Whatever Will Be

Rated T for language and some strong sexual content.

Chapter 1: "Just The Start"

Alcohol. Drugs. Idiots everywhere.

I turn around and try to find someone I know while I wait for Jade to get out of the bathroom, but I recognize no one. Why did Jade want me to go to this party anyway? How did she know these people? They all look so much older than we are. Jade and I are only seventeen.

I slump into a chair in the corner of the living room and watch a bunch of people play beer pong. I fake sip my drink and pray Jade will walk in any second. I check my phone and realize ten minutes has passed since she said she had to use the bathroom. At first, I think there could be a line, but a sinking feeling rises in my stomach and I ask the girl next to me where the bathroom is. She looks at me with disgust and speaks in a slur. "Upstairs to the right." I thank her and run upstairs.

I am missing the finale of America Sings for this stupid party, dammit. I walk slowly as I look for the bathroom and I see it with the door wide open. Panic hits me hard and my heart rate quickens. I spin around and slam into a guy who pushes me away and keeps walking as he looks me up and down giving me a dirty look. I apologize and run the other way. God, this house is like a fucking maze. I start looking in every room and a few moments later, I hear shouting and it seems like everyone is rushing over to the source. I start following people and approach the basement door.

"You fucking man whore," I hear a voice scream. A voice I recognize instantaneously. My heart is pounding in my ears as I push people out of the way to get downstairs. I immediately see Jade - tear stricken, tired, and heart broken - and I glance at who she's yelling at and I nearly faint as I see it's Beck, who happens to be only in his underwear. I had no idea he was at this crazy party.

Jade pushes him, screaming creative profanity at the top of her lungs. Beck tumbles over due to the amount of alcohol he's most likely had. I rush over to them before things get worse - and I still have no idea why's he's almost naked. I try to ignore that little bit of information, but suddenly a half naked female with long blonde hair comes into my view. And then it hits me.

Beck was cheating on Jade.

And she's fucking mad. And I don't fucking blame her.

"What is going on?" I ask, stepping between them so Jade doesn't strike again. Beck already has a bloody lip, I'm assuming from her.

"I'll tell you what's going on! This stupid fucktard was having sex with some dirty slut bag," Jade screams, her mascara is running and I'm in complete shock. I stand frozen, not knowing what to do. I mean, what can I do? I've never seen Jade like this. Ever. It's extremely unsettling to see her like this.

"We weren't having sex," the blonde slut counters.

"Don't fuck with me," Jade says taking a step toward her. "You were about to." I grab her arm in warning. The last thing she needs is to get into a physical fight.

"I'm sorry, Jade," Beck says, stilling laying on the floor completely drunk. "I'm sorry."

"Put that on your grave, asshole. We're over. I never want to see your fucking face again." And with that she storms off. I look at Beck in complete shame and I run after Jade.

"Jade! Jade! Jade, wait up!" She sprints to her car and starts it only a second later. I get in the passenger side quickly and take out the key. "Jade, I don't think you're okay to drive."

"I'm fine," she mumbles as silent tears slide down her cheeks.

"No, you're not. You had some drinks. Let me drive."

She looks at me. "You don't have your licence, remember? You failed your road test."

"I don't care right now. You're in no position to drive."

She stares at me and bursts into tears before I can even react. "I hate him," she sobs. "I hate him so much. I didn't even know he was going to this party. I can't believe this." She leans her head against the steering wheel and sits there crying, her shoulders rising up and down as she chokes out sobs.

I rub her back awkwardly. "You should stay at my house tonight," I say sweetly.

She shakes her head.

"Please," I urge her. "I think it's best. I'll drive you to your house so you can get your pajamas and clothes for tomorrow. Come on, we can have a slumber party and we won't talk about boys. We can watch movies all night and I'll let you use whatever swears you want as loud as you want."

She glances at me and wipes some tears. "Fine."

We get out of the car at the same time and switch sides. I start up the car and she grabs my wrist as I grip the steering wheel tightly. "Don't tell anyone about this. Promise?"

"I promise," I reassure her. And as I drive to her house, I wonder if she means what happened with her and Beck or the fact that she's sleeping over my house, or maybe both.

I go inside with her and I see her room for the first time. It's red and black and scary - it's Jade. I feel as though seeing Jade's room for the first time is some kind of huge stepping stone - like Jade really trusts me and maybe actually considers me her friend now.

We drive to my house and it's half past midnight when we arrive. We walk inside slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible. As soon as I shut the door, the lights in the kitchen turn on and my mom storms over to me.

"Tori, where the hell have you been? Do you think it's acceptable to come home this late?" Oh boy, she's pissed.

"In my defense it's a Saturday night," I reply quietly. "Um, can Jade sleep over please?"

My mom looks like she wants to scream at me, but when she looks over at Jade and can see how distraught she is, she takes a deep breath. "Jade, why don't you go on up to Tori's room and get ready for bed."

Jade does as told and runs off. I turn to my mom and force a small smile. "Thanks."

"What happened? Why does it look like she was crying her eyes out?"

"Because she was. We were at a party and Jade caught Beck cheating on her, so she dumped him and she's really heartbroken about it."

She sighs. "Was there drinking at this party?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, but I don't drink so you don't need to worry. I'm gonna go check on Jade."

And before my mom can say anything else, I run up to my room to find Jade in her pajamas sitting on the floor in front of my bed hugging her knees. I sit down beside her, so close that our limbs have contact - which oddly makes me feel kind of lightheaded and I'm not sure why.

"You okay?" I ask and then mentally slap myself for it. Obviously she's not okay.

"I'm wonderful," she says bitterly. "Yeah, it's very comforting to see your half naked boyfriend rubbing some random girl's underwear and making out on some old couch that smells like sex as they act like nothing's wrong at all. I'm amazing, thanks for asking. This is a great day."

She's evidently holding back tears and I bite my lip roughly to try to rid myself of the guilt. "I shouldn't have asked. Sorry."

"I'm going to sleep now," she says, changing the subject. She stands up and jumps in my bed curling up under the covers. I go into the bathroom to change into my pajamas, brush my teeth, and then walk in my room slowly. I hesitantly lay down beside Jade and drift off to a deep sleep.

A/N: This was kind of short, but I promise future chapters will be longer. Love it? Hate it? I won't know unless you leave a review.