Title: All He Needs
Rating: K
Genre: Romance
Couple: Sonic/Blaze

It's not a chill that he can outrun this time. Sonic's teeth chatter, fists clench, while he struggles to move forwards. Eyes squinted, he wishes it will stop snowing. Sharp flakes dart into him, and he has to refrain himself from screaming. There is nothing more irritating than being disabled from using his speed. The blizzard is so strong it's pushing him back.

Sonic walks and walks, his feet shuffling through the knee-deep snow. He catches sight of some passer-byers, dressed warmly for the winter, and then realises he's an idiot for not wearing a coat. Wrapping his arms around his skinny frame, Sonic keeps his head low, allowing himself to drown in the humiliation of appearing like a fool.

The boy swallows, and his throat is sore, nose wet. He spots a clearing in the path, but decides to keep his feet in the snow. Allows himself to become completely drenched. By now, his quills are droopy, and his blue fur a mess. His toes feel like icicles, fingers numb and he can feel a headache coming along.

Yet despite the freeze he continues to walk.

Finally he reaches his destination and sighs when meeting the door. Sonic enters the tiny building, and hisses between his teeth once inside. It's still cold. The landlord refuses to put on the heating in the main hallway. A waste of valuable energy, he claims. Sonic's legs are stiff but he manages to dash up the staircase, before reaching his own apartment.

It is a miracle how he manages to grab the key and unlock the door. He's so cold. Sonic can't stop trembling, and the pain in his muscles is horrible. I've been out for too long this time. Stepping inside the apartment, Sonic almost collapses. A sudden flash of heat embraces his body and he sighs again, this time out of relief and pleasure.

Even though he still shivers, still holds himself, Sonic smiles, green eyes searching for the source of such warmth. He notices the kettle is ready, and tea has already been poured, waiting for him on the table. Soon he can feel himself again, the numbness begins to fade. Sonic approaches the drink and cups the mug in between his hands, lowering his nose to smell the herbal drink.

The contrast of the chill outside and the heat inside causes the window to steam. Sonic shivers violently, though this time out of comfort. He is content, and happy. And warm. The boy soon hears footsteps, and turns, watching a wonderful girl wrap a towel around him. She comments on how much of an "twat" he is for going out there wearing only shoes.

Sonic just smiles at her.

When the towel is replaced with a blanket, the boy hugs the girl, absorbs her heat. His cheeks flush, and he has to sniff often, but he no longer feels cold. Now, there is nothing but warmth. She rests her head on his chest, allowing him to hold her for a good few minutes, before breaking their affection, stating she has work to attend to.

He knows she shall stay here, though. Never leave him.

There isn't a home without her.

Although she sits a few metres away, working, she still brings a loving warmth to their little apartment. A beauty about her he knows she doesn't acknowledge. Sonic treasures this girl in every way, holds her close to keep him warm, holds her close to know he's still alive.

Draped in his blanket, Sonic sits down onto the chair, watches her. The smile never leaves his face.

'I'm glad I stayed.'

Blaze doesn't look up at him, but her eyes are fond.

author's note: I should do more of these AUs where Sonic and Blaze stay together. Thanks for reading!