Alfred knew he just knew that Ivan wanted to ask him something. He often heard the Russian pacing back and forth, and back and forth. Most of the time it lasted a few minutes then he would join America on the couch and put something on the television, and it would always be something that Alfred had already seen or could easily imagine what was happening. Their life was good now, no one was trying to break them up, except for a crazy Belarus, but that was easily handled with a call to Ukraine.

England no longer had a crush on America, or at least the Frenchman said after a hurried phone call with the other yelling in the back ground to hurry up and get over there to put his mouth to better use. So long story short they were either friends-with-benefits, or in a relationship. Not that it mattered much in the long run since all the other nations had been betting that they would get together at one point or another, again though, Matthew won that too. Alfred was convinced that he had weird magic Canadian powers, to which Canada answered "The maple syrup tells me everything."

The one thing that 'The Magic Syrup' hadn't told him was that he was going to drawn to a person who was no longer a nation. Prussia had found out that the Canadian made 'awesome' pancakes and was now over his house every morning for breakfast. At some point though they found themselves going out on a lunch date, which quickly turned into a movie date, that ended in dinner and a phone call to Alfred telling him all about it. Not even three days later, Gilbert had asked Matthew out on another date.

Ivan was more than happy for the Canadian. Alfred assumed that it was because he wanted to see that Matthew was now happy, like himself, but Ivan liked the fact that he didn't have an overly protective mother hen watching his every move now. He could be with Alfred without the annoying actions of his brother. He liked Matthew he really did, but he had too much after the first month.

There was one more thing he had to do with the Canadian though before he truly is done with the annoying questions.

"You want me to what," the said nation asked, surprised.

"I want you to go with me to pick out Alfred's engagement ring. Please."

Matthew squealed and jumped up and down. "Ivan I am so happy right now, of course I will go with you. Do you know what kind of ring he will want though?" The normally pale nation went entirely white. "Don't worry, I'll help, I'll be the super secret hero." Both Ivan and Gilbert, who had come out of the kitchen when heard the squeal, marveled at just exactly how much the twins were alike.

"Birdie, are you okay?" The Prussian found himself a bit concerned and looked at Ivan, who shrugged.

"Perfectly fine, when do you want me to find out for you?" He was more excited about this then Ivan had originally thought he was going to be.

"Um," he glanced at the Prussian who shrugged. "Whenever is good for you da?" He asked, receiving the nod of approval for Gilbert.

The Canadian nodded and turned to face him. "Let's see we have a date today, I have paperwork tomorrow. I can do it Monday then, so in three days," Matthew replied turning back after Gilbert smiled, glad he wasn't going to blow off their date. Ivan nodded and was off, back to the American's house.

Monday rolled around very quickly for the Russian. Matthew was going to help him, he was sure, and Alfred was going to love his ring he was sure of it.

Matthew arrived not long after noon, and Ivan was going out, telling the two brothers that he had some work to take care of.

Then Canadian chuckled a bit and started off with some small talk and watched Alfred a bit more carefully then he had before.

He noticed things like how he moved more confidently, and how Russia convinced him to get a Seeing Eye dog. He noticed as well how much Alfred and Ivan really did help each other. When Alfred came out with two drinks for them, without asking for any help, he silently gave Ivan his blessing to go ahead and marry his brother.

"So Alfie, did you know that after all this time Francis had England an engagement ring?" He brought it up.

"Dude, they hated each other for years? Did he think it was friendly flirting?"

"Oui," the Canadian answered simply.

"Do you think that it's a girly ring or what?" He asked, facing his brother.

"Not sure, I don't think that England would accept it if it were. What do you think?"

The American thought for a moment. "You know personally, if it was Ivan and myself I wouldn't even mind something girly. I mean, I thought I would like something plain, but there is more tradition in the other kind. It has more meaning, now I wouldn't want something too big or shiny, but it's not just my ring, he is giving it to me." Alfred concluded and shrugged. "Why are you asking?"

"Well, I just wanted your opinion. I think though that you are right." With that said and done, their ring talk was concluded for the day.

It was a few more days before Matthew and Ivan could get out, to go ring shopping, between work and such, but Ivan went by himself a bit, before though, just to have a few things in mind.

Alfred was hanging out with Gilbert on a normal afternoon in the middle of June. First they went out to one of the expensive jewelry stores, and Ivan didn't like it. They were rude to him and Matthew, after that Ivan and the other twin left, both deciding to get the ring somewhere else.

They went everywhere they could think of, small stores, big stores, even the stores in the mall. Nothing that would truly make Ivan happy about, sure Alfred would like them, but it just wasn't the same. He was about to give up, when he heard the soft spoken Canadian call his name. He went over and agreed with him, that was the ring.

It was plain, a simple silver ring, though inscribed on the side it said 'I love you' Ivan looked at Alfred's brother and nodded, agreeing with him, that was the one. The clerk came over and asked them if he could help the two. Matthew, who was easier to understand, explained.

"This is going to be my brother's fiancé, and he wanted to take a look at that ring right there." He spoke softly, but the clerk smiled and nodded getting the ring and handing it to the Russian. The man began telling them about it and Matthew looked like he was listening, but Ivan wasn't. "I like it." Came a gruff reply and Canada nodded and took it from him.

He slipped it on his own finger before looking at the Russian. "Our fingers are about the same size, so that way we can get it fit and everything in one go." He said causing Ivan to nod. "Da, okay."

"Actually this is a perfect fit."

Ivan smiled and turned to the clerk. "We will take it." The man nodded and took the ring from Matthew, wrapping it up and even giving the big Russian a nice little discount. Ivan dropped Canada off and then went home himself.

"Fredka, I am home." He announced.

"Hey Vanya," he called from the living room. The Russian walked in and smiled at him, before leaning down and kissing his cheek. "Have a good day?" America asked chuckling a bit.

"Da, very good day," he replied happily, sitting beside him. Gilbert, how had gotten up to take a call came back in the room.

"Hey dude, I got to go, Birdie is going to be home soon," he said, giving a wink to Ivan. "See you later," with that Prussia was out the door.

Everything from then on proceeded normally. Ivan and Alfred flew back to Russia for the rest of June, and came back for Canada's birthday in July. Ivan didn't start getting anxious until the third.

On the fourth, Alfred was having all of his friends and family over again, and everyone came. Even Arthur, and since it was his first birthday he was spending with the American since the revolution, well, he had a lot of presents for him. France came as well, announcing to America that his little insight on that day was helpful to him.

Alfred just smiled and greeted everyone that came. They were having a cook out party since he had one every year and this year it proceeded without a problem. When it got closer to opening the gifts Alfred had gotten Russia got more and more nervous. When it was time he was just a complete wreck.

"Hey guys," Denmark called out to everyone. "It's time to open the presents." Everyone filed in for that. It was cramped and some people had to sit on laps, but everyone fit. Ivan came forward first.

"Fredka, I have a question to ask you."

Alfred turned his face upwards, a soft smile playing at his lips, letting the Russian know that he was truly happy at that moment. It also let him know that he had the American's full and undivided attention. "What is it Vanya?"

Instead of answering right away, he took Alfred's hand and brought it his lips, kissing it softly, while getting down on one knee. "Just, I wanted to ask if you would marry me."

There was no doubt in Alfred's mind that if he had asked in Russian there would have been more of a speech, and more of a proclaim of love. Ivan wasn't good with English words, but it was alright, since Alfred wasn't good with Russian ones either.

"Yes, yes, of course I will." He answered softly, pulling him up and throwing himself in Ivan's arms, hugging him tightly. Ivan pulled back for a moment and slipped on the ring. Alfred didn't take his eyes away from Russia's face, but he ran his fingers over it and smiled. "It says something," he stated before realizing.

Some tears started forming in his eyes as he replied "I love you too, Vanya."

Everyone knew that at that point all of their own gifts wouldn't seem to matter, but for the most part known one cared. There was some complaining from Denmark, but Norway just hit him and he shut up. Matthew was very happy for his brother and leaned against Prussia, sighing happily.

Arthur looked at France and sighed happily. "I guess I was an idiot." He said simply. All the he did in return was to hug him. "That's a yes."

"Don't worry about what you did in the past, it helped the two of them get to this point." Francis replied. "Besides, we made love for the first time in ages that night, and it was because of Amerique."

England smiled a bit, though he would deny it later. "He is a big oaf."

"Oui, but a big oaf who takes care of things, no?" Arthur nodded and agreed with him.

"Let's go, they are going to need their alone time." With that, the two left, and it started the trend people leaving giving them their own time together.

"Thank you, so much, I enjoyed my birthday." Alfred said, once the others left. "You took Matthew with you didn't you?"

"Da, I did." Came the reply. "He was excited for us, and he was the one who found the ring." He admitted. "I went back and added the last part." Alfred grinned and kissed his husband lovingly.

Ivan took the ring back and hand something else engraved. I love you Sunflower, your Vanya.