wanted in this room.

"Zeito, are you upset that I saved you?"

Zeito blinked before turning to his master with a surprised raised eyebrow. The master was usually so oblivious. The fact that she had made a decent observation genuinely surprised Zeito.

The moment Zeito made eye contact with his master, his heart dropped for the second time that day. She wore a hurt expression that looked like it was on the edge of bursting into tears. Zeito's eyes immediately glanced around the room looking for anything to stare at other than his master's sorrowful face.

His eyes focused intently on the destroyed TV where Taito had smashed his head into earlier.

Zeito's averting eyes were all the confirmation the Master needed. She sighed.

"I know you hate it when I'm around" she said with a surprisingly steady voice. She glanced around the room, just as Zeito had.

"I don't know what happened here but I get the feeling it was my fault somehow..."

She looked back at Zeito to take note he was not planning to look at her any time soon.

"So, if it makes you happier...I've rescheduled my Kripton embassy trip. I'll be flying out tomorrow"

No reaction...

Zeito just continued to look at the TV. The Master hefted another sigh. She hated to see Zeito like this and yet, this was the only way she had seen him all week.

"I wanted to give this to you before I go..."

Zeito finally broke his eyes away from the television to look up at his Master. She was holding out a shiny black yo-yo in her hands.

"Maybe you can use it to pass the time till I get back...?"

She said with a smile. Zeito continued to look at the yo-yo, to his master, and back to the yo-yo. However, the Master's smile began to falter as Zeito didn't move to accept the gift.

"You...don't want it?" she asked hesitantly.

Zeito just shook his head refusing to look at her again.

"Why not?" was all she could ask.

Another glance at his master's face.

It was another mistake...

Zeito felt sick to his stomach looking at her pained face.

He did not want to be made responsible for another one of his master's precious gifts. Instinctively, he clutched at the battered scarf, looking down at the miserable object mournfully. The Master blinked at the action, before a soft and understanding smile graced her lips.

"You're not going to break it..." she stated warmly "Plus, this yo-yo is yours to do with what you will! If you'd like I c-"

The Master did not finish her sentence as Zeito snatched the yo-yo from her grasp violently and quickly moved from the room.


Zeito gazed intently at the yo-yo as he walked into the Shion gardens next to the white bench, contemplating throwing the gift away before he could break it.

He made a motion to chuck the small thing as far as he could into the garden, but at the last second, he faltered. Annoyed with himself, he figured he might as well give the stupid thing a chance.

Instead of throwing it into the garden Zeito violently threw the yo-yo towards the ground, with the small string still attached around his finger.

He fully expected the yo-yo to bounce where he had thrown it and for it to come hurtling back into his face knowing his luck. Did yo-yos even "bounce"? He wasn't sure how they worked.

Zeito blinked at the sudden sharp whirring that reached his ears. He looked down at the yo-yo as it spun in place hovering above the ground. He didn't realize yo-yos could do such a fascinating thing. He stared at the yo-yo as it it spun and spun, moving around and around, without even really moving at all.

Zeito then tugged his finger sharply upward and the yo-yo snapped from its sleep mode and rocketed back to Zeito's hand as if he had meant to do said trick. Zeito stared confused by the now fascinating toy.

He hadn't even meant to and his first maneuver with the yo-yo had been a basic trick. He suddenly found himself becoming curious as to what other things yo-yos could do. He narrowed his eyes and threw the yo-yo again...


Later that morning, Kaito and Nigaito paused on their way to the new Shion Manor to watch the Black Shion in the garden playing with his new yo-yo. He didn't seem to know what he was doing, seeing as the yo-yo kept dying and Zeito would be forced to wind it up again. However this only made Kaito smile as he could see the determination in Zeito's eyes. It seemed their Master had been wise to give the small toy to Zeito as his mind was finally on other things...

Early that afternoon, Taito exited the Shion premise only to pause when the black Shion caught his eye. Zeito sat on the bench flipping through a Yo-yo tutorial book fervently, trying to figure out what to do next. Taito only glared at Zeito, not caring about the book's topic. The only thing he cared to notice was that Zeito didn't have a single cut on him from their battle that morning whereas Taito was covered in wounds which he expertly hid under his fresh new bandages. No one in the mansion suspected him of anything given he was always covered in bandages. Unable to keep his eyes on Zeito any more, Taito turned his head sharply and stomped off in annoyance.

Late that afternoon, Akaito and Kikaito came back from the arcade and walked up the Shion steps. It was Akaito who paused to point Zeito out to Kikaito. Kikaito followed Akaito gaze to see the spectacle that was Zeito. Zeito was pulling trick after trick off with what appeared to be a black yo-yo. From where Akaito and Kikaito stood, they could not see the many bruises all up and down Zeito's arms and face where the yo-yo had hit him multiple times from trick screw ups.

"Wow... That's pretty cool" Akaito said with an impressed tone.

"Whatever..." Kikaito grumbled turning away from the scene and heading back inside with a disgruntled expression now on his face. Akaito stayed to watch for a few more minutes, subconsciously also happy for Zeito's new found hobby.

Early that evening, Zeito was alone in the garden once again. He was determined to pull off an advanced maneuver he had been attempting for the past many minutes. Most of his fingers were black and blue due to abuse from the yo-yo, but he didn't care much about the pain.

The yo-yo zipped around his head multiple times before Zeito caught the string and made a complex pattern with it using his fingers. He then tugged the yo-yo back to return to his hand, but right before the yo-yo reached his hand, it died and pathetically hung there...

He had been very close that time. The problem was he hadn't thrown it hard enough to maintain the sleep. He was frustrated because he had thrown the yo-yo as hard as he could.

Zeito bit his lip and took a step back after winding his yo-yo back up. He was determined to keep trying this if it took him all day. Zeito stomped his foot forward and threw the yo-yo forward with all his might.

The resulting SNAP from the yo-yo string breaking in two made Zeito's blood run cold. He watched with horrified eyes as the black yo-yo clattered to the ground with what seemed like a deafening thud. Zeito blinked multiple times looking as the severed string still attached to his hand. His mind didn't seem to want to accept what he was seeing. More blinking and Zeito could feel the burning hot and silent tears running down his cheeks.

"You're not going to break it..."

His master had trusted him once again. And he had failed once more.

Zeito grabbed his head in agony as he looked at the yo-yo on the ground. Was he destined to destroy everything he touched? Zeito didn't want this to be real. His world shattered along with the string of the yo-yo...


The Master blinked late that night as there was a quiet knock on her door. Rarely anyone visited her at her old apartment, yet alone at this hour. She wondered if it was a good idea to answer the door or not.

"Z-Zeito?" she asked shocked wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her as she looked at the black Shion standing in her door way. Zeito refused to make eye contact with his Master as he held out the broken yo-yo to her.

The master blinked again and looked down at the broken toy in Zeito's hand.

"You broke it?" she asked, which only made Zeito flinch. The flinch was not lost on the Master as she looked to the yo-yo, to Zeito, and back to yo-yo just as he had done to her earlier that day.

She then let out a sigh followed by laughter.

"Zeito, that yo-yo is nothing special. You can easily get a new one for a couple credits down at the local toy store"

This sentence didn't seem to please Zeito. He presented the yo-yo to her again. The master seemed confused by this action. She tilted her head and looked up at Zeito before the ripped and tattered scarf caught her eyes. Seeing it in this light made her frown.

"Ugh. Now that I look at it, that scarf looks even more terrible on you than it did. Instead of a new yo-yo, why don't you let me replace your sca-"

The Master was interrupted as Zeito grabbed the Master's outreaching hand dangerously. He squeezed her wrist in warning before letting it go and taking a few steps away from her. Zeito looked away with something of a subtle pained expression.

With a shake of his head, he pocketed the yo-yo. It had taken all of Zeito's courage and pride to actually come here. Now that he was finally here, he was only making a fool of himself.

Zeito turned away sharply and began to move out of the complex quickly.

"Zeito? Zeito! W-wait!" The master stretched out her hand before quickly following after him. However the Shion was already marching down the complex's front steps by the time she caught up. "Zeito! Please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean t-" However, in her haste, she instantly tripped over the first step on the stairs and fell forward. Zeito turned in slow motion as he watched his Master fall.

The Shion Master was very accident prone. It was not a rare sight to see her tripping over small things she left all over the house. Many of the Shions did their best to clean up after her since she rarely did herself. Yet despite this, she was still tripping and slipping on every little thing.

That was until Zeito was created...

Since his creation, the Master had been one week accident free. Or...that was to say that accidents still DID happen. They were just...interrupted.

The Master blinked as Zeito caught her for the hundredth time that week. Whenever she fell, he always seemed to be by her side. She looked up into Zeito's face as he looked down at her. She couldn't help the small blush that graced her features.

"Thank you..." she smiled. "It seems you're always saving me"

Zeito's face immediately lit up into shades of red and he shoved her quickly away from him realizing how close they were. The Master miraculously did not fall over from the shove. Instead she extended her hand.

"I'm sorry Zeito. I didn't realize how much that yo-yo meant to you. If you'll let me, I'll be happy to fix it"

Zeito nodded and reached back into his pocket to give her the yo yo. The Master looked at the broken string.

"Haha! Easy fix! Just need to replace the string. Shouldn't take me more than a minute! You stay right here! I'll be right back!" She said gleefully running back into the complex. She nearly tripped on the stairs again but she caught herself just in time.

Zeito watched her go with a rather deadpan expression as he internally screamed at himself to stop blushing.